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Hey, sorry this isn't an update, I got tagged! I've never been tagged before so this is a first :)

I got tagged by xxmarvelqueenxx, Thanks!


1. You must post all the rules.

2. You must tag 13 people.

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer the questions given to you and post 13 more.

5. You can't say you don't do tags.

6. You can do tag backs.

7. You have to be finished in a week.

8. Be creative with the title!

13 Facts about me! :)

1. I'm British

2. I'm 15

3. I'm half Asian.

4. I'm still in high school – which basically takes over my life :/

5. I'm a Harry Potter fan, The Walking Dead fan, Marvel fan.... And probably so much more but the list would be too long to write.

6. I have weird friends, but they're my weird friends... (yes I'm talking about you Marvel_Kicks)

7. I tried to be normal once..... it was the worst two minutes of my life!!!

8. I recently became obsessed with The Walking Dead.

9. Chris Evans is my husband...(ha I wish).

10. If not Colton Haynes is... (haha again I wish).

11. I'm running out of things to say.

12. I really want to learn how to use a bow and arrow... maybe one day I might do archery after my exams.

13. I never ever accept any form of racism, discrimination, or prejudice whether it be against me, not me, people like me, people not like me, I don't care. It's not acceptable.

Questions from xxmarvelqueenxx

1. What grade are you in?  I'm in year 10 in the UK, I don't know what that would that would be equivalent to in other countries.

2. What's your favourite television show? Well I have a lot of TV shows that I like but for my favourite I'd have to say... The Walking Dead.

3. Who are your favourite characters from a book/movie/show? Book – Hermione Granger, I mean she's totally badass in HP from the beginning I think, even if in a more quiet way. Movie – Steve Rogers, because.... Well he's Steve! The boy who never gave up, even when he was scrawny.

4. What's your worst habit? Nail biting. It's terrible and I'm trying to stop.

5. Do you have any pets? No, although there were times when I wanted like a goldfish or something.

6. When did you join Wattpad? Um, just over a year ago... I think.

7. What's your main fandom? Probably Marvel.

8. Any OTPs (OCs count)? I have a few, WinterWidow – a very controversial topic I must say XP, Olicity, there's too many to remember at once XD.

9. What are your initials? SAJ.

10. How many siblings, if any, do you have? None, although I've always wished I have a brother/sister.

11. How excited are you for Captain America: Civil War? ANJKSDBJKSFBHUIEGHWEKLCMVKVBGRHWAFJVNRBREGBVJGVNIOREGJRIEGB.............. I get super hyped just hearing or seeing the movie title.

12. What is your Favourite Movie? Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

13. What's your favourite hobby? Honestly, I just like chilling with my cousins, going to the park and stuff. Although, I have always wanted learn Archery.

Questions from Me

1. What's your favourite subject?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
3. Who would you want to meet the most if you got the chance?
4. What year/grade are you in?
5. Do you have any siblings?
6. How are you feeling at this moment in time?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What's your favourite book/author?
9. What's your favourite movie/s?
10. Who's your favourite actor/actress?
11. Team Cap or Team Ironman?
12. Winter or Summer? Why?
13. What's your favourite TV show?

I'm tagging....











I know it's not 13 people but... oh well.

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