Confessions, Memories and Trust Issues

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Steve's POV:

She looks me in the eyes and says "I'm no hero" . Her statement takes me aback slightly.

"What do you mean, you're no hero?" I ask her, softly so she doesn't think I'm interrogating her.

"I..I.. I killed my parents". Tears start to well up in her eyes, as she looks down in shame while saying this.

My first instinct was to comfort her, I pulled her close to me and hugged her. She reacted differently than how I expected her to. Instead of pushing me away like she did the first time, she quietly sobbed into my chest. As she calmed down and her breathing became more even she pushed away.

"Wanna talk about it? I understand if you don't want to though". I say the last part quite quickly.

"No, I want to... but can I really trust you? I don't really trust many people." She says.

"Honestly, it's about you, and you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." I reply.

She smiles at me whilst saying, "that is the most honest answer I've had my whole life". Her smile is so beautiful, even when she is so tired and worn-out. I've never felt this way for anyone except Peggy.

Skye's POV:

I have this feeling that I can trust him. Why? I seriously don't know. So I tell him anyway.

"I have powers, I didn't know how to control them... I still don't know how to control them. Anyway, I had an adopted sister the same age as me who got all the attention from my parents, I was never good enough for them, I guess I wasn't the way they wanted me to be so they got the daughter they always wanted - Hannah.

I was twelve years old when it happened. I got invited to a party from one of the cool kids in school but I made an excuse about not being able to come, but the real reason was because I thought I didn't have anything good enough to wear. I was jealous that Hannah got everything she wanted whilst I got crappy hand downs from her. So I took her favourite/best top and her nicest perfume to wear, and sneak out and go to the party. Hannah didn't actually get invited to the party so she got mad at me for being invited. I shrugged it off knowing she was jealous. I thought she wouldn't notice that out of the loads of things she had one perfume bottle and one top was missing. But she did.

She stormed into my room and started screaming horrible things about me. About how my parents never loved me. About how they never wanted me. About how they wished I was dead. I lost it. I started screaming back at her how I thought she was a spoilt brat and how she's not even blood related to any of us. She went down and sent my parents up. The room started to shake when my parents came upstairs and shouted at me for taking Hannah's things. I couldn't take it anymore. I was holding my head and as soon as I threw my arms and hands downwards, there was the sound of glass breaking.

When I opend my eyes Hannah was just stood there in shock as she had just come in the room. The bedroom window was shattered and my parents were slumped against the wall, without a pulse. I packed my bags and ran away knowing I couldn't control my powers. So I focused on helping others, learned how to fight and I made a name for myself - Emerald Nightstar."

By the time I had finished telling him, my eyes were puffy from all the tears that had flown whilst I was telling him about my past.

I looked up to see him in tears too, he then tells me "I can't believe you went through all that at such a young age. Nobody deserves to go through all that alone." He says this this with such genuine sympathy, it made me smile.

"Thank you, that means a lot." I Then start laughing lightly and he looks at me confused. "That's only part of the story" I explain. "And I'm glad I've told someone, it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

He chuckles and says, "Well you must tell me the rest sometime."

"Of course, I might as well since we're on the same team now." I reply.

His smile grows wider and he says "I'll go let Director Fury know. Someone will come down to give you you're new uniform soon... oh and um can I ask you something?" He says.

"Sure". I reply

"If you were twelve when it happened, how old at you now?". He asks and I laugh at his shyness.

"26". I say and with that he leaves the room.

3rd person's POV- All the Avengers (except Steve) are watching Skye and Steve talk.

Tears ran down all of their faces (except Natasha - who actually looked sorry for her) as she told (part of) her story. They all immediately assumed Steve has feelings for her.

"I am glad that Lady Skye is now part of S.H.I.E.L.D. she seems like a true warrior and a good asset to have." Thor was the first person to have said anything since Skye's revelation.

"Yeah, but I wonder what her powers are." Nat says.

"Look I think we should give her a break, I mean, come on look what she's been through. Plus she said that only part of the story, just imagine you were in her position." Johnny says.

They all agree to wait until tomorrow to see her.

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