Chapter 14

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Y/n wakes up as he opens his eyes groggily seeing hina's peaceful face

Y/n: *in mind* "I hope this isn't a dream; if it is. Let me enjoy it for a little while it lasts"

Closing his eyes gently; max awakens as she looks seeing, Y/n, Hina and Chloe sleeping together and getting her camera out; she points it at them In a selfie shot

Chloe: photobomb

Max: photo hog

Hina: hi!

Y/n: room for one more?!!

All 4 of them squeeze into Max's selfie as they smile as Max's camera flashes and as they lie back Hina lays her head on her fathers chest

Hina; I'm so happy it wasn't a dream!

Y/n: same here

He kisses the top of hina's head as Max looks at him

Max: this is heaven, this is it right here

Chloe; if only we could do more?

Max: Chloe! Come on she's here

Chloe: I'm just kidding mad max, she's so dramatic at times

Y/n: and that's why I love you ladies, and thank you for taking care of my daughter

Hina: they help take care of me so much papa! I never want to be away from you again

Y/n: Don't worry, I promise whatever happens; I'll come back to you!

He kisses her head as he stretched out of bed after gently removing Hina as he cracks his neck

Y/n: best sleep I've had in months

Max: strangely it's only been 2 weeks since you were gone.......

Y/n: time moves differently I suppose?

Hina: we also had some help from Kron..........

Max immediately covers her mouth as she puts her mouth in a shushing motion as did Chloe, as Y/n turned around seeing that they went back to normal

Y/n: is everything ok?

Hina nods her head rapidly

Hina: yeah..... also I'm hungry papa

Chloe: same here.... Where's my breakfast in bed?

Y/n: you gotta say the magic word!

Chloe: hurry up and get us our breakfast or I'll just feast on this cute munchkin!

Chloe playfully kisses hina's neck and nips at her shoulder

Hina: hey! Hey! Stop that tickles

Y/n: *chuckles* alright alright! Orange juice, coffee?

Max: bit of both!

Chloe began to playfully tickle Hina as Y/n smiles at the sight as he puts on a tank top and goes to the kitchens seeing it was rather empty and he gets a pan on and begins to crack some eggs and puts some butter on the pan to slowly melt it as he gets out some bacon as well and simply lets out a smile as he began to cook

As Hina is being tickled as Max is relaxing, Y/n came back in with a tray full of food consisting of pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and some crepes

Max: looks delicious

Hina: smells so good papa!

They eat as Hina rubs her cheeks in happiness And hugs him tightly

Hina; I miss papa and his delicious cooking

Y/n: I miss ya too sweetie, so much

Cassie comes in as she smiles seeing Y/n and Hina but glares slightly at Max and Chloe

Hina: hiya Cassie

Y/n: morning!

Cassie: mind if I....?

Y/n: have at it!

Cassie takes a pancake and some bacon and eats it as she smiles

Cassie: I can eat this everyday and still be happy!

Y/n: thanks! Any chance you know what we can do for our vacation now?

Cassie: actually I am; I wanna take you and your family to go see Camp little moose, my mom took me there; dad wanted me to go to big moose but Mom wanted me not to be spoiled and we can be counselors, also little sunshine here can be a little moose and get to know some new friends

Hina: new friends! YAY!!

Y/n: sounds good to me; a little normalcy after what has happened will be a godsend!

Chloe: after hearing about your adventures; and what we have been though it'll be interesting

Cassie: go get your good clothes and shorts

Y/n: sorry cass but I don't wear shorts but I'll wear something nice

Cassie: come on, let's not burn daylight

Max: let's go then!

As the others begin to pack; Y/n sees Sonya and Johnny and waves to them as he's hauling out some luggage; Johnny comes up and hugs him

Johnny: have fun kid! Anything comes up  me and Sonya will come with anything you guys need

Y/n: thanks Johnny; see ya guys later

Sonya: oh trust me I think things will turn out different; and I need a rest this few weeks off honestly is what I need; also we need the mileena and Tanya thing situated out

Y/n: if anything comes up ma'am; don't hesitate to ask me for help?

