Chp.4 Heading to Prom

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-Marco's POV-

It was about to be night, it was 7:00pm, I was getting dressed up for prom. I looked at the mirror to see how my suit looks on me. By the looks of it, I look really good. I hope (YN) does when he comes to my house. Suddenly star enters my room, she was ready already as she had her dress.

Star: Hey Marco.

Marco: Hey Star, looking good today.

Star: Aw thanks, not too shabby for you as well.

Marco: Hehe, Thanks.

Star: You think (YN) is gonna like it as well?

Marco: I-I don't know...I mean, do I look good?? Tell me?? I don't wanna like that ugly!

Star: Woah chill out Diaz, of course you do, besides he's gonna have his eyes on you only.

Marco: Y-You...You really think so?

I blush as I scratch my head from behind..

Star: Totally, and also he's gonna have his eyes on that ass you got too :3

Marco: STAR!!!

I blush.

Star: (Giggles) joking, joking, just having a little fun.

I then hear the door bell ring.

Star: Oh, that must be him already.

Marco: What really!?!

Star: Yeah, I'll go get it.

Marco: Okay, I'll be there in a minute!

Okay Marco, cool it. This is your chance to tell him at prom, you got this. You've been waiting to tell him since middle school.

-Star's POV-

I rush downstairs as I saw the laser puppies barking at the door.

Star: Out the way my little ones.

I then open the door as (YN) was there waiting.

Star: Oh hey (YN)!

(YN): Hey Star, my you're looking good today.

Star: Aw Thank you, and look at you! You're looking great! Nice outfit you got.

(YN): Thanks, my mom bought it.

(YN) was wearing a black an white tuxedo, black pants and black shoes.

(YN): Is Marco ready?

Star: Yeah...MARCO! You ready??

Marco: Coming!

-(YN) POV-

(YN): So, where are Mr. and Mrs. Diaz??

Star: Oh they're on vacation, they won't be here in a couple of weeks.

(YN): Oh cool.

Star: Yeah.

(YN) as I waited for Marco, I Can the footsteps coming towards upstairs, I then see Marco showing himself with his outfit.

He started walking downstairs as I started to see him walking down. Man, I never He's looking quite good...Wait, the fuck am I saying!?! (Shakes his head) must be thinking wrong, but still he's looking fresh.

Star: About time.

Marco: Sorry, had to put perfume.

Star: Oh you.

He then faces me as he walks up to me slowly and says...

Marco: Hey (YN)...

(YN): Oh, Uh...Sup bro...y-your looking...nice...I mean cool, cool! Hehe...(Scratches head from behind)

Marco: Hehe, thank you...and-You're looking good as well-I mean cool,cool!

(YN): Yeah, you know me, always swagged out.

He laughs as I somehow started to turn red. Why the hell am im like this...and, what is this feeling I have in my body?!! It's feels, warm.

Star: Enough Blabbering! We're gonna miss out the best event on school year!

(YN): Oh shoot right! We should get going!

Marco: Aw man, it's about to be 8 in 10 minutes, we'll never make it.

Star: Don't worry guys, that's why I got THIS!

Star pulls out her dimensional scissors.

(YN): Cool!

Marco: Great, let's head to the school.

Star opens a portal as we all went in to head to our prom. Minutes later, we then got out of it as we ended up at the outside of the school. I can hear the DJ playing the music already and everyone dancing and partying like crazy.

Star: Come on, let's go guys.

We all went to the entrance of the gym. As we entered, the gym was packed, everyone were dancing and some were at the table chillin.

Star: Well, looks like we came in the right time.

Jackie: You guys, over here!

We then see Jackie and Janna sitting on a table, saving spots for us. We went as we sat next to them.

Jackie: Glad you guys show up, looking good Star.

Star: Thanks Jackie, you too as well.

Jackie: Thanks Girl.

Janna: Heh, you two looking nice.

(YN)/Marco: Thanks...

We both looked at each other as we giggled.

-Star's POV-

Jackie and Janna then whispered at me saying...

Jackie: So, did Marco told him already??

Star: No, not yet exactly...

Janna: Man, when is Marco gonna drop his balls and just tell (YN) already!?

Star: Janna, be patient, Marco needs to wait for the right time

Janna: Marco has waited long already, it's tile for him to have balls of steel and just ask him.

Jackie: Or, we can just make them dance together, I mean we can make them dance together and the Marco Can have a chance to tell him, we just need to get them have fun together, but how?

Star: Oh I got it! Leave it to Star!

I got up as I ran up to the DJ and said to him..

Star: Yo DJ!?

DJ: Wassup Star Buttersnizzle??

Star: Aye yo, put something to get this party turn up, please?

DJ: As you wish princess.

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