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Skye's POV:

I watch as one of the few friends I had dissappear behind the elevator doors of Stark Tower. I do need to set things straight, Alisa was right. I need to start over with them. Cut the awkward tension between us all.

"Okay, guys you can come out now" I announce. After a few seconds each Avenger sheepishly comes out of their 'hiding place'. Did they really think I wouldn't find out?

"How did you know?" Nat asks, curiosity dancing away in her eyes.

"I saw your reflection in the elevator doors."

"Oh" they all say in unison and I hop off the bar stool I was sat on, I walk towards them I start to say,

"Right. Look guys I think we should start over. I mean we got off to bumpy start and it's my fault so I'd like fix it." They look at me slightly confused but I choose to continue anyway.
"So, my name is Skylar... was Angelov, now Stark. I am also the sister of Tony Stark" I see Tony's countenance light up as he smiles like a child given a ton of sweets.
"But you can call me Skye. I have The Four T's and Elemental powers. I'd prefer not to re-tell my  past but that's okay because you know anyway. Any questions?" I smile feeling glad I decided to finally let them in. Show them the real me. I expect them to ask me questions in return however they don't.
Their faces light up like children at Christmas. All of a sudden I feel a pair arms wrap around me, pulling me into a tight hug. Once pulled away I see that it was Tony.

"For a minute I thought you didn't want to be my sister." He says looking relieved.

"Of course I want to be your sister. Come on, which girl doesn't want to be the sister of Tony Stark?" He laughs and I look towards the others, within seconds I'm engulfed in a huge group hug.

"What was that for?" I say confused yet still smiling.

"We wanted to say sorry for the way we treated you" Clint starts.

"For judging you too soon." Nat finishes.

"It's ok." My grin grows even bigger, if that's possible. These two finish each others sentences, they should so be together. I totally need to think of a ship name for them. 

"But I have a question. There's one of you missing... where's Thor?"

"Oh he had to go to Asgard to take care of some business." This time it was Bruce talking. I nod my head in response. I'd love to visit Asgard one day. Especially to see Loki so I can slap him for New York.

"So I guess I should get my stuff then. Oh and where's my room?"

"Room" Tony snorts, "why would you need just a room when you've got a whole floor to yourself."

"Really?! Awesome! I'll go get my stuff!" I exclaim excitedly. As I start to walk towards the elevator I hear a voice pipe up.

"Umm... would you like some help, packing and lifting things?". Steve asks.

"Sure. Thanks" I hold out my hand for him to take and he looks slightly flustered. I laugh and say goodbye to everyone else before grabbing his hand "come on" and teleporting to my apartment.

Steve's POV:

"You've got a nice place here"

"Thanks, I know it's not much but it's been home... I never thought I'd be able to leave it but here I am. Packing my things. Leaving it all behind." She looks around the room as if floods of memories are racing through her mind. A sad smile making its way upon her face. I make my way over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you ok?" She seems to snap out of her trance-like state before saying,

"Yeah. I  guess I had to leave it behind at some point. We all have to move on."

"I was wondering if I could ask you something." I ask hesitantly.

"Shoot."  I must look confused as she says this. She shakes her head and chuckles whilst saying, "never mind. It's just a figure of speech".

"What made you change your mind?"

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone. I want to be around people I love and care about. I have a feeling that it's you guys."

I don't know what to say in return. I can't tell her how I feel just yet. I keep quite before saying.

"What's this?" I pick up what looks like a little necklace box and I'm about to about to open it, when a flash of anger comes across her face and she grabs it off me and throws it across the room. The anger on her face went as quickly as it came.

"It's nothing."

I pick up the little box opening it, I see a customised necklace, engraved H&S forever  in a heart. Who's H?

She packs the remaining things into her bag. Suprisingly she only has two suitcase fulls and one hand luggage bag. "Right come on." She holds out her hand for me to take as I grab her suit cases. I hold her hand as she takes us back to the tower. Her small hand feels nice within my big one.

If only...

Wow. Almost 3k reads! Thank you!

Also anyone make a connection between this chapter and the last? *Smirk face* comment if you did :).

Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment/vote.

Never be afraid of who you are.


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