Kiss (Last Chapter KRISHAN)

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Hello Everybody! I'm really really really really sorry for not updating please forgive me :( I'm a bad author I should recieve a punishment :( Anyways I'm really sorry again I'm really busy but... I promise to update now since it's my last week of school :) Yeahhhhh!! I'll update more ;)

About the KrisHan this the last chapter about them and back to school for them again ;) Yayy! I also notice I have a lots of wrong grammars and spelling. I want to kill myself when I saw every chapter has one. Sorry about that seems like English hates me. :D Okay I'll shut up now.



Kris' Pov

Wow this the first time I'm not tired even tho we went to a lot of places. And now where here at Seoul Tower where waiting for the cable car I don't know how u say it but it's the car that fly. IdK?

(a/n: It's the car that they tried at Exo Showtime when all the chinese travel? I forgot what its called?)

Now it's our turn I start walking but I saw Luhan Noona froze so I went back where she was standing.

"Noona r u okay? Something wrong?" I ask to her.

"Ah! Yeah! Ah Le- Let's go" She said and gave me a warm smile.

Awwwwww so cute <3

Noona and I watch the view but she's kinda off she's probably scared to this kind off rides well maybe she thinks it's shaking. she look so pale so I hold her hands and she looks at me I gave her a seductive smile. Hahahaha Jk! I gave him a sweet smile. After the ride we went to the top of the tower to see the view and her eyes were sparkling in amaze of what she's seeing ryt now :) After that we headed to Myeon- dong we went and ate there. After we ate we went to the park where she nearly lives. Since it's getting very dark now.

"Kris shie thank u for ur time I really had a great time with u. I learn a lot from u" She said while looking at me straight

"Ah? Really Noona like what?"  I said while looking at her and blushing. Damb it I'm really blushing in front of her. Ughhhhhhh!!!

"Ur so cute when ur blushing." She said then she hug me.

She freaking hug me. Kyahhhhh! should I hug back or not? Nahhhh I should hug back. So I did hug back. Of course I won't miss a chance. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I feel like a teenager girl who's fangirling to my super crush <3 Maybe I can't sleep because of this.

"Thank u very much Kris shie it's one of my memorable moment here and Korea. Honestly I was so scared to come here because I don't think I belong here but now I think I also fit here. *laugh* I don't think u'll understand what am I saying" Luhan noona continued while hugging me.

"Noona I understand since I been thru this before. Don't worry noona I'm always here for u" I said while still hugging her.

"Thank u" Luhan Noona said then broke the hug.

Damn it :( I like her scent. I like how he hugged me :(

"Ah Kris we should probably go now u look tired" She said then giggled.


"Ne Noona" I replied.

We went straight to my car so I can drop her to her house. A few minutes later we arrive to her house or should I say ExoK's house. I stop the car in front their house. I insist to go out so I can open Noona's door but she stopped me. So I just decided to say thank u.

"Noona I really had a great time with u. I hope we can do this again" I said.

"Of course we will do this again I had fun too" She said happily.

"Yes! Noona u look tired goodbye and goodnight Sweetdreams. see u at school tomorrow" I said bidding my bye.

"Ah ne! Goodnight and sweetdreams too. Thank you again and goodbye! Drive home safely." She said then.

























But after she kiss me she left as fast as she can.

Oh my gosh I was stun.

I can't move

I'm so shock











Jk!! Only on the cheecks.

But I wish she just kiss me on my lips

But for now I'll accept what I got maybe someday I'll kiss her on the lips and do something.

(a/n: Ohhhhhhh what is it?)


(a/n: Hahahaha Okay!!)

When I snapped out. I drove straight and went to bed. Gosh this is THE.BEST.DAY.EVER. I can't sleep. :) After 30 minutes I pass out.

(a/n: And Kris Oppa dream of Luhannie <3 Looool!)


Yayyyyyyy! Done. I know it's sucks but I hope u all like it sorry again! Sorry for Grammars and Spellings..

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