Johnny: see ya!

Jade was passing by wearing a short sleeping robe, exposing her toned tanned thighs, and her breasts were clearly seen wearing no bra as the robe was opened a bit, as she passes by him

Jade: y/n!

Y/n: and good morning to you sunshine!

Jade just glares at him as he walks past her to go to meet with the others

Y/n had grabbed whatever he needed as Cassie loading a suv with Sadie at the drivers seat, Hina was at the back buckled up as max decided to join him as he starts his Softtail to go to camp little moose as they go to a camp store even though Y/n and his family have gone camping before they don't have most of their own gear here as they go and get the necessities they need as well

They arrive to camp little moose as they oversee another camp that looks high end as Cassie was talking to them

Cassie: that's camp big moose more tech advanced but a lot of spoiled people there rich kids

Sadie: I hate those kind of people

Hina: gran!

Sadie: sorry sweetie!

They then see little moose; as it looked like a camp that was run down but loved, but looked it rather bare as they look around

Sadie: huh? Not bad

Arthur: my kind of place!

Chloe: but where's everyone?

Cassie: yeah there's usually kids running around so much

They then park as Y/n stops the softtail seeing a van there

Y/n: mystery machine? Nice name!

Max: could they be the new counselors like us?

Y/n: could be? Let's go!

As they get off they see a bunch of people and one dog arrive

???: excuse me?

Y/n turns seeing a bunch of people around his age alongside a older man with a noticeable mustache and cowboy hat

Cassie: Burt?

Burt the older man then looks at Cassie

Burt: Cassie Cage? Look At you grown faster than cucumber being pickled!

She hugs him as she looks at the group

Burt: oh this here is Fred Jones, Velma, shaggy, Daphne and.... Scooby doo

Hina: hey there!

Fred: you must be our new counselors and also my new camper

Hina: that's for......

Burt: oh no! I can't a axe wielding woodsman come....

A rather run down bus comes, as 3 kids hop off all different, one was a girl with purple hair covering one eye, a hoodie covering her hair and shorts, the other were 2 boys, one a blonde athletic looking boy, the other was a rather round guy with orange hair in a bowl cut, glasses and a inhaler in one hand, the girls name was Trudy, the blonde was Luke and the other boy was Deacon

Luke: hey is camp starting already?

Burt: oh you kids didn't get the message....

Trudy: what message?

Arthur: what's going on here exactly?

Suddenly the bus leaves as Burt begins to panic and tries to chase the bus down to no avail

Burt: hey what do you think you're doing? You get back here! *waves hand back and forth but the bus speeds off*

Max: that's one guy that wants his vacation time!

Y/n: yep

Fred the blonde one introduces himself to the kids as Y/n looks around and goes to Burt

Y/n: Burt right?

Burt: yes sorry son! We just a lot of incidents here and Fred wants to Continue camp but there's a man with a axe here named the woodsman, he blew up our boathouse

Cassie: he did what?

Cassie alongside Sadie and Arthur came up as Chloe and max helped the kids unpack as Hina was petting Scooby doo

Burt: that's why most of the kids left; even one of the other counselors, but we'll what we can do, who's little girl is that?

Y/n: she's mine; is there a place she can stay?

Burt: yeah! She can stay with Trudy; counselors sleep differently but as long as she's up and att'em; shouldn't be any trouble

Burt goes as the others look at each other

Y/n: there goes a quiet time for us, but I want Hina to have fun after what has happened!

Sadie; I agree; I'll keep on eye on.... Hina?

Hina was riding on scooby doo's back as she comes up

Scooby: hi

Y/n: hi!

The others were surprised

Sadie: that dog just talked?

Scooby: Rog? Where?

Y/n: yep, I'm Y/n, this is my dad Arthur, my mom Sadie and Cassie

Scooby; rice to meet ya.....

Hina: he's so cute!

