More Tests

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[OH...MY....GOD... 500 reads?!? I never even thought this book would get 50 reads! If this book gets 1k reads I'll do something like a Q&A chapter... or something anyway. Thank you so much to all who read my book. And a special thank you to scarletwidow♡ for suggesting my book to her readers, an all round amazing person and brilliant writer. So if you're reading this and you've not read her story... where have you been! Read it, it's great! ~Skye]

Skye's POV:

"You really want to know? Well I guess you guys already know quite a lot about me, so I might as well. But there's one thing first." I start saying.

"And what's that?" Tony scoffs.

"I want to go to Stark Tower, then I'll tell you" I demand.

"Fine. Take her there after the other tests are complete, I'll meet you there after. I've got things to do." Fury says. "Banner your in charge of the tests and Steve's in charge of keeping control *cough* of Stark *cough*." And with that he leaves the room (again).

"More tests?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, there's the fear test and a blood test so why don't we do that first?" Bruce asks. He's so far the only one other than Steve to have talked to me like a human.

I smile and say, "sure, why not". He sits me in a chair and grabs somethings. All of a sudden a big blond dude, with longish hair walks in and says,"is this the Lady Nightstar that possess great power I have heard so much about?".

"Yes it is" I reply.

"It is an honour to meet such a fine warrior." he says whilst placing a kiss on my hand.

"Actually I think the honour is mine. Thor, God of Thunder right? I ask.
His smile broadens as I state who he is. As he smiles I get up and do a curtsey.

"There is no need for that, Lady Nighstar". Thor says chuckling.

"Please, call me Skye". I say laughing with him.

"As you wish--" he pauses before emphasising on the "--Skye" part. From the corner of my eye I see Steve. There's a look on his face I've never seen before... is he jealous? Why would he be jealous of me joking around with Thor? Unless... maybe he likes me... wait no. He can't like me. He's a soldier and is probably still in love with that woman - Peggy. He won't ever like me the way I like him. My train of thought is interrupted by Clint.

"So why Stark Tower?" Clint asks me.

"I wanted to see what it's like, I mean come on. I've heard what it's like so why not see what it's like." I say with a grin on my face. I have officially added him and Thor to the list of people who have talked and treated me like a human. Which is currently: Steve, Bruce, Clint and Thor.

"You know what? I'm starting to like this one." Stark says whilst looking at me.

"Don't kidd yourself Stark, I know you like just as much as the others. Which I don't think is very much." I reply, turning my head away as I say it.

I hate being so harsh to them. I want to let them in. Trust them. But I can't. Telling them about my powers and past doesn't matter. It's the real me I won't allow them to see. Trusting people like that has got me nowhere in life and I'm not going to let myself become soft.

Even if it means pushing them all away. Even Steve....

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