Chapter 4

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Y/n was seen watching a video of some good old tom and Jerry. He was in his dorm shirtless with a pair of sweatpants on. After he and Max went around, he also met her friends and decided to set up his room for his stay here. He also video chatted with Hina as she was smiling but teary eyed missing her dad. But y/n reassured her he'll be back soon, and that he loves her. Same with his parents although they said they'll be moving to Arcadia bay to stay with him in town. Due to the worries they have

Y/n: they're gonna be the death of me one day

He looks seeing it was nearly midnight as he looks to his screen watching tv as he falls asleep

The next morning

We now see y/n as it was not even sunrise, as we was doing Aztec push-ups

He finishes as he gets up after shaking his arms feeling them go numb, as the heat rushed back into his arms, he then sits down as he grabbed a bottle of water and chugs it down

After drinking his water he leans back on the bed as he relaxed and let himself rest

Y/n: "I hope everyone at home is okay"?

He then gets up as he stretches his scars showing as he put on a shirt as he went to the boys dorm shower after getting a shower done, he went back to his dorm as he got dressed in some of his favorite clothes, which include a blue flannel, white shirt with ripped jeans and his suede boots

He saw it was almost sunrise as he got a text from max as she wanted to hang out with him so he went to the girl's dorm as he sees her waiting outside

Max: hi

Y/n: hey there, beautiful

Max blushes as she and y/n sit down as max couldn't help but look at him. He turns to her as she looks away

Y/n: is there something wrong?

Max: no, it's just really cool to have you here. I can't wait for you to meet Chloe and the others

Y/n: the blue haired punk girl? Definitely she seems like a cool girl

Max: I do hope you both would get along

Y/n: I'm sure we will

Max and him simply sit back on the bench as y/n enjoyed the sunrise over Arcadia Bay, since it was a Saturday. They both saw a good amount of people just hanging around

???: hey Maxy

Max: Chloe, you made it!

Chloe: of course I did, so your y/n ain't ya

Y/n: what rumors has max told you about me?

Chloe: nothing yet, but I like what I'm seeing

Y/n: then I guess you don't hate me?

Chloe: nah not yet, but if you try anything I'll cut your balls off

Y/n: fair deal

Chloe: Chloe price

Y/n: Y/n Morgan

Both of them shake their hands as she sat down next to them

Chloe: so what brings you over here?

Y/n: very complicated manners

Chloe: family..?

Y/n: no. Not that

Chloe: seems like you ended up in the shithole though

Y/n: i don't see any wrong, but it's certainly different

Chloe: maybe you're not bad

Y/n: you ain't bad for a blueberry of all things

Chloe: hey

Max and y/n simply broke out in chuckles as Chloe joins in as y/n noticed that she was smiling

Chloe: good taste in guys, Mad Max

Max: he's special, very special

Y/n: maybe so?

Max, Chloe and y/n found themselves enjoying their time together, as Max told him how they were basically best friends for life and y/n had to love the girls, it's been a while since he has even hanged out with ladies that aren't his best friend, due to raising a child and all. But these girls were very different


We now see y/n in the car with max and Chloe, even though they wanted to take Chloe's truck. They did try y/n's car out as he was speeding through the abandoned highway

Max: slow down, please

Y/n: faster? Okay then!

Max: no... NO!

He revved up the engine as he suddenly stops as they jerk forward

Chloe: Asshole

Y/n: I am indeed one

Max: never do that, again?

Y/n: no promises

Their stomaches suddenly rumble as y/n and the girls blush and laugh

Y/n: burgers on me!

Chloe: a car ride and a late breakfast, whats next you service us with that tongue of yours?

Max: CHLOE!!

Y/n had to laugh as they stopped by a burger shop as y/n ordered his food with Chloe and Max

Y/n's order was a cheeseburger with bacon and jalapeño's with fries and a cherry coke

While Max and Chloe ordered a classic chess burger and some thick cut fries with root beer

They all sat back as they were enjoying some Kenny Loggins on Y/n's radio as they were enjoying the time with y/n

Chloe: thanks for a great day, feels different from the usual shitty Arcadia day

Y/n: glad I exceeded your expectations now let's...

Y/n's phone vibrated as he got a message from his dad, saying it was an emergency and come now to the outskirts of Arcadia Bay

Y/n: shit! I gotta drop you both off

Max: we'll come, just let us come

Y/n:.......... Fine but stay away if anything happens!

Chloe: sure, but why?

He just remained silent

Y/n stops by a forest outlook as he got out and looks around, he sense something as he looks behind him seeing his mom and dad there as he relaxes

Arthur: what's the emergency? Are you okay, kiddo?

Y/n: what're you talking about? You texted me, didn't you?

Sadie: no we sure didn't

Y/n: but then...

