Chapter 3 ❀ "Let's Duel!" - Part 2

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"You should be careful of what you wish for because now I'm gonna attack that weak Noble Knight Brothers card with my Bazoo!"

For a second or two you hesitated when making your move, but hearing your tag team companion call out words of concern, you chose to protect your monster until it would be the Shiba Inu worker's turn. "I don't think so! I activate my Quick-Spell, Glory of the Noble Knights! With it, I can target a Noble Knight monster I control and equip it with one Equip Spell from my Deck. The Equip Spell I choose is Noble Arms of Destiny and I'll equip it to Noble Knight Brothers!"

"That's nice and all, but how's that pathetic Equip card gonna help you in any way? I don't see your monster's Attack Points increasing. So say bye-bye!" Your red-haired opponent mocked your counter-measures just moments before his attack came through. A gust of wind blew your way, robbing you of 2100 Life Points while you used your arms to shield your face. The delinquent's expression on the other hand had a confused grimace on it, the reason behind it most probably being him wondering why your Noble Knight Brothers was still on the field. "Allow me to enlighten you and your puny brain. Once per turn when equipped with Noble Arms of Destiny my monster can't be destroyed by battle or card effects. So yeah, I won't be saying bye-bye to anyone."

"To anyone but your Life Points! What a useless move, protecting a monster with just 100 Attack Points and still receiving damage! Whatever, I'll let you off the hook for now and end my turn." The hooligan had finally finished spouting nonsense and passed the turn to the waiter in the dog costume. "I'm bringin' da boom! It's ma turn and I draw!"

"Everything's comin' up Joey today! From ma hand, I activate Pot o' Greed! I think even two doofuses like you know what dat card does!" The male standing just a mere few feet to your right announced, drawing two more cards to his normal Draw. The unmistakable Brooklyn accent and how he had just addressed himself as Joey made you freeze in your posture for a few seconds, leaving you to properly question the Shiba Inu's true identity for the first time. It couldn't possibly be that Joey, could it? Your train of thought was thrown off course once the waiter looked your way and asked you a rather rhetorical question. "Ya won't mind if I use ya' monsters, will ya?"

"Well, that's kinda the point in a Tag Duel, so go ahead and use them to your heart's content. Don't forget that there's still a face-down card." You raised a brow slightly when replying as if asking the young man if he was seriously posing that question. Though you couldn't help but think that it was kind of cute of him to make sure first before doing whatever he pleased with your cards. After all, a Duelist's pride were their cards and vice versa. "Then Imma do just dat! I tribute all three monsters on our field ta summon dis guy!"

"My legendary fighter has da' power ta control de skies and crush all ya' hopes! Gilford da Lightning!" Your mouth hung slightly wide for two different reasons actually, one of them being the fact that the monster your partner had just summoned happened to be one of the many signature cards of your idol Duelist. Then again, you had to remind yourself that thousands of other people could be owning a Gilford the Lightning given that it was practically a card like any other. And the other reason behind the possibility of you now catching flies was that this person had so casually gotten rid of not one, but all three of the monsters you had summoned. "I mean I did tell you to go ahead, but getting rid of all of them?!"

"Nice monster, Dog-man. Too bad its Attack Points are the same as my Bazoo the Soul-Eater's." Your opponent was clearly amused, both at the fact that what he said was true because of the Continuous Spell Card Wonder Balloons which was still in play as well as his monster's special ability, and at the way you were attempting to process what had just happened to your three knights. The waiter in the Shiba Inu costume was far from discouraged though. "Well too bad dat all da monsters on ya' field go bye-bye when I tribute three monsters instead a' two ta summon Gilford!"

"Tch, no matter. We'll just come back at you on our next turn." The red-haired delinquent was visibly displeased that the monster he had powered-up quite a bit had been taken out so easily, but he still seemed to have faith in his partner. "Dat's given ya even have a next turn! I activate Monster Reborn from ma hand and bring back ma partner's Noble Knight Drystan!"

"B-Bring back all the monsters you want, but their total of Attack Points still isn't enough to take us out!" Slowly but surely, the talkative red-head was getting cold feet as the possibilities of the two of you defeating them were increasing with every move the male in the dog suit made. "Hehe! Let's see ya say dat again after I activate Graceful Dice! Imma roll a dice and all monsters on our field'll get a boost equalin' da result times a hundred til de end of dis turn!"

"I'm not da brainiest at maths, but my gut's tellin' me dat unless I roll a one or a two, it's gonna be enough ta take ya down!" The Brooklyn boy stated, accompanied by a giggle. You did the math in your head again and what he had said really was the case, so if luck were to be on your side, this might be the last move your partner had to make before achieving victory for the both of you. The dice had been thrown and though you were internally hoping for a three or higher, you weren't as desperate as to fold your hands and pray for it. Perhaps doing that would have actually helped since the number your partner rolled was a two. "Oh come on!"

"Ha! That's what happens when you rely on luck! As long as my Wonder Balloon Spell is in play, your pipsqueak monsters can't get to us." This time it was the raven-haired individual who provoked the two of you, talking as if taking a total of 3800 points of direct damage was nothing. "Then I guess Imma just get rid of dat card completely!" Despite the male in the Shiba Inu costume having said that he himself was going to fulfill that task, he looked over to you as if to signal you to take things in your hands for a moment. Having thought of the same counter strategy, you nodded and flipped the only face-down card on your Duel Disk face-up. "We activate Noble Arms - Gallatin which you should have remembered I set but didn't, and equip it to Noble Knight Drystan!"

"Not only do his Attack Points increase by a thousand, but it triggers my Drystan's effect! When a Noble Arms card is equipped to it, I can choose any card on the field and destroy it. Guess which one I'll be picking?" You continued, smirking at your two opponents triumphantly the moment their expressions turned from overconfident to almost desperate as they blurted out something that sounded a lot like 'You don't mean...?!' "Exactly! Kiss your Wonder Balloons goodbye because they'll be going out with a blast, and your Life Points soon will, too!"

"Ya go girl! Now dat those are outta da way, our monster's Attack Points return, which means dat our total is... uhhh... gimme a sec..." The waiter seemed excited at first, but his enthusiasm died down once he had to pull out the fingers he didn't even see because of his suit in order to get an overview of the numbers he was talking about. You snorted and helped the poor guy out with simple math. "That means the combined attack points of our two monsters equals 6000 which is a lot more than what you can afford."

"But don't take our word for it. Gilford and Drystan, attack dem creeps directly!" The Brooklyn boy finally announced with a violent swing of his arm and couldn't feel more satisfied when the two monsters with 3000 Attack Points each attacked the delinquents who had no traps or spells set directly, reducing their Life Points to 0 and -1000 in his head. The remaining holograms disappeared and you put all your cards back into your Deck Holder before approaching the young man in the dog suit. "High-five, Puppy-guy! We beat those two to a pulp!"


My note to you:
Hope I didn't do something that was against the rules.^^ Otherwise just apply Kaiba logic and everything will be fine. x3

Thank You for Reading!

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