Twenty-Seven - Happily Ever After

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Zoë stood with a wide smile as she watched as her mother stood, steady this time, and walked towards her. She held her arms open wide as Mom walked, or in better words, fell gracefully, into Zoë's arms and a quiet sob from both of them filled the room.

Mom had come a long way.

From being rejected her entire life to having a drunk husband to battling cancer that could've easily killed her at any moment. It had been weeks since Mom had first gotten the strength to get out of her bed and walked, only two or three steps. But the length of a room was a huge step.

After weeks of staying in L.A. and having endless thoughts that she might die, Doctor Foster had come to the conclusion she would be okay. A couple days later, Mom had been transferred back to the Clarkston hospital.

Mom leaned back and put her soft hands to Zoë's face. "Did you see that?!" she giggled excitedly. "I walked!"

"I know," Zoë responded with a smile. Tears gently brimmed in her eyes and spilled over like rain on a calm April day as she gazed into her mother's tired eyes. "I saw and I'm so proud of you."

Mom grinned excitedly and turned toward Doctor Murr on the other side of the room. "Can I walk back?"

The way his eyes sparkled seemed to light up the room. "Of course you can!"

Joy filled Zoë as she watched as her sickened mother walk bravely towards Doctor Murr. Her walking wasn't perfect but it was a start and from now on, things would start looking up. Soon enough, Amelia Alina would be ringing the cancer free bell and would walk out of the hospital without looking back. It was only a matter of time.

Plus, Dad had started getting better. Yeah, he would never come home to them again because he was engaged to Vanessa. He wasn't drinking that much and his addiction to cigarettes was nearly gone.

Doctor Murr helped Mom sit back on her cot. "I'll be going. Got another patient to see." He said goodbye to Zoë and a see ya later to Mom before walking out of the room.

Mom's smile was contagious, even if she couldn't see Zoë's due to the mask. "I can't believe it! I walked Zoë! WALKED!"

"I know, Mom. And it was amazing!"

Mom sighed and leaned back against her bed. "What time is it?"

"3:50." She sighed loudly. "I have to go meet Carden. He wants to talk to me but I don't want to hear any of it. He cheated and that's unforgivable."

"Zoë," Mom's voice was soft and calm, "hear him out. The boy has probably been going through one heck of a rollercoaster ride the past month. Just give him a chance."

Zoë rolled her eyes. "Fine, but I won't like it."


When Zoë pulled up to her driveway at 3:58, she noticed Carden standing awkwardly on the front porch. She climbed out of her car, repressing a sigh because she really wanted to delete his contact, and walked towards the door.

She didn't give him a glance or a smile as she opened the front door and he followed her into the kitchen.

"Want anything?" she said coldly as he sat in one of the island chairs and she turned toward the fridge.

"No thanks," Carden said quietly. "Had a snack before I came here."

She sighed and pulled out apple slices with caramel dipping and leaned against the kitchen counter. "So, what's up?"

"Nothing much."

Awkwardness clouded them as the noise of Zoë quietly chewing on her apples filled the air. She had to say something or the boredom might actually kill her, plus she wanted him out of her house. "So why'd you want to talk to me?"

Carden shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "I just want to talk about what happened."

"About how you cheated on me?" Zoë said bluntly with a glare.

He swallowed. "Yes, that." He paused for a long moment. "I'm really sorry."

She waved an apple slice in his face, caramel dripping onto her thumb which she licked off. "Sorry isn't gonna cut it, Carden. You know what you did, right? You understand why I'm so angry?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I just wanted to give you context.. The day before I saw her at the park and she looked cold so I offered her my hoodie, which seems stupid now, and then I planned to get it back the next day. That's why I skipped lunch." The look in his eyes almost made Zoë laugh but part of her was whispering for her to listen.

"I was ashamed cause giving a hoodie is the type of thing you give to your girlfriend but I gave it to her cause I'm such a pathetic idiot. I had no clue you'd be there at Starbucks and then she kissed me and I didn't tell you immediately." He put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Zoë. So. Sorry."

Zoë thought of what he'd said and forgiveness bubbled up inside of her. She should just say the words "I forgive you" or "Yeah, that was pretty stupid but...we're good" but instead the words, "What would you have done if I wasn't there? Would you have told me?"

Carden raised his bloodshot eyes to meet hers. "Of course. The guilt has been eating away at me ever since. Keeping that from you would hurt more than you could ever know."

She swallowed the tears that had been fighting to get to her eyes. She wasn't going to cry. He deserved to be upset but at the same time, he didn't. He was coming clean, wasn't he?

She took a deep breath and reached across the counter, taking his hands in hers. His body immediately straightened as he stared at their hands.

Breathlessly, she whispered, "I forgive you."

He stared at her with a look of shock. "You what?"

"I forgive you and I'm sorry for all those terrible things I said. All the anger took over me and I flipped out. I'm really sorry."

"It's alright," Carden whispered back and somehow, their faces had gotten even closer. "Zo?"

"Hmm?" Had his eyes always been so mesmerizing?

He sucked in a breath and quietly muttered, "I love you, Miss Dedicated."

After those words slipped from his lips, Zoë could see the regret immediately fill his eyes. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to cross the lines and it just slipped out and-"

She put her finger to his lips to quiet him with a lopsided grin on her own. "It's alright." Just say it. Make things right. "I love you too, Captain Flirt."

Carden's eyes widened so wide with surprise it made her laugh. "Surprised?"

He laughed. "Just a bit."

They stared at each other for a long moment until Carden leaned forward slowly and gently pressed his lips against hers, cupping her chin with a soft touch.

Her face erupted into a giant blush. Now this was a kiss. This was nothing like that stupid kiss with Dean. This was perfect.

So she gently put a hand to his cheek and after a moment, she pulled away and rested her forehead against his with a soft giggle.

"Sorry," Carden chuckled. "Couldn't resist. You're really pretty and you've tortured me for so long."

Zoë laughed along with him. "That's alright. Besides, I was wondering if we would ever been okay again."

"Yeah. I'm still sorry though."

She smacked his shoulder. "Just shut up about that! Don't ruin the moment."

"Okay, okay!" Carden smiled and gently kissed her again before pulling away from her with a bright red face. "So can we start over?"

She rubbed her thumb along his cheek. "Yeah."


He stared into her eyes and she leaned forward to steal another kiss but he put his palm on her forehead. "Ah, not happening. You'll have to catch me first."

Zoë raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

He winked. "Yep."

And with that he raced out towards the front door with Zoë hot on his heels. She laughed as she chased the boy who held her heart, the love of her life. They had been through heck but things were alright and there was one thing Zoë knew for sure.

She definitely wasn't a popular girl. She was just glad someone like Carden fell in love with someone like her.

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