|| "I'm not weird..." ||

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Reader's POV

"Wow~! This drink really tastes so heavenly!" A boy was holding a glass of Tok Aba's hot chocolate drink, and it seemed to me, his eyes were sparkling with joy as he took another sip. This boy right here... he sort of reminds me of a kid who got a new toy.

"Heavenly huh?" Tok Aba softly chuckles, before turning to his grandson Boboiboy, one of the heroes of Earth. "How long will you be staying here? One week? Two days?"

Boboiboy grins at him, "Three weeks, Atok!"

"O~h, then the same goes with this hot chocolate devourer?" Tok Aba asks, looking directly at the boy who had been slurping his hot chocolate cheerfully.

"Yup! Sai and Shielda wanted to come with us to Earth!" Boboiboy exclaims, as the boy quickly places his hot chocolate drink down.

"H-hey! I didn't want to come! I-i just went here to accompany Shielda!" The boy, who I assume is Sai, yells in protest. "I wasn't here because of the hot choco!"

I roll my eyes at him and I couldn't help but think "No one would've believed you if you said that buddy, trust me."

Suddenly, a cup was quickly placed in front of me. "Here you go, (Y/N)! A cup of hot chocolate!" Startled, I slightly jolt up from my seat. This grandpa is too sneaky sometimes! I didn't even notice him make the hot chocolate! What is he? A retired ninja? I shook my head as I removed those silly thoughts, I then looked up at Tok Aba with a smile, "Geez... you really surprised me, Tok Aba! How do you manage to be so silent?"

The old man gives me a wrinkly smile in return, "This old man has learned a thing or two from hiding."

I chuckle, he was most likely talking about the times he hid from aliens who tried to harm him and his grandson or the ones who tried to take Ochobot. "I could learn to become a ninja from you, maybe I can even help defeat those weird aliens." I told him with a grin.

"Ninja? Hah! I could turn you into a deadly assasin!"

I laughed, "That would be awesome, Tok Aba!"

He chuckled in response, his expression was cheery and bright, this was probably because his grandson finally came back to Earth. I couldn't help but smile at the sight, Tok Aba was one of the few residents who had welcomed me here in Pulua Rintis; in fact, he's been taking care of me as if I was his grandchild! Hehe I think I'm replacing Boboiboy! Nope just kidding, there's no way I could replace Boboiboy! Tok Aba's love for him is impossible to overthrow. Family relationsh-

"You're (Y/N) right?"

I quickly turn to the direction of the voice and my eyes widened in surprise. Boboiboy was looking down at me, smiling as bright as the sun. "Uh yeah... why?"

His smile grew, "Finally nice to meet you! Tok has told me a lot of stories about you!"

"Oh really? Did any of those stories happen to mention about me chasing my younger brother around the whole neighborhood?" I asked harmlessly with a grin of my own.

Boboiboy laughed, "Maybe."

My grin faded away as I heard what he said and I gasped, "Don't tell me he did! Tok Aba said he would keep it a secret!"

"Hm... I remember him telling me that you tripped and landed right on your face." Boboiboy said, shooting Tok Aba a sly look. "He mentioned it quite often."

"I feel betrayed. Tok Aba said he wouldn't tell anyone..." I thought bitterly, drinking my hot chocolate grumpily, finishing the said drink in one go. "Damn old man, how could he tell my embarrassing moments."

Boboiboy smiled, "Embarrassing for you, for us... not so much. Sai and Shielda found it entertaining! They laughed so hard when they heard the story!"

I blinked twice. "Sai and Shielda? Sai? That choco-addicted boy?" I thought as my eyes drifted to the boy seated across, he was holding his earlier-filled cup, staring at it as if it was the most precious thing in the entire universe.

"Oh..." I replied, my brows knitted gradually. "Wait a minute... Tok Aba also told them?!" A look of horror and realization crosses my face, my mouth was left agape.

Boboiboy scratched his nape nervously, "Well u-um... he actually told everyone in the station."

"What?! Noooooo!" Banging my head on the table as I yelled in distress. "Even those weird aliens know about it?! That's just great!"

I could hear Boboiboy softly chuckling behind me, I'm glad to know you find my sorrow amusing. Note the sarcasm, my bright child.