A gunshot echoed as y/n crumbled down holding his stomach back as suddenly armed guards appear as Chloe and Max are dragged out of y/n's car. While Arthur and Sadie are disarmed

Arthur: son?

Y/n groans as he tried to stem the bleeding

Sadie: Sons of bitches, get off me!

Max: Y/N!

???: Arthur Morgan, Sadie Morgan, and if I'm not mistaken, Y/n Morgan outlaws??

Out between them stepped out a man wearing a suit

Chloe: who the hell are you?

???: manners, little lady. My name is Kazuya. And I'm here for Y/n Morgan

Y/n: this is just between you and me isn't? Leave my family out of this shit!

Kazuya then marches and stomps on his knee as y/n yells in pain hearing the crunch of his kneecaps

Arthur: you son of a bitch

Sadie: no you leave my baby boy alone!

Kazuya: y/n you try anything or even use any of your "special powers" I'll kill the blue haired girl first, the I'll kill everyone else here

Chloe: FUCK YOU!

Max: Please just leave him alone!

Kazuya: you've upset a lot of people, y/n but this is a treat. Getting to end you, Ripper

Y/n: fuck you and your Corporation

Kazuya: poor choice of words, Y/n

Suddenly he activated a laser eye as it burns through his shirt as y/n gritted his teeth, trying not to worry his family. But he knew what was gonna happen

As Kazuya was done he noticed something, he grabs it out of y/n's jeans as it was one of his most prized possessions his revolver made by his dad

Kazuya: nice gun, let's see what it can do??

He proceeds to fire 3 rounds into y/n's chest as he gurgled up blood


Arthur: Y/n...... please just leave my son alone?

Kazuya then marches over as he placed the barrel against his head as Sadie and Arthur look in terror while y/n looks at Max as she was crying, he offers a little smile as his look told her it's gonna be alright 


Y/n's head hits the ground as a bullet hole was seen in his skull, he was...... dead his eyes wide open



Kazuya then examines the gun as he looks at it closely

Kazuya: I'll be taking this, it's a good prize!

He then kicks y/n's body as the only thing Max felt was a hit at the back of her head as she blacks out alongside the others

Later on, Max woke up as she sees y/n's mother Sadie. Holding her sons dead boy as she was sobbing as blood was leaking on to her clothes

Arthur was there next to her tears in his eyes. As Chloe woke up as she gasps still not believing what she saw

Chloe: oh my god!

Max went over as she gently laid a hand on Sadie's shoulder as he looks up, fade tear stained and bloody 

Max: Mrs Morgan, I'm so sorry

Sadie: it ain't your fault..... oh god my baby boy!

Arthur doesn't talk as he suddenly reached into his pocket for his phone as he dials a number but not before closing his son's eyes, gently

Arthur: Francis, get over here now, and have someone watch Hina

He then gets up as he walked towards Chloe and max

Max: Mr Morgan?

Arthur: I'm gonna find that son of a bitch, and I'm gonna make him pay....... I'm gonna make him pay for killing my son!

Somewhere else, Different Universe

Suddenly Eyes open wide as the camera pans over seeing Y/n Morgan on the ground. Alive but somewhere else as he noticed a forest around him was destroyed. He then coughs as he looks around not even noticing where he is

Y/n: dad? Mom? Max? Chloe?

Nothing as y/n had to check his body only noticing that his clothes were intact if not a little dirty from the ground. He made his way to a road as he feels his throat as it was parched and dry. As he made it through the hot noon sun, he saw a gas station as he knocked on the glass door

Y/n: hello, I need help?

He noticed that it was rather barren down this road with nothing, he then punched the glass in as, y/n made his way inside. Going to the fridge, he grabbed a bottle of water as he chugs it down as he grabs a newspaper noticing it was from some place called the daily planet that's when he knew he want back on his world or even dimension.......Going to the sink he washed his face as he looks fine, he then punched the mirror serval times as he began to pick it up As he began to yell as he stops sinking down to the ground

Y/n: Hina, mom, dad. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I can't be there for you anymore. Hina, please forgive me. I can't be the father for you anymore......... but I promise I'll come back, don't worry hina. I know Arthur and Sadie will take care of you! Don't worry sweetie, daddy's will come back

He sits there for a good 10 minutes as he then grabs a bag and fills it with water, Coca Cola, some snacks and after checking grabbed a key hanging behind the counter after he made sure he had his wallet, and leaves a few money and a Apology note

He then noticed a tarp covering something as he removes it, seeing a Harley lowrider S there

Y/n: holy shit, just my luck!

He then used the key as it starts much to his relief

Y/n: let's follow the road

Making his way down the road y/n had to endure a long 3 hours as he stops a sign overlooking a city as he sees the sign

Welcome to Metropolis

Y/n: metropolis huh? Better get started here

A/n: hope you all enjoyed this

Also any girls you want to add?? 

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