Six - Not to Hot

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"So when are we gonna meet your girl?" Aidan asked as he leaned over Derek's slumping figure. "I've heard so much about her but I've never seen her. I'm actually not sure if she's even real."

Derek snorted. "Oh, she's real alright. She's my step sisters best friend and she was over last night planning about what to wear. Involved a ton of squealing and fangirling."

"Aren't those the same thing?"

"The point is, girls are so difficult. Right guys?"

The jocks around them murmured their agreement and Carden tried to contribute to the conversation but his mind was somewhere else. So she had taken his advice. Well, not really advice. More like cheerful demands but still. She might even look approachable and not like a village hobo for once.

"Oh great, here they come," Derek complained loudly. "Did you seriously have to invite them to hangout with us this morning, Car?"

"Well, she is my girlfriend." The word tasted foreign on his tongue and it was amazing to say. It was a word he felt he wasn't allowed to say but when he did, it felt wonderful. Natural, even. "So, yes."

He turned his gaze towards the entrance door and his jaw very nearly dropped. Zoë walked toward him with her friends behind her but he was to busy staring at her outfit to acknowledge them.

Her brown hair, which was usually tied up in a bun or braid, hung loosely around her shoulders in soft curls. Blonde highlights sparkled in the midst of the dark color. She wore a blood red crop top with black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket that matched her backpack, and black heels. The guys around Carden were about as transfixed as he was.

"Hey," Zoë said and she gently lowered herself to sit next to him. Her best friend, Amelia?, sat beside her and her green eyes flicked to Cam nervously. Calista Duke sat on the railing next to a boy in a cowboy hat and boots.

"Umm hi," Carden stuttered, forcing himself to take his eyes off of Zoë.

They weren't actually together, remember?

"You um...look...amazing?"

She looked up from picking at stray threads in the holes in her pants. "Thanks, I guess."

"No problem." He looked the other way, tapping his fingers restlessly against his leg. Since when did he get so nervous around a girl? Especially someone like Zoë, aka his tutor? Her being beautiful didn't change who she was to him.

Awkward silence seemed to suffocate the group. What were they waiting for? Were the jocks expecting him to lean over and kiss Zoë? Start professing his "love" for her? He subtly winced at the image. No, nada, no sir, not happening. He had limits and doing those things were crossing the line.

"Heyyyyyyyyy Carden!" someone called and Carden looked up to see Chloe and her killer fashionista minions coming their way.

Great, just great.

Carden repressed a sigh. "Hi Chloe."

Chloe twirled a strand of her blonde hair around her finger and sat on the step below him, resting her arms on his knee and staring into his eyes. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could've sworn he saw Calista tense up and look away.

Zoë frowned and the wheels inside of her brain started to turn. All of a sudden, she laced her fingers with his and leaned against his shoulder affectionately, surprising everyone in their little group.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Zoë asked, blinking her eyes innocently.

Carden had to cough to cover his laugh while some of the guys failed to hold back their laughter. At Clarkston, everyone knew Chloe, even if you didn't want too. You either did her homework and was bossed around by her or you were a "friend" to her. There was no in between.

Chloe scoffed. "Are you serious? Where have you been nerd? Oh wait, let me guess. You've been keeping your pretty little nose in some book about Calculus and somehow, you've caught the attention of my boyfriend-"

"Chloe," Carden said in a dark tone. "We've gone over this. I am not, will not, be your boyfriend. Got it?"

She brushed off his comment with a sneer and continued rambling. "Anyways, I know you're just trying to swim in this ocean of High School but let me tell you this," she leaned towards Zoë, "go back to the beach and cry to your mommy. Don't venture into the depths of the ocean and try to get a social life. You might get bit."

Zoë leveled her gaze with Chloe's and narrowed her eyes. "Listen here, Your Majesty. Your threats don't scare me and you can't boss me around like the other shy people in this school." She stood up, Chloe following suit and the two girls were inches away from each other's faces. "So if I were you, I'd back away before you get a shiner in one of those beautiful eyes of yours."

"Ha! Not happening. You move. You're hanging around people you shouldn't anyways, Nerd."

"Well, I'm not one of you. I'm not chasing after guys in fourteen inch stiletto heels and way to small mini skirts. I actually have good grades and a life that doesn't involve a boy to keep me going." She paused and glanced at Carden. "No offense, by the way."

He waved his hand. "None taken."

"Just so you know, I don't want to be a life size Barbie doll. They aren't really that interesting to me." She looked Chloe up and down with a look of disgust. A small smile appeared when some of the jocks went "oooooo" and they were slapped to stay quiet. "And they aren't that intimidating, either."

Chloe's face went bright red. "Well, that's your stupid opinion. And we aren't Barbie Dolls."

Calista made a low growl and crossed her legs aggressively. "You sure about that?"

Chloe shot her a death glare. "Oh, look who it is. It's the reject. How's fighting for a social life going, hmm? I'm sure you're doing wonderful without me."