Hina hugs scooby and he rubs her face gently

Scooby: sweet girl

Sadie: come on, sweetie! Give his back some space

The others came by as he sees the rest of the people

Shaggy: hey there! Looks like your daughter really loves scooby here *says to Arthur and Sadie*

Sadie: oh no! She's our granddaughter; this handsome man here is our son and her father

Shaggy; oh sorry dude!

Y/n: *chuckles* no problem; I'm Y/n Morgan

Daphne *whispers* wow what a hottie!

Daphne elbows her lightly

Sadie: Sadie Morgan

Arthur: I'm Arthur

Cassie: call me Cassie!

They get to meet the others, as they got to know the orange haired lady is Daphne, the one with glasses was Velma, they had met Fred, and lastly was shaggy

Shaggy: like man I'm starving, I'll need to cook up some food for dinner later

Y/n: let me help; I love to cook

Shaggy seems excited as they bring out some crates from The van

Y/n: sweet van

Fred: why thank you she's my pride and joy and come on campers I got a good idea for your first activity of the day, arts and crafts.... No zip lining!

Y/n: oh boy!

Y/n had gotten to know the rest and was bonding quite well with the others as he wore lightweight olive chinos, navy slip on vans, and a little moose camp counselor shirt that was fitted tightly against his chest as the others were up and around

Sadie was seen helping Hina make some arts and crafts as she was a little scared to go on the zip line and still too young, as Arthur was helping around as deacon was having a near panic attack

Daphne: it's ok Deacon; you're still on the ground, see Still safe

Velma and Trudy were up on the tress climbing the ladder that led to the zip lines

Velma: that's it, Trudy! Almost there

Trudy: almost there? I'm just looking for a signal *holds up her phone to get a signal*

Max is seen taking photos of the area and the wildlife

Chloe laughs as Velma sighs, as Hina had made a necklace out of many things including some scraps of clothes and a arrowhead shaped rock

Y/n: Great job Hina!

Hina: thanks papa!

Y/n goes to Deacon as he pats his back

Y/n: don't worry kiddo! You don't have to do anything you don't want to do!

Deacon: *heaves* thanks; I just don't like heights *grabs inhaler* I just can't....

Y/n: it's ok

Burt comes by as he is carrying some firewood for tonight

Y/n: hey Burt need any help?

Burt: nah son I'm good; looking forward to eating a good meal tonight

Y/n: oh that reminds me; I must start doing prep now

As he moves he hears Luke screaming in excitement as the leaves rustle around him as the kid was on the zip line

Y/n: *chuckles* he's having fun at least

Going into the cabin, Y/n sees that shaggy was making a big pot of chili as Y/n took a taste; it was a delicious chili but it needed something else to enhance that flavor more

Shaggy: I have a feeling I'm missing something?

Y/n: maybe a little Oregano and some more garlic 

Y/n helped crush some garlic as he puts in some oregano; as scooby then eats a pepper from the pile of peppers next to the cutting board

Shaggy: wow scooby, those are the hottest peppers in the planet

Y/n: oh no!

Scooby then begins to pant and before shaggy and Y/n know it. Scooby's face goes red before he expelled flames out of his mouth as shaggy and Y/n's beard got singed a little

Shaggy begins to wave around his hands as his chin hairs as singed and Y/n grabs a towel to stop the hairs from burning more; as Scooby rockets around expelling smoke and fire as the room is filled with smoke as Y/n then grabs a water hose from the sink and fills scooby's mouth full to distinguish the flame as Y/n and shaggy got wet as they wipe their hair away from their eyes

Y/n and shaggy: you ok?

Scooby: delicious!

Y/n: haha oh man scooby!

Arthur is seen helping teach the kids how to start fires with Luke as Fred tried to teach only for Luke and Arthur's fire to be more bigger

Arthur: whoo! Good job luke

Luke: come on get the marshmallows

Fred groans as he looks a little sad

Shaggy then checks the wood fire stove as he sees the fire burning low

Shaggy: man we need more firewood; or else the chili will be too chilly to eat

Scooby is then seen crying as shaggy turns around

Shaggy: oh don't worry scoob there's plenty of wood in the woods *chuckles*

The reason why scooby was crying was that he was chopping red onions as Y/n had chopped some tomatoes as well

Shaggy: tomatoes and onions, nice!

