All Truth Be Told | Part 1

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Skylar sits cross legged on the floor of her room reflecting on the what had just happened.


"Hello Skye. I'd like to discuss what happened on your mission."

"Like a mission report?"

"Yes. But you need to tell me everything from the beginning."


"We made our way through the trees, looking out for any signs of danger. Before heading in we go over the plan which was,

First we go in. Stop any HYDRA agents. Stop any weapons deals and secure the base and let the clean up crew and investigators take it from there.

We made our way towards the building. Making sure we we're out of sight. As we entered the building I was completely dumbfounded as we turned through the endless corridors. The place was like a maze.

After what seems like years the maze-like corridors come to an end as we approached a rusty looking door. Cautiously Steve opened the door, his shield raised and I was ready to use my powers if need be, but I still has my pistol in my hands just in case I didn't need to use my powers. We soon found ourselves in an open and empty space. Large and square with only one other door on the opposite side of the room. It just didn't feel right.

I thought that this was supposed hold one of HYDRA's main weapons trades.
Steve thought so too.

There was a wooden table in the middle of the room with two pieces of paper on it. We both cautiously made our way over to the table. As I picked up one of the papers my eyes widened at what was written on it:


I turned to Steve as he showed me a second note that read;

Did you really think we'd let S.H.I.E.L.D capture one of our main weapons deals? You must be extremely stupid. For when you cut off one head. Two more take it's place.

It was a trap. Why else would they have written HAHA on a piece of paper for us to find? They must have known we were going to come. We needed to get out of there. We agree and we start to run towards the door we came through. There was multiple explosions, amd the ground was shaking with a cracking noise above us. Steve got to the door first before some debris blocked me feom getting through. Steve shouts my name frantically.

I shouted through the debris inbetween us hoping he can hear me. There was another explosion and soon after the room was alight. I couldn't control flames that big. One of my elemental powers isn't being able to create and remove fire, I'm only able to manipulate it. Still the flames were too big. My powers aren't strong enough. I try teleporting to where Steve is. I realised I can't. I can't teleport without knowing where I'm going. I'm unable to paint a clear picture in my mind as the fumes and smoke from the fire clouded my mind.

A few seconds later I hear Steve shouting my name again, asking if I'm okay.

I tell him he needs to go get help but he refuses. I try to tell him again but he cut me off saying the same thing again.
I scold him saying that he needs to do what I tell him to otherwise there would have been no chance of me making it. This time he comes to his senses and listens to me.

I go to see if there's an exit through the door on the other side of the room. I couldn't control the flames they're too strong. I couldn't put out the flames with water because there was no water for me to manipulate. I couldn't teleport either. Not being to picture where I want to go is too dangerous. I could end up anywhere.

I turned around only to be met with more flames and smoke. The fumes were burning my lungs. I try to use my powers to only let the clear air into my lungs but there was not much of it left. I made my way towards the other door. My head was hurting from the dizziness. As I forced open the door I was met yet again with flames and fumes. The whole building was on fire and would've probably caved in soon. I turned a corner only to find myself in another corridor. More mazes. I kept running and turning with all my strength hoping that Steve had got out and would come back for me.

Extremely tired I turned one final corner and saw a light at the end of the corridor. I managed to form a small smile on my mouth as I made my way towards it. I was halfway there when I noticed a figure coming towards the building. I couldn't help but think, what crazy person would want to go into a building on fire and explosions happening all around?

I was almost there when I heard a crack and something heavy fell from above hitting my head. Knocking me forward in the process. It took all my strength for me to keep my eyes open and try to focus on the figure coming this way. My eyelids started to feel heavy when I noticed the mysterious figure had a good build.

Was it Steve? No. Steve has blond hair not brown and he definitely didn't have a metal arm...........

There's only one person I know that has a metal arm and his name is...


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