Hi Noona! (KrisHan)

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I promise to update :) I hope u like it <3


Kris' Pov

Aaahhhyyyss!! What should I do? It's a pretty boring weekends for me. AGAIN -_-

Should I call someone to accompany me here?

I should call one of my ExoM friends? 

Who should I call and ask to hangout with me?


Nahh! Probably we're gonna ended up watching pororo -_-

What about Chanyeol?

Aishhh! Not that creepy derp virus. He would not stop staring and smiling at me and beside he looks an idiot. 

Ahh! Lay-shii? 

We're both Chinese and beside he seems normal.. Yeah! I'll call him :) Wait on a second thought I'll just call someone else. How could I forget that Lay is the person who forget everything. Aisshh! Now it's affecting me too

Hmmm? Xiumin Hyung?

Nevermind calling Xiumin is not worth it at all. He's not even gonna talk to me. I mean he only talks when he wanted too. Hayss!

What about Sehun? Yeah Sehun?

Sehun is perfect :) Yeahh! Sehun is my style... 

I'll call him and ask him to hangout with me. 

Aghkghghgagsj.!!.! See know I'm talking to myself. Like whe the fuck =_= I'll just call Sehunnieeee before I became crazy here.

~~~~Dailing Sehun Poker Face~~~~~

 Kris Hyung? Ahm! Why did u call me all of a sudden?

K: Sehun? Ur so mean to ur Hyung. U didnt even say Hi or Hello to me *talking with a sound voice with aegyo*

S: Hyung! Eww! Please don't talk like that ur freaking me out. First calling me out of no where then now talking like that? What's wrong with u? and by the way I'm sorry if I didn't say Hi to u. It's really weird because u never call me only if it's emergency.

K: I'm just bored nothing else and I want to accompany me. Please Sehunnieee!!

S: Don't call me like that... Where r we going if I accompany u?

K: Okay okay,,, Where do u wanna go then?

S: Okay I'll accompany u just wait there. Meet me at my favorite store.!

K: At Bubble tea shop? Really? There?

S: Yes! There now. Bye! See you soon Hyung!

K: Waitttt!!!

Aishhh! That kid he ended >:( I guess I have no choice to go to bubble tea shop..


At Bubble Tea Shop

Still Kris' Pov

I just got here and there's no one here. Hayyss! It's so boring. It's the worst day ever.

Suddenly the bubble tea shop door open and I wasn't expecting who's the person coming here. Ashjhiuhkj!!! Why did I even sit near the door? Aishhh! I think I look stupid Aishh! I want to die nowwww.... I think she recognize mee.. Ahh! Kill me! Why now? WHYYYY?

LuHan's Pov

All people in my house r busy doing stupid things -_- I was kinda loner so I just had a great idea to go to Bubble Tea Shop. I want to go to my favorite Coffe Shop but I don't want to bump to that Cold Baozi so I decided to go to Bubble Tea Shop. Don't get me wrong I didn't go here because I have no choice I also love drinking Bubble Tea and Tao told me this place a week ago :D And I love it <3

I went in and I recognize someone.

Ohh! Is that Kris? Ahh! Maybe not? I don't think Kris likes bubble tea? But I think that's defenitly Kris.

I walk towards the guy who I think Kris. If that's not Kris I can always apologies ryt?

So I walk towars him. And...

"Hi Noona!" Kris greeted me and he smile. Ahh! So cute his different Kris from the Kris at school.

And I knew it. It's Kris :D

Kris' Pov

Aishhh! I have no choice. Luhan is Actually coming here. What do I do? Ahhhghchgah! 


Aishhh! She's here.!,!

"Hi Noona!" I greeted her and smile. Wahhh!!

"Hi Kris! What r u doing here? Do u like Bubble Tea too?" She replied with smile but she also ask me a question.

"Ahh! Not really. I don't really drink bubble tea I'm just waiting for someone here. How about u Noona? What r u doing here?" I ask. Ahh!! This is crazy she's smiling at me.. <3 <3 Don't lose ur coolness Kris. Calm down and be cool ur Kris. Ur Wu Yi Fan. Ur Cool.

"Ohh! Hmm! I like Bubble Tea so I came here to buy one." She said happily. 

Even tho she's happy I feel like she seems disappointed when I told her I don't like bubble tea. Aishh! Why did I said I don't drink bubble tea? Whyyy? Why?

"Kris wait here! Okay? I'll just buy a bubble tea for me and YOU. U need to try one because it's good any you would like it. Wait here! Noona is coming back" She said playfully. After she left she haeded to the counter.

Hayyss! Luhan Noona is so cute!.! Wait where the hell is Sehun?

~Wo xiang yao ba ni guan man wo de hou Q

uan shen dou zai chan dou   jiu suan he de zai duo yong yuan dou bu gou 

Du xing yi jing man yan cong tou dao jiao   dan wo bu qu zhao jia

Xiang shou  zhe zhe zhong ci ji   na me tong kuai I can’t stop~

~Sehun Poker Face Calling~

S: Hyung Mianhe! I can't call I need to do something

K: What? Sehun? I'm already here.

S: Sorry! Hyung but Appa called me and his asking me for help. Sorry! Hyung I'll accompany u next time

K: It;s fine I'll just go home I think? Bye Sehun! 

S: Bye Hyung! Sorry again!

After he said bye I ended the call. Hayss! This the worst day ever.

I think I space out to much I didn't even notice that Luhan Noona is back.

"Do u wanna go somewhere with me? I can accompany u if u want" I think She heard. I guess I'll say Yes. I don't want to go home yet. It's boring there.

"Sure! Where should we go?" I ask,

"Just leave it to me." She smiled.

We hurried and left the Bubble Tea Shop. We both brought the bubble tea that she buy for me. I must admit I love this bubble tea flavor :) 


To be continued.....

Sorry Guys! I hope u won't get mad because I stop. Well I actuall plan it :D I'll update soon :D Happy Valentine! Haha! I'll celebrate my Valentine with Food and XiuHan <3 I planning to have a gift for XiuHan shippers out there :D <3

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