Shaggy helps add the vegetables as Y/n took a taste from the pot

Y/n: mmmh! Perfect just needs to simmer more and then it'll be better

Scooby had then gone to go get firewood as he was mistaken for moose tracks by Fred even as Arthur tried to tell him as It was Scooby instead

Scooby had come with firewood only for him to look around seeing nothing as twigs snapped around him

Scooby: raggy? Velma? Hina?

He only comes across a moose as scooby sighs and chuckles only for the moose to pause and move away and scooby to see this

As Scooby whimpers in fright; the figure throws the axe as it missed Scooby who runs back in shock dropping most of the wood he was carrying, as he bursts through the door as Y/n looked up startled

Scooby: Raggy, R/n!

He then grabs a bunch of wood and starts to nail it to the door with a hammer and even closes the blinds to the kitchen

Y/n: what's wrong scooby?

Shaggy: I didn't say you have to take the firewood back one by one

Scooby: wood man..... wood man

Y/n: wood man?

Shaggy: yeah wood man; I'll just get it Scooby

The door suddenly opens as the lighting casts the figure in shadow

Scooby Doo: WOODSMAN! *faints into shaggy's arms*

The figure then speaks revealing it to be Burt carrying more firewood

Burt: saw the smoke coming out from the chimney; thought you boys could use more firewood

Y/n: thanks Burt, really appreciate it

Shaggy: and dinner is almost ready

Shaggy lets scooby doo go as he looks outside frightened as Y/n went outside to look around as he sees and feels no one as Scooby is scared but calms down as Y/n rubs his back

Later Y/n sits down with Hina, max is next to him as Cassie is across as the rest sat down as shaggy came out with the pot of chili, next to it was baked potatoes with butter, cheese and bacon, and a light salad with some fresh strawberries

Shaggy: like I hope your hungry; cause I'm about to serve Y/n and shaggy's new famous 5 alarm chili

He scoops it into each bowl as Fred took a sip as he breathed out fire

Fred: Spicy!!!

Scooby then takes a drink and a sip as he couldn't wait to eat only for the chili to have burned a hole through his bowl as he looks through it as everyone is laughing, Hina is seen hugging her fathers arms

The Next morning

Fred: *LOUDSPEAKER* good morning campers and counselors, this is your hero Fred Jones here and up and att'em for a nice day today where it'll be a hour of swimming and an few hours of canoeing

As everyone was walking out yawning; Y/n, Cassie, Arthur and Sadie looked well rested as Hina is yawning as Trudy definitely looked annoyed

Trudy: is he serious?

Velma: unfortunately

At the little moose lake the others stood as Fred said their activities of the day were as they had a whole day in the lake

Daphne: in there?

Little moose lake was green and algae filled as frogs hopped around the green water as they could smell the water it smelled like sewer and rotting vegetation

Chloe: I sure as hell ain't going

Y/n: I'm not going in that nasty water

Luke: hey why don't we try big moose lake?

Hina: yeah let's go!

Fred: we can't go to big moose lake

Cassie: Ugh! Fred it's just a stupid legend

Shaggy: what legend?

Fred began to explain about a camper who was bullied named Neil fisher, who swam in big moose lake most of the time and wanted to be left alone and with time he began to grow gills, and webbed feet and turned into the fishman

Arthur: sounds like a bunch of manure to me! I'm gonna swim in a clean lake that won't give me an infection just by looking at it

Max: count me in!

