I'm Here Too

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Kyle looked out the bus window, snowy trees and rock passed by quickly. Feeling pressure next to him, Kyle turned to his side and saw Craig sitting down. Kyle lifted his eyebrow but said nothing, actually saying nothing has been what he did a lot lately. Kyle resumed looking out the window, oblivious to what was happening with the rest of the bus. Wendy’s loud giggle broke into his state of ignorance. The red head turned around and saw the raven haired girl laughing and smiling with Stan and Cartman as the boys shared a glare. That’s all the two seemed to do, glare at each other, and spend time with Wendy. Kyle liked Wendy, she was a good person, but he was a little jealous that Stan spent all his time Wendy involved. Not even Kenny hung out with Kyle often anymore, no Kenny was too busy treating Butters like a princess to hang out with Kyle. Still Kyle was happy that Kenny and Butters were happy so he said nothing, sure he got lonely, but as long as they were happy Kyle had no problem being alone.

“Yo Broflovski!” Kyle broke out of his trance and saw Craig snapping his fingers in front of his face. “We’re here dude.”

Kyle let out a small smile and nod in acknowledgement, before grabbing his things and making his way off the bus behind Craig. After getting off the bus Kyle gave the court yard a quick sweep, with his emerald green gaze, and walked into the school. Suddenly someone slammed into the unsuspecting red head. Making both of them to hit the ground, Kyle under the person. Kyle slowly opened his green eyes and met a twitchy blue.

“S-sorry GHA Kyle!” Tweak sprung to his feet. Kyle stood up and brushed off his pants, before moving his hand towards Tweak. “AH P-Please don’t b-beat me GHA up!”

Kyle smiled softly and fixed the hair that lingered in Tweak’s face. “Your hair was in your face. Bye.” Kyle said softly before making his way to his locker.

After exchanging his books, Kyle walked down the hall to his English class, and took his seat, giving a curt nod to the English teacher. Before long the bell rang and students filled the seas around him.

“Hey Kyle,” Said boy looked up and saw Wendy, her face was in a frown. “I’m sorry I took Stan and Eric from you.” Truth was laced in her voice.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for Wendy.” Kyle said smiling brightly.


Kyle cut her off. “No buts Wendy, they decided to hang out with you. Class is starting.”

“You know Kyle, you always care for other people, but who cares for you?” Wendy asked in pity.

“Thanks for caring enough to ask Wendy, it means a lot.” Kyle reached up and patted her hair, and class stared.

“Alright sit down,” The teacher said. “Today-“


Craig sat with his usual people, Tweak, Token, and Clyde. Tweak was staring at something and ignoring the other. “Tweak,” Craig got the twitchy boys attention. “What’s so interesting?”

“N-nothing GHA!” Tweak replied looking at his coffee.

“Tell me.” By now Clyde and Token were paying attention too.

“TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!” Tweak grabbed his hair.

“Sorry…” Craig moved his gaze away. “But it’s obviously bugging you, we just want to help.”

“Kyle…” Tweak blinked, and continued his staring.

Sharing a look with Token and Clyde, before all three boys found the red head. He was at his normal table, with Marsh, Cartman, and McKormick, with the addition of Stotch. Marsh and Cartman were fighting, probably over Wendy, and McKormick was making out with Stotch, as usual, but Broflovski was drinking what looked like milk alone as his ‘friends’ continued on.

“If you want him over here so bad,” Token smiled at his twitchy boyfriend. “Go get him.”

Tweak looked at Craig and Clyde hopefully, both boys nodded and started a conversation with Token.

“At least now Tweak won’t be the only bottom. “ Clyde laughed. Token’s face held a smug look, while Craig rolled his eyes.

“If anything,” a girl’s voice sounded, making the three look behind them and saw Wendy. “He’ll have proper friends.” She sighed before turning around and leaving. “Ciao~”

“Anyway, Craig did you see the game?” Token asked.

“Yeah Clyde dragged me to his house so we could watch it.” Craig answered with annoyance.

“Yeah but you drag me to watch Red Racer marathons all the time!!!” Clyde defended himself, earning a middle finger curtesy of Craig.

“Some things never change.” A sweet voice giggled, a sweet voice Craig could recognize in a second, he didn’t even need to look to know it was Kyle.

“Fuck off Broflovski!” Craig flipped off the red head. “At least I ain’t no ginger jersey Jew!”

“Haven’t heard that one in a while asshole.” Kyle smirked making Craig’s breath hitch, but he played it off as a cough, and flipped him off. “What the famous Craig Tucker doesn’t have a comeback? Fine I’ll talk to Tweak.” That said the red head turned to the twitchy blonde next to him, and Craig turned back to his losers.

Token and Clyde were holding laughs, before they broke into booming laughs making Kyle look at them weirdly and scoot away.

“What?” Craig asked, but they just laughed harder. “WHAT?!”

“Nothing Nothing.” The two waved him off after regaining their breathes.

After that day Kyle started hanging out with Craig’s group and getting very comfortable with them to the point he filtered nothing from them. And he may or may not have developed a small(huge) crush on the group’s leader Craig. But Stan stared to notice and became really pissy.

“Kyle why do you hang out with them?” Stan walked up to the ginger, pushing him against the lockers.

“Because they’re my friends…?” Kyle answered in confusion to Stan’s outburst.

Stan obviously didn’t like that answer because he drew his arm back and collided his clenched fist into the locker right next to Kyle’s face. “No we’re your friends!”

“Well you haven’t acted like it!” Wendy’s voice cut in, making the boys look at her. “You’ve ignored him for months Stan!”

“I have not!” Stan defended himself.

“When’s the last time we hung out, and what I said.” Kyle constructed.


“Exactly, would you like for me to tell you?” Kyle’s usual bright green eyes went into a dead green. By now everyone was watching. “It was right before school started we were at my house and told you I was gay, you said ‘wow….’ And then you started fawning over Wendy and fighting Cartman.”

“That’s because you’re a faggot!” Stan yelled. Everyone gasped. Kyle’s eyes widened and pushed Stan off of him. “Kyle I-I’m sorr-”

“Just shut up!” Kyle yelled and bolted out of the hall and up to the roof where he cried.

Craig watched the display like everybody else, and he was beyond pissed. Pissed at Stan for calling the guy he was crushing on the one word he would not tolerate. Rushing forward Craig slammed his fist into the off guard raven, and tore off after Kyle.

Craig found Kyle on the roof, He was crying and curled up in a ball, with his face buried into his knees. Kneeling down Craig took the crying boy in his arms and genially kissed his head.

“It’s okay, you know as well as I do that he didn’t mean it.” Craig whispered.

“Since I already embarrassed myself in front of you I have one more thing to say…” Kyle lifted his head up and Craig felt warm, oft lips against his own. Kyle was kissing him. “I like you.”

“Can I embarrass myself now?” Craig asked, and kissed Kyle on the lips. “I like you too.”

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