He's so mean to me.

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Sorry people if I didn't update for more than a week. I'm really sorry! School is getting hard and my daddy took my computer :( And I don't wanna update on my phone because nvm.....

This is a XiuHan story and the only one who's gonna speak is LU~GE


Luhan's Pov

I'm in the cafeteria alone my friends is not here they all left me. Well they need to study. I'm eating the food that I brought a minute ago. When Sehunnie and Xiumin Oppa came. They both headed towards me. Yay! I'm gonna hangout with someone :D

"Hi Luhannie Unni" Sehun sit beside me and greeted me. :D

"Hi Sehunnie" I greeted him as well and smile to him.

"Hi Xiumin Oppa!" I also greeted him but he didn't greeted me back or smile he just sit across to Sehun's sit.. 

That guy is so mean -_-

"Unnie why r u here alone where's ur friends?" Sehun ask.

"Maybe they left her because they don't want her anymore." Xiumin answer Sehun's question. Arghhh! This dude.

"No! They just need to finish something. How about u guys where's the others?" I ask.

"They need to do something important." Sehun said.

A minute had past Me and Sehun r the only one who's talking but I was happy because I talk to him.We talked about things that we like :) We have a lot in common. Xiumin is just there staring at me with his cold ice.

"Sorry Sehun to interupt our conversation but I need to go!" I said.

"It's about time." Xiumin whispered but I still hear it. I just ignored it and pretend that Xiumin is not there. 

"Okay! Bye Unnie see u at class." Sehun said.

Before I left I heard Sehun ask Xiumin something which make me mad at him.

"Hyung u r so mean to Luhan Unnie. She's trying to be nice and I think she wants to be ur friend!" Sehun said to his Hyung.

"I'm not mean I just don't like her. She's not nice either and I don't want to be her friends.. In fact I don't get why people like her she's not even pretty and she is not nice. I bet she's just pretending...." Xiumin replied.

I heard all that Xiumin very clear. He's so mean to me. Why? What did I even do to him? There's a lot of question inside my brain that wanna have a answer but It's seems like I don't have an answer..

For the rest of our class I just stayed thinking how much he hates me.. And HOW MEAN HE IS TO ME. My friends ask me what's wrong but I just told them nothing.......


Sorry If this lame and short.. I'm really tired and things that I need to do. Sorry!!!

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