She started to stand but the Cowboy grabbed her shoulders and whispered in a quiet accented voice, "Don't do it. It's not worth it."

Zoë flipped her hair behind her back, which made Carden's heart flutter for a moment. Okay, what was that? Maybe he was having a heart attack? A blood clot?

She sat down next to him and crossed her legs as if to say You leave. I'm staying. "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. Hasn't anyone ever told you daddy can't buy you whatever you want?" She changed the subject gratefully before a cat fight broke out between two divas. "Boys aren't property."

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked, fuming. If she had been a cartoon character, smoke would've been billowing out of her ears.

"You can't just BUY a Carden. I'm not sure the world could take two of them." She laughed lightly. "I'm sorry Chloe, but he's taken."

Chloe crossed her arms. "Liar. Car would NEVER stoop so low and date a peasant. I'm pretty sure this is all a popularity stunt, right girls?"

Her minions nodded in unison like robots and Calista winced again. She had been popular for a time but she had changed. She wasn't mind controlled by the Queen anymore but when she had, Carden had to admit he might've liked her. Just a bit. Just enough to make Chloe jealous. Enough to make her kick Calista out of her group.

"Can you see through all that makeup?" Zoë laughed. "Let me spell it out for you. Carden is my boyfriend. I'm his girlfriend. We don't need a third wheel."

Chloe stared at them like she didn't believe a word that Zoë had just said.

"Sorry Chlo but Zo is right. I'm dating her so if you wouldn't mind, go back to your clan please. Like Zo said, we don't need a third wheel," Carden added, smirking.

Chloe yelled in frustration and stomped her foot, curls bouncing furiously. "Seriously Car?! How could you date the poor?" Her eyes flashed with anger as she turned toward Zoë. "Just you wait. He'll dump you in a week and then I'll be there to show him what he really needs. A girl who can actually treat him right."


Chloe turned around and raised her hand in a rude gesture. Zoë just laughed and stuck out her tongue, which somehow made Zoë kind of attractive but also kinda like a child.

The guys around them stared at Zoë, who was just smiling at her victory against the Queen.

Carden chuckled and squeezed her hand, immediately regretting his choice after. Not. An. Actual. Couple. Carden.

Flirtily, he exclaimed, "That was great Zo!"

"Heck yeah!" Aaron added, nearly falling over Aidan from his spot on the top step as he leaned towards them excitedly. "No one stands up to Chloe! Especially someone like you!" His eyes widened at his words. "Sorry."

"It's okay and more people should stand up to that certified jerk." Zoë glared in Chloe's popular circle's direction. "She's a nightmare."

Aaron whooped and laughed. "Good to know Car's girl can whoop Chloe's butt! Zoë should be the new queen of the school."

Amber shook her head with a smile. "Z wouldn't know what to do with all that power."

Zoë smacked her lightly. "Oh yes I would! I'd make Chloe do my bidding and make her apologize to all the innocent people she's hurt." Carden didn't miss the flicker of sadness that passed over her face. "I bet she's never said sorry in her entire life."

"That's probably true," Derek said with a somewhat forced smile. "And Zo," he waited until she looked at him, "I have a newfound respect for you."

Amber wrapped an arm protectively around Zoë's waist. "Ah, ah, ah, little bro. Don't even think about flirting with my bestie. She's got a boyfriend, too."

He rolled his eyes and leaned back against the brick behind him. "Shut up, Amber."

"Shut up, Amber," she mocked in a deep tone. "Oh, and don't forget I'm super buff and like the coolest football player ever to exist. I also talk to my muscles, which I've named Tom and Jerry-"


The bell cut their sibling argument off, Carden sighing. He'd never been more thankful for a bell in his entire life. Yeah, he loved Derek but he was currently nursing a massive headache and their stupid rambling wasn't helping.

He stood, pulling Zoë up with him in a boyfriendy way. "Here, I'll walk you to class."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "You do realize we have the same first hour, right?"

"Oh right."

Once they were far enough from the group, Carden leaned in and whispered, "That was one heck of an acting job, love."

She shoved him. "Don't call me that."

"Okay, sweetheart."

"That too."

He sighed. "You make life difficult. What am I supposed to call you then?"

"Miss Dedicated. Or, just Zoē."

He grinned wildly. "I like that nickname. Not your real name though. You can call me Captain Flirt and you can now address my extremely impressive muscles Tom and Jerry. Oooo, what about Dwight and Jim? Y'know, from The Office?"

Zoë laughed. "Why I'm helping you out, I have no clue."

"It's because you're secretly in love with me and this is the closest you can get to the real thing."

"Mmm, no." She patted his arm. "Sorry to disappoint, Captain Flirt." With that, she took the steps two at a time and disappeared into the crowd of High School students.

That girl.

Carden lowered his head, smiling secretly to himself. She may look like a popular girl but on the inside, she was a true nerd. She was something else. Something unique but in all honesty, unique was a good trait.

He wasn't the type to fall for girls like her but maybe, just maybe, she could be an acceptation.

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