New School! New Life! New People!

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Annyeonghaseyo! I will start the story now. This update is gonna be a short update. Well I actually need to sleep but I wanted to update so some people can start reading.. :) Hope u like it! Kahamsammida!


Luhan's Pov

Annyeonghaseyo Xiu Luhan ummida! Dajia hao, wo de mingzi shi Xiu Luhan! Hello my name is Luhan! Nice to meet u all :) A lot of people says that I'm the prettiest in our group ExoK. I u don't know our group now u know. But seriously I'm not PRETTY I"M MANLY, MANLY! Just kidding! I'm GIRLY, GIRLY but not that girly. Baekhyun said that she's prettier than me and I'm her long lost siter, I don't really care. I'm chinese but I also know korean well it's because my parents knows korean and I also have korean friends.

(a/n: just think that their talking korean write now.)

"Luhan Unnie please stop day dreaming and listen to Suho Unnie" Tao who keeps eating a bamboo stick. Lol! Just kidding! She's eating a ramyeon.

"I'm not day dreaming Panda I'm thinking." I replied to her. Tao just rolled her eye to me and countinue eating her ramyeon.

By the way Me and Tao are waiting for other to come at Suho's place and if ur probably wondering where she is? Well she's here in front of me talking about money. She invited us here at her place and she said that she need something to tell us.

"Suho what  is the reason that u need to talk to all of us in private?"  I ask breaking the silent.

"Yeah, Suho Unnie why did u make us come here?" Tao ask and countinue eating her ramyeon.

"I will tell you if they all came here. Just be patient." Suho replied and continue whatever she's doing -_- I gave her a big sigh. I think she already knew that I'm bored.


Baekhyun's Pov

Hello! My name is Byun Baekhyun! Nice meeting u all *le wink to all boys* I'm the prettiest in the group not Luhan and ohh yeah Luhan is the 2nd prettiest well because I'm her long lost twin sister. Like dahh!

"Chen shii hurry up! How long r u gonna be there? Baekhyun's eyeliner is melting because of waiting for u for so long" D.O shouted to Chen who's still at her room. I just rolled my eye and took a mirror and look at myself if my eyeliner is actually melting.

By the way I forgot to tell you that I also love Eyeliner. So you can give me an eyeliner on my Birthday. 

"Ok! Ok! D.O Unnie" Chen replied to D.O

Hayss! I hate waiting to this two... I wish there's a cute boy somewhere here =_= 

"Let's go they probably waiting for us and Suho Unnie's gonna kill us because we're late"  D.O said when she saw Chen running toward us.

We went to our car and drive to Suho Unnie's house.


Luhan's Pov

I heard the door open I guess that's probably them now. I been waithing for so long -_- We greated each other and sit down to Suho's chair.

"Guys I have a bad news for all of us"  Suho said and start a serious convorsation. 

"Oh my Gosh r u pregnant? Suho Unnie don't worry I'm still here for you I will still support u" Chen said while she's in shock.

"No! I'm not! Pabo!" Suho replied in her anger voice.

(a/n: Pabo is a Korean words, In English Pabo means Stupid/Idiot)

"Then what is it Suho Unnie?" D.O ask to Suho.

"Well our parents plan to move us to Korea and continue our studies there." Suho said while her eyes closed. She probably think that we'tr gonna scream.

"Jinjja?" All the Korean replied in their happy voice except Me, Tao, and Suho

(a/n: Jinjja means Really in English. Jinjja is Korean words)

"I can't wait to go back to our country" Chen said while jumping.

"I can't wait to try eat korean foods again and I will cook korean foods for us" D.O said while her eyes r shining with excitement.

"I can't wait to see other Hot Boys" Baekhyun said in her flirty voice.

"How about the 2 chinese people there? What do u think moving to Korea?" Suho ask to me and Tao. Everyone is waiting for both of us to answer.

"Suho Unnie I'm Ok with it as long as we're all together" Tao said in her happy voice.

"How about u Luhan Unnie do u want to go to Korea?" Suho ask me and all of them look at me.

"Whatever I don't have any choice and I don't want to be alone here." I replied and give them a fake smile. They all smile back to me.

I guess they didn't notice my fake smile which is good. I don't really wanna go there I don't know why but I feel like something is not good maybe because I love my country that I don't want to leave. But for them and for my parents I will go there and countinue my studies.

"Suho Unnie when r we leaving?" Tao ask.

"Next Day" Suho replied to Tao's question.

"What?" All of us shouted in surprise except Suho.

"Yeah! :) So pack ur things kids :) It's gonna be a great" Suho said in her happy tone.

"Yeaahh! Wohoo!" Everyone replied in exitement except me and Suho. I just let out a big sigh.

"By the way kids we already have a new house and our new school. Will be attending to Exostan University they said it's all rich kids school and don't worry about our house our house is giant I ask my parents to buy us a big house" Suho said.

"Yeah! Daebak!" Chen said

(a/n: Daebak means Awesome Daebak is a Korean words)

We all went home after our convo. Well I guess this is good bye for now China :( I promise I will visit here again. *le big sigh and start crying like Han River* I start packing things so tomorrow I can go to my favorite place.


Thank you for reading it! I will try to update again tomorrow! Comment or Vote if u like the story or you want me to stop this story :D 

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