The new GirlSss!

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Hello! Hello! Hello! This is the new weird chapter.. Hahaha! Hope u like it pls vote and comment :) Saranghae! <3 I tried to update before sleeping!. 


D.O's Pov

Annyeonghaseyo! D.O Kyungsoo ummida! But please call me D.O :) I'm the scary one in our group ExoK but don't worry I'm not really scary I think it's only because of my huge eyes O.O I don't bite maybe I'm only mean to some people especially that Baekhyun girl -_- who has a small that she always need to use an eyeliner. I'm not mean to all people who have a small eyes because I have a big eyes.. It's because that girl is so flirty...

By the way it's already morning and I'm cooking food ryt now for my friends so they can eat breakfast. I forgot to tell u guys that I'm in charge of cooking in our group. I better wake them up ryt away, I don't want us to be late in our first day of our new school.

I headed toward to all the members room and wake them up. It's a miracle that they wake up early I think it's because their so excited to go to our new school.

"Guys food is serve. Please have a sit and enjoy eating.!" I said to all of them.

"Thank u! / Thank u Unnie!" Everyone replied.

"Suho Unnie what school r we going to?" Tao ask to Suho Unnie while eating.

"EXOSTAN UNIVERSITY they said it was all rich peoples school and I saw their website it seems good place to study.. Wait! didn't I tell u what school r we going to?" Suho Unnie replied to Tao's question.

"Mianhe Unnie! I think I forgot." Tao said and start eating.

"Is there any Hot Boys in our new school?" Baekhyun ask.

"Baekhyun I have no idea?" Suho replied to Baekhyun's stupid question -_-

"I love this korean food u cooked for us" Luhan Unnie said changing the topic and eat more food that I made.

"Thank u Unnie!" I replied for loving my food.


Chen's Pov 

Hi! I'm Kim JongDae but call me Chen.. I'm the joker in our group ExoK :) I also prank them some times :) But I also like people to laugh.

After we're done eating, we start to dress up and get ready for our school. Everyone r so excited for our new school. I hope we have a great time aand meet a new friends. :)

"Ready for school guys" Suho Unnie ask to all of us.

"Yes" All of us said except for Suho Unnie who ask the question.

We all go to our car and drove to our new school. 


At ExoStan University

Still Chen's Pov

We arrive to our new school and got out to our car. When everyone start screaming.

"Fuck! This bitches! Why the hell r they screaming like shit. Is this their first time seeing a BEAUTIFUL GIRL like me?"  Baekhyun Unnie said screaming to us.

"Shut up Baekhyun ur not pretty. Everyone knows that Luhan Unnie is prettier than all of us." D.O Unnie said and glare to Baekhyun Unnie.

"You shut p D.O! Ok I admit Luhan Unnie is prettier than me today but we all know I'm prettier than u" Baekhyun fight back to D.O and rolled her eyes.

"Why r u guys talking about my face?" Luhan said to Baekhyun Unnie and D.O Unnie.

(a/n: Btw I know that Baekhyun is older than D.O and D.O doesn't call Baekhyun an "UNNIE".. It's because their fighting.. But if their not fighting D.O still respect her Unnie Baekhyun.)

"Stop it both of u. U guys are fighting again.. This is our first day in our new school I don't want both of u fighting AGAIN" Suho Unnie said and tried to stop D.O Unnie and Baekhyun Unnie from fighting. 

"I don't think their screaming because of Luhan's pretty face or ur face Baekhyun Unnie" Tao said to us.

 "Yeah guys I think they screaming because of that boy groups over there" I said to all of them and pointed to the 6 people not really far away from us.

"Nevermind them we need to go to the office and ask for our class schedule." Suho said and all of us nod and start walking to find the office.

After 3 minutes searching where is the office we found it finally.


No one's Pov

ExoM had the same day like yesterday a lot of people screaming to them. ExoM ran towards their class so they have atleast a little quiter place than outside. A few minutes later their teacher came and-----


Sehun's Pov

Hi! Kim Oh Sehun is my name but call me Sehun. I'm Kai's twin brother. I know we're twins but I'm not like my shitty ass brother his BURN and I'm whiter than him. His a flirty but I'm not like him. I'm more of a cold person like Kris Hyung but I'm hotter and handsome than my twin.

ExoM is here at our class room when the bell ring and our teacher came in. Everyone sitted staight.

"Goodmorning class"  Mr. Lee said to us.

"Goodmorning Mr. Lee" All the student replaid to Mr. Lee

"Class I would like u to meet a new students in our class. Please come in beautiful ladys" Mr. Lee said to us then call the new students. Pshhh.. A girls again -_-

All the new students came in.. Their 6 students but only 1 person who caught my attention. I look at my friends and I caught them staring to the same girl who caught my attention. I notice something different it's Xiumin maybe I was imagining things I look around and I saw all the boys staring at them.

"Please Introduce urself" The old man said to the new students.

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Kim JoonMyeon but call me Suho. I'm the leader of our group called ExoK. I hope all of u become my friends"  Suho said to us and bowed. 

"Hello! My name is Kim Jongdae but please call me Chen for short." Chen said and bowed.

"Hi! I'm Huang ZiTao call me Tao for short :) Let's be friends" Tao said and bowed. This girl looks like a Panda.

"Hello I'm D.O Kyungsoo but call me D.O :) Nice to meet u all" D.O said and bowed. She looks like an Owl because of her eyes -_-

"Hi to all of u I'm Byun Baekhyun call me Baekhyun. Let's all be friend!" Baekhyun said and wink. Pshh! Not my type.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Da Jia Hao! My name is Xiu Luhan! Nice to meet u all and please all of u be my friends" Luhan said and bowed.. Wow! she's pretty..

Oh! That's the girl who caught my attention well She's the only girl who caught ExoM's attention.. All of us waited her to introduce her self.

After Luhan introduce herself all the boys star shouting and asking them. Especially to Luhan.

"Wow! Luhan do u have a girlfriend?" Boy #1.

"U guys r gorgeous!!" Boy #2.

"I like u all." Boy #3.

"Wow! Baekhyun do u have a Boyfriend?" Boy #4.

"Stop it everyone." Our teacher said and everyone shut their mouth.

"Please take ur sits back there" The old man said and pointed to us. They sit behind us. I look at Luhan and she notice that I'm staring to her.

"Hi! I'm Xiu Luhan call me Luhan! What's ur's?" She ask me.

"I'm Kim Oh Sehun!" I said.

"Nice to meet u Sehunnie. Ur so cute! I hope u can be my friends :)" She said and smile. I just nod and look at the board.

The teacher start teaching us and I just listen but sometimes I'm looking to Luhan... 


I'll continue the story next chapter :) Hope u like it.. I know there's a lot of mistake here again but please try to understand.. 

I also wanted to say Thank you to my Baozi ZeldaGamer101 :) Baozi thank u :)

To others Thank you too :D Happy New Years to others :D Saranghaeyo <3

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