Chp.2 Flashback

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-Marco's POV-

A couple months ago, I was walking with Star as we were heading home. We were talking about school stuff when Lars and two of his friends bumped into us as he gave us his evil smile on his face.

Lars: Hey Nerds, where you two headed??

Marco: O-Oh H-Hey Lars-W-We were just-

Star: We're just going home Lars, why you wanna know??

Lars: Just saying, Hey nerd boy, I want you to do something.

Marco: Y-Yeah??

Lars pull out a piece of paper, which was the homework that Ms. Skullnick gave us today.

Lars: I want you to do my homework!

Marco: Wh-What??

Star: Lars, why are you being such an ass to Marco??! Stop teasing Marco like that!

Lars: Hey! Do you mind! Or do I have to give you a wet willie!

Star stood silent.

Lars: Now as I was saying...

Lars then placed his homework on my chest as he gives me that death look on his eyes.

Lars: You better do my homework nerd! And if you don't...then I'm gonna pummel you! GOT IT?!

Marco: Y-Yes!! I'll do it!

Lars: Good, lets go boys.

Lars then walks away as his two friends slammed mines and Star's books to the ground as they walked away laughing.

Star: Man do I hate that fat piece of shit!

Marco: I-I know, me too.

Star: Marco, you have to do something, you can't be bully like that.

Marco: I'm trying but he's just too scary, I mean come on Star, you're scare of him too.

Star: . . Yeah, he does give me chills, man I wish I can just teach him a lesson with my magic, but I don't wanna end up killing him.

Marco: Heh...

???: Need Help?

(YN) came by as he saw me and Star picking our stuffs up.

Marco: (YN)!

Star: Oh hey (YN)! Sure, you can give us a hand.

(YN): Cool.

As he helped us, we then started walking to our house. (YN) lives a block away from me. As we were almost to our houses, (YN) then was curious about why were are books on the floor.

(YN): Hey Guys, I've been meaning to ask you, why were your books on the floor??? Did you guys trip or something??

Marco: Well- not really...

Star: Lars and his friends did it.

(YN): That sack of load of sack of shit?! Why!?!

Marco: You know how he is, he's a bully, and he likes to tease with me a lot.

(YN): Why did that piece of shit did it anyways!?!

Star: He forced Marco to do his homework and if not then he would get pummeled.

(YN): What?! That's stupid. Lars should pick on somebody else rather than my best friend Marco, I'll teach him a lesson for messing with Marco.

Marco: N-No, it's fine (YN), I can handle it.

(YN): Dude, Marco, are you hearing yourself?? Your still gonna get bullied by that pile of shit. You have to stand up for yourself bro. You can't let that bastard tease you like that. And besides, if I was you I would have beat him up and show him some manners.

Star: I don't wanna say this Marco, but (YN)'s right, you have to stand up for yourself, stand up to Lars and show him who he's messing with.

Marco: W-Well...I-I...

(YN) then placed both of his arms on my shoulders.

(YN): Marco, bro, listen; You have to stop being a whimp bro, you have karate moves, you can use those on Lars and show him who's the man, and I know you can do it, because I believe in my bro.

Marco: Y-You do??

(YN): Of course man, I always believe in you bro.

Marco: Gee, I-I don't know hat to say...Thanks for the heads up (YN), now I feel better.

(YN): Any time bro, you got this! Now, I have to go and do my homework, don't do Lars, tomorrow show him that your not a whimp anymore! Show him that you're Marco Diaz.

Marco: O-Okay, I will.

(YN): Okay, we'll see ya tomorrow, bye Marco, bye Star.

Star: Bye (YN)!

I then waved bye to (YN). I blushed for a moment as I then place my hand where my heart is, it started to beat slowly. Why am I having this feeling towards. Then I started to feel happy that (YN) motivated me to stand up to myself.

Marco: You know what Star?

Star: Yeah?

Marco: (YN) is Right, I should stand up to myself, I can't let Lars push me like that, no I'm tired of it! Tomorrow I'm going to go up to Lars and tell him that I'm not a push over.

Star: Wow, what (YN) told you Did motivated you huh?

Marco: Yeah...Somehow he did...and he always believe in me.

Star: Yeah, Come on Diaz let's go inside already.