Daphne: we're going to big moose

Fred: *looks dejected* we're going to Big moose

As the others went up the trails as Hina was carried on Sadie's back; Y/n saw Fred looking dejected as he pats his back and smiles at him

Y/n: come on! Let's have some fun

Fred: you know what? Yeah it sounds perfect

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/n is seen helping Hina pack on a life vest

Arthur helps sets a picnic as shaggy was making a colossal sandwhich only for him to be asked to help Deacon snap his vest on only for Scooby to have eaten the whole sandwich with a bugle in his stomach as he laughs

Hina is seen making a sand castle before Cassie picks her up as they begin to laugh as she's on Cassie's shoulders

Daphne took off her dress to reveal she's wearing a flowery purple bikini; as the others smile, next comes Velma wearing a white one piece, Max comes out wearing shorts and a bikini top, Chloe comes out in a black bikini that highlighted her ass, Cassie was wearing a pink one as she sent a wink to Y/n as Sadie's expression changes seeing the girls as Arthur gently held his wife's shoulder

Y/n is grilling some food as he flips  the finished food on a table behind him as the kids are staring in disbelief, while Hina is simply cheering on him

Y/n takes off his shirt as he was wearing navy blue swim trunks tightly fitted around his hips and ass, as Daphne, Chloe and Cassie wolf whistled at the sight, while Max is red faced as Arthur and Sadie are laughing at the girls reaction

The others begin to dive off the cliff overlooking the lake as Y/n did a 360 spiral backflip as the others cheered, Max is trying to not only for Chloe to grab her hand as they both yelled in fright as they rise up out of the water, Scooby, Hina, Deacon, Trudy and Luke are cheering them all on

Arthur is helping Fred and Luke to fish as he grabs a big trout weighing half of the boats size

Y/n is seen with Max rowing a boat as Cassie was sunbathing on the deck getting her tan on

Cassie: perfect day! And no problems yet

Y/n: let's hope it.....

A big boat with a motor races past them as it nearly hit them

Y/n: hey! Watch....

The others behind the boat who were water skiing nearly hit Y/n as his eyes turned red as the water splashed them

Max: what assholes!

Y/n: who are they?

Cassie: that's camp big.....

The boat pulls over as a beautiful lady tanned skin and tiny red bikini approached wearing a small smile on her face

A/n: couldn't add the Bikini pic sorry guys

???: sorry about that!

Y/n: how about next time you actually use your damn eyes!

???: hey..... I didn't....

Y/n: save it! Just leave us!

She leaves with a small wave and wink to Y/n as he sat back down

As one of the water skiers past she hollers at Y/n

???: how about I take a ride on you gorgeous?

Cassie shots her a glare as they sat down

As Fred and Arthur's boat passed by Trudy, Chloe, and Velma, they playfully splash them as Trudy looked annoyed, while Chloe laughed at that

Trudy: Boys are so immature

Chloe: what's so wrong with having fun on a lake like this?

Velma: they're just having fun, Trudy! Nothing wrong with that and I get that it's all new to you but you'll enjoy it!

Chloe: besides I wish I had something like this when I was young; it's a big adjustment but it'll be fun

Trudy just remains silent and stares at the water

Y/n, shaggy, Hina, Cassie, Sadie Daphne, Max, and scooby doo are seen docked together as they see that Scooby was wearing scuba gear

Y/n: someone's ready to go scuba diving

Scooby: scuba duba doo!

He then swam down as he splashed the others as they laugh

Scooby began to swim down as he looks around and even swims up to a catfish who meows at he swims up to it and swims away from him quick. As he made his way he comes across a steep drop and sees a building, unknown to him he's being watched by a creature

The creature tried grabbing at scoobys feet but missed as it grabbed his flipper as Scooby felt it and sees the fishman who snarls at him

Y/n and the others are laughing as Hina shook her wet hair all over them as Scooby leapt out of the water in fright

Scooby: FISHMAN!

Everyone: fishman? *fishman leaps out of the water with a roar* FISHMAN!!

Everyone grabs a paddle and begins to row as they were all in one boat, as they passed by Velma, Chloe and Trudy

Velma: hey, where's Deacon?

Y/n, Cassie, Sadie, Daphne, Max, Hina, shaggy, scooby: fishman!

Chloe: what the....

Trudy: *points to the water* fishman!