"Boboiboy!" I hear a feminine voice call out Boboiboy's name, and out of curiosity, I raised my head and looked behind me. A girl with a full pink outfit was approaching us, a beautiful smile plastered on her face. My eyes gradually traveled to the two girls behind her, the one further back however, caught my eye. She wore quite a unique attire. Unlike the two girls in front of her, she wore clothing that looked similar to armour... or maybe it was armour.

"Yaya! Ying! Shielda! Are you three done with the tour?" Boboiboy said with a grin, his eyes however were glued to the girl wearing the full pink outfit. "So... How was it?"

I mentally roll my eyes, "Can this boy be any more obvious? I can see you staring at her. You ain't slick."

Yaya beamed cheerfully at Boboiboy, seeming to have not notice the young hero's obvious gaze on her. "It was great! The three of us had a lot of fun!"

"Indeed, Yaya and Ying took me on a stroll in one of the beaches of your planet." It was the girl with the unique attire that spoke up. "I must say it was rather relaxing..."

Judging from her phrase of 'in one of the beaches of your planet', I deduced that she was probably 'Shielda', the sibling of that weird choco-addicted alien boy over there. After all, her features and her clothing were even similar to his.

"Oh? This is (Y/N)?"

Hearing my name, my attention is snapped back to their conversation. Looking at them, I could see that the three girls smiling at me. Awkwardly, I smile back in return, "Note to self, try to practice socializing with people in crowds."

"Yup, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you three! I bet you've heard the embarrassing stories about me?" I said as I recall my interaction with Boboiboy earlier.

Ying giggled, "Tok Aba doesn't miss the chance to tell us."

I muster an airy laugh, glaring at Tok Aba inside my head. "Really now? Hahaha... How... nice of him to use me as entertainment."

"Ah don't worry about that! Everyone in TAPOPS headquarters are always busy! They forget some things easily." Yaya quickly assured me. She must've noticed my gloomy expression.

I simply nod my head and smiled. Maybe noting down my mood, Ying expertly diverted the conversation to a different topic. It was something about camping? Probably something they planned to do as a part of their vacation.

"Hey guys! We found a spot!"

"The people continue to increase..."

Approaching us, were two other guys. Seeing how the gang were slowly getting together, I assume they were Fang and Gopal.

"Awesome! So where are we camping?"

"Do you remember the floating island? Well..."

I tuned out their conversation, drowning myself in my own thoughts. The floating island? Was that a resort? Now that I think about it, Tok Aba did mention it before. The one with the 'powersphera' hunters was it? ...I'll have to ask him about it again.

A tap on my shoulder made me snap out of my thoughts, Ying's voice followed. "We're gonna get going now! It was nice to meet you!"

I looked at her and smiled, "Okay. It was also nice meeting you guys."

"See you around (Y/N)!" Most of them waved me a farewell before they began to talk among themselves. Their excitement were practically around the place.

"These people are really friendly." I told to no one. "They're weird..." I looked at the empty cup and thought "Maybe they learned it from the aliens."

Just as I was going to stand, a familiar voice told me.

"We're not weird."

...This? Wasn't this the voice of the choco-addicted boy? I quickly turn around, only to lock eyes with bright green. Suddenly seeing him in front of me, my brain stopped for a moment. Didn't he leave with the others? Wait... My eyes blinked slowly, what did he just say?

"I said, we're not weird."

Weird? What is he talking about- oh. Did he hear what I said earlier? Judging from his expression, he probably did. I better clear things up. "I'm sorry but I think you took my words the wrong way."

He stared at me blankly. Hey! I'm telling the truth! "When I called you guys weird, I didn't mean it the bad way."

"Then what did you mean by that?" His eyes narrowed at me, I can already see the gaze of suspicion.

I know you're an alien but your gaze is really rude. Well let's just get this over with. My little brother is waiting for me at home.

I mustered a smile, "You're friends were very friendly unlike the usual folks, so I called them weird. It's a form of calling someone strange or different."

One could feel his gaze burning through my skin. "My friends are not weird." Okay. I get it. They're not weird. I'm sorry for calling them that. Jeez...

As time ticked by, the silence between us grew. Now, I declare that the atmosphere has become awkward. I'll take this as a sign to go. I left the money on the table and bid Tok Aba goodbye. As I was just about to leave, a few words were muttered to the air.

"I'm not weird..."

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