Chp.8 Do you love me?

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-(YN)'s POV-

Outside of the school I was looking for Marco knowing where did he left off. I searched everywhere around school and still couldn't find him. I stared to give up, what was that for? Was my mom right?? Does Marco like me in that way??! I don't know, I'm so confused, as I stared walking out of school, I see someone sitting down on the bench near a light pole above him. That was Marco, as he was sitting there, sadly as I started running towards him. As I did, I walked up to him as he then saw me and looked away as he started cleaning his tears.

(YN): Marco...

Marco: Leave me alone, now you know everything...

I sat down next to him.

(YN): What do you mean everything? What are you talking about? And what was that for? Look I'm not mad about it, I'm just...curious to know why you...kissed me?

Marco: You wanna know?! Fine!

Marco gets up angrily and says...

Marco: Do you know why I kissed you!?! So I can show you how I felt towards you since the day we've met, dating Jackie was cool and all but it didn't go well as I thought it would, and I thought I would never be dating again, until I met you! You were way different, you were like the best damn fucking friend I ever had, Sure Star is my best friend as well, but mostly you are! You've been there for, you've care for me, and you even always have beloved in me! All those things you have done for me makes me feel I just...I just...wanna hug you, wrap my arms around you tight and never let you go until you tell me this...

Marco then started to walk slowly towards me as he suddenly got on top of my legs, I never expected Marco to sit on me like that, he had his head down as I can see him shedding tears, he picks his head up, looks at me and say...

Marco: And be honest with me..

(YN): Wh-What is it!?

Marco: Do you love me?

My heart started beating fast as I can picture some exclamation points above my head, my face stared to turn red, I don't know what to tell him back, but then he said...

Marco: I've always think about you...and...and

He then quickly hugs me tight as he had his head under my chin as he started to cry. Somehow I started to shed tears as well, getting me emotional about how he had those feelings for me since. Now that I think about it, I have been caring a lot for Marco. I've always like the guy, and he likes me too. I can't say no to him, why? Because now that I know everything, I started to have this warm feeling again that has been coming every time I'm with Marco since the afternoon. Is this...Love? Man, I never knew I would fall in love with him, but now that he told me the truth, about his feeling towards me, now I have something to him as I pushed him back, lifted his chin up as I looked at him and said...

(YN): Hey, Marco...(Chuckles) you dummy, why do you think Are friendship as become more stronger and bigger, or should I say our relationship, of course I love you, you dummy...don't ever doubt it.

We both then hugged each other as he was still on my laps.

Marco: I don't wanna lose you.

(YN): Marco..

Marco: Yes?

Marco pulls back as he had his arms wrapped around my neck as I said to him...

(YN): I know that *sniffs* we'll be together, and I don't wanna lose you either...

I wiped my tears.

(YN): Its're the greatest person I've ever met, you've change my life forever.

Marco: (YN)...

I can see Marco's face filled with happiness and tears of joy.

(YN): Hehe, I know it kinda sounds sill,'s the truth and I wanted you to know it...Marco?

Marco: Yeah?

(YN): I love you.

Marco: I love you too...(YN).

We both started to reach each other's lips as we both kissed. While kissing I can hear someone who was besides us, it was no other than Star, Janna, and Jackie.

Star: Awww look at you!!! So kawaiiii!!!

Jackie: Man, you guys are actually a couple now.

(YN); OOYYY!!! Can you give us some privacy please?! Don't ruin this moment!

Janna: We don't want to, prom has ended already and we wanted to know we're you love birds went and found you here.

Star: We we're wondering if you guys wanna go get some tacos at Britta's?

(YN): Sure, im down for some delicious Tacos! Marco?

Marco: Sounds good to me.

Star: Woo-Hoo! Britta's Tacos here we come!

Me, Marco and the girls head out to get some late night snack before we head home. Me and Marco stared walking together as I wrap my arm around as we were both now...a couple

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