The fishman swims towards them As they paddle away only for the other end to be lifted up as the fishman tried to bite them only for a rock to hit its head as Arthur threw another rock at the creature. Before Fred and Luke tried to use their fishing lines only for the fishman to come back and shred the boat in 2 with it's fin, Arthur and Luke on one side with Fred on the other

Y/n's boat grabs Chloe, Trudy and Velma

Daphne: come on let's go

They see Fred and the others waving their hand as they pile into the boat as they paddle as fast as they can with Daphne in the back as they see their approaching the edge of the lake where it's a steep drop

Y/n: stop the boat, we need to.....

Only for the boat to be too fast to stop as they teeter halfway over the edge

Shaggy: Daphne, reverse engines

Daphne tried to only for the fishman's hand to push the boat up as they accelerated down the dam as everyone is screaming while Hina clung onto Cassie as their hair is whipped back and they slid down faster as they go to little moose still screaming and into the canteen as they stop in front of Deacon who was eating ice cream

Everyone: huh?

Deacon: hey guys, how was the canoeing? *eats another bite of ice cream*

After things had settled down, Y/n and the others were seen sitting down on various things as Burt was talking to a ranger Knudnesen, About what had happened

Burt: and there they came down, faster than a bunch of buzzards on a bobsled

The ranger asked a few more questions and even advised them to take this as a warning and go and even hits on Velma much to her annoyance

Y/n: so the fishman is real? Now I want to solve this mystery

Arthur: I agree, I want that thing deep fried for what it tried to do to us

Fred: that's more like it! But we got to set a trap

Y/n: how do we go about this?

Later on in the dead of night, a figure is seen sneaking around the camp before a net is dropped on the figure as everyone excluding the kids got down from their hiding places

Y/n: now who the hell are...... You?

The figure who wore a long coat and hat revealed to be the woman in the boat from earlier

Y/n: your that woman who nearly ran me and my friends earlier with your boat?

???: my name is Jessica, and I'm really sorry about that

The net was taken off her as she was wearing a white tank top, tight spandex blue shorts, and white socks to her calves with casual converse sneakers, as she looks at Y/n up and down

Jessica: you know you look hot in and out of your clothes! But better to see what you have to offer

Sadie tightens her fists at that comment, while Cassie did the same, Daphne makes a disgusted face as so did Chloe and Max

Y/n: instead of hitting on me, why the hell are you here?

Burt: that is true, you're a long way from big moose young lady, and it's the dead of night

Jessica: some stuff from our camp was stolen and we thought it was you little moosers pulling a prank

Fred: little moose doesn't pull those; it's all those snobs from camp big...... sorry *stops as Jessica glares at him*

Y/n: doesn't explain why you came here alone?

Jessica: I kinda wanted to see you, you're gorgeous you know that and my fellow counselors wanted to have proof

Y/n groans as he rubs his hands on his face before he stiffens up as everyone saw a figure behind him as it was the same person scooby saw yesterday

Woodsman: GET OUT!

Shaggy: no need to tell us twice

He swung the axe as people scattered only for Y/n to push him back with a kick as the woodsman growled as He and Y/n circled each other, as the woodsman tried to grab his axe he then suddenly sprayed Y/n with bear mace as Y/n reeled back


The woodsman then kicks him away as he grabs the axe and begins to chase the others as Y/n tried to look around for something to soothe his eyes as everything was a blur as he feels around for something for relief

Shaggy and Scooby were chased as the woodsman cut down the totem pole they're on as they managed to get away from the woodsman only for them to be chased on the top of a cabin as they hanged onto the gutters as they were sent down swinging into each other

They collided going into a pile of bushes, as they both emerged from the bushes safe and sound

Scooby: shaggy!

Shaggy: scooby!

They both hug as they look around worried about the axe wielding maniac

Shaggy: like where's the woodsman?

Inside the canteen, Fred, Velma and Jessica were hiding

Jessica: where's your sexy friend?

Velma: is that all you have to say?