Marco: Okay.



Marco: Lars, I'm sick and tired of being a pushover by know what are you, you're nothing but a big pile of sack of...SHIT!

After what I said to Lars, I can see the anger of his face as he started to raise his anger up.

Lars: No one...Talks to Lars Vanderdud like that!!!

Marco: Well guess What? I just did! And what are you-

Before I can finish my sentence, Lars pushed me to the lockers as I bumped into it as he then punch me in the face as I fell down. His two friend stick me up as they hold my arms for Lars to punch me as a punching bag.

-Star's POV-

I was walking with Janna and Jackie when we then saw Marco getting beat up by Lars.

Star: Girls look!

Jackie: Oh my gosh!! Marco is in trouble!!

Janna: That Lars!! Let me at him!! Let me at HIM!!

Star: Janna Wait!

Janna: But Marco's in trouble!

Star: I know, and I know someone who can save him!

Janna: Who!?!

I then stared running to look for (YN).

Jackie: Hey, wait for us Star!

Jackie and Janna came with me as we stared to look for (YN) which luckily we did found him laying down and relaxing as he had his head tilted to a tree listening to music as we then woke him up.

Star: (YN)!! (YN)!!! Wake up!!

(YN): Huh wha!!!!? Star!? What happen??!

Star: Please come quick, it's Marco! He's getting beat by Lars and his bastard friends!

(YN): WHAT!?! WHERE!?!

Janna: At the lockers!


(YN) got up aggressively as he then rushed to save his Marco.

Jackie: D-Do you think (YN) can stop Lars??

Star: Don't worry Jackie, he will. He's a good fighter, I can tell.

-(YN)'s POV-

I stared to run aggressively as I started searching for Marco. And then I did, I can see him getting pummeled by Lars and his friends...That bastard...he's gonna pay!


Lars: Huh?!

I then rushed towards him as I then lifted my arm up, clenched my hand into a fist, and aggressively punched Lars in the face as he fell down to the ground. His two friends try to stop me but that was a bad decision as I dodged one punch from them as I punched one in the gut, then gave him an uppercut. The other one tried to attack me from behind but I turned around quickly as I punch him straight to his nose as both of them were down as I looked at Lars as he was on the ground shaking his head. I ran towards him angrily as I got on top of him, grabbed him from his shirt and stared punching him several times.

(YN): You bastard! Don't you ever (PUNCH) mess (PUNCH) with my (PUNCH) BEST FRIEND!!! (PUNCH) do you understand!?!!

I started to give Lars the death stare as he then stared to get afraid of me as he said...

Lars: P-Please...I-I won't do it again...! J-Just let me go!

(YN): If i see you get near to Marco, i swear ima break those teeth's of yours and surely I'll make you swallow them until you choke on them, GOT IT!?!

Lars: Y-Yes..!!

(YN): Well, get the hell out of here!

I got off from him as he got up and ran ways as his friends as well. I stared breathing heavily as I looked at my hands filled with blood. Gosh did that felt good. But most importantly, i need to check on Marco if he's okay, as I turned around to see where he's at, he was at the ground as he stared to get up plainly as he had a bloody nose. I walked up to him as I helped him.

(YN): Marco! Are you alright!?! Oh crap you have a bloody nose, I need to take you to the—M-Marco??

Marco stared to shed tears as he was crying.

(YN): Marco!? Are you-

Marco then hugs me tight as he stared to sob and said...

Marco: I did what you said (YN) *Sniffs* I did this for you! I did it because you've Believe in me *Sobs sadly* I thought if I did, you would be proud of me for what I did, but I didn't...I had to fuck it up *More sadly sobs* I tried (YN), I tried! I-I'm sorry! *More sadly sobs*


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

While hearing Marco sobbing in tears, he had his face on my chest as he felt sad for not doing what I told him...I feel so sad for him, Im upset that fact he didn't do what i told him...Im just had he actually did it, for me.

(YN): Shh Shh it's okay, it's okay...don't worry Diaz. It's okay...Im just had you stand up for yourself...I'm happy for you bro.

We both then got to our knees as he was still hugging me and decided to hug him as well to cheer him up.

(YN): Its Okay Marco, You did great, I'm happy for you bro.

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