Jessica: oh yeah there's nothing else and hiding here is supposed to be thoughtful?!

Fred: and you have a better idea?!

Suddenly the table is lifted as they see the woodsman

Jessica: YEAH RUN!!

They escaped as they try to lock the door only for the axe to come a foot away from their heads as they escape, Velma and Fred stay together but Jessica runs into the forest away from the campgrounds

Fred and Velma hide in the bushes only for them to be discovered as the woodsman growls


He raised the axe high

Daphne: hold that thought woodsy!

Suddenly Daphne, Bert and Cassie on the zip line with Daphne carrying Fred and Burt carrying Velma as they grab their hands, while Cassie sent a kick to the woodsman's throat as he crumbled down

Burt: hang on little lady!

Suddenly the weight of the zip line says as suddenly they go through bushes seeing that Chloe, max, Sadie, Arthur, shaggy and scooby doo who clinged onto them

Shaggy: like am I glad to see you

Scooby begins to lick Velma In happiness

Velma: scooby! Cut it out!

Arthur: wait! I don't think our weight.....!

The zip line suddenly breaks as everyone tumbled down nursing a few bruises

Max: i officially hate zip lines

Sadie: I hate that piece of crap woodsman

Arthur: agreed ow! Wait where's my son!

Y/n: right here!

Y/n came out with his eyes slightly puffy and red as they look at him

Sadie: oh my god! Are you ok?

Y/n: bastard got me with bear mace, by the way Burt, we'll need more milk soon! Hey wait a minute where's that other lady, Jessica?

Fred: I thought she was with us?

Sadie: I thought she ran......

Suddenly they hear a scream as they see a trail leading to a cliff as Y/n and the others begin to run

Jessica is running as she sees the woodsman chasing her and comes across a bridge that didn't look at that steady and she looks back and forth and decided to take the unsteady bridge over the axe crazy Woodsman

As the woodsman smiles as he approached her with a menacing look on his face

Fred: hold it right there woodsman!

He turned seeing the Scooby gang, burt, Sadie, Arthur and Y/n aiming their weapons at him, and Cassie as Y/n couldn't grab his guns nor could his parents; so they welded either A pickaxe, a shovel and a basenall bat

Max and Chloe hid behind  the rest

Sadie: I gonna mince you into ground beef bitch!

The woodsman grins before he chops the line connecting the bridge as Jessica begins to fall as she screams, the woodsman runs off as Sadie and Arthur give chase, suddenly shaggy, Y/n and Scooby come as they managed to grab Jessica, as the bridge swings as Y/n grabs everyone and holds on tightly before they swing over a ledge and back down to where there's a another bunch of rocks that shatter as the boards break

Scooby: zoinks!

Shaggy: like ditto on that man

Y/n groans as he feels his shoulder as Jessica comes to him

Jessica: you ok?

Y/n: yeah I'm good

Fred: here let me help you up

Fred offers his hand as shaggy and scooby shake their heads

Shaggy: no way man! Not with that crazed woodsman out there!

Sadie: he's gone!

Y/n: how?

Sadie: I don't even know; we lost sight of him and he seems to have vanished

The others are helped up as Cassie helped Y/n noticing his slight limp

Y/n: must've landed wrong? I'll be ok

Daphne: you sure?

Y/n: yeah, we have to go back to camp

Suddenly as they came back they see a sight as the words get out were carved on every surface of the camp including the cabins as the kids came out

Luke: what's going on?

Trudy: yeah..... *yawns* we're trying to sleep

Hina: what's going on?

Shaggy: you guys all slept through that? I'm impressed

Jessica: we better think this out throughly! It's best y'all come to big moose tomorrow

Burt: I'm not quite sure

Arthur: best we do cause everything seems linked one way or another and we just had a crazy axe guy attack us and earlier we had a fishman nearly throw us off a Cliff

Y/n: let's get some rest; and I'll take first watch

The others take some rest as Y/n stood watching over the others

A/n: long time coming but I made it and please comment down what y'all like?

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