Before Total Drama

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I'm Sky and I first found out that I had MPD was when I was 15. I always knew I was different ever since they first came. My first personality I got was Kayle the Shy type when I was 7 or so I was told. Every time I'm get embarrassed or nervous she comes out and I was really nervous during 1st grade so I have no memory of that year.

After a few rough years with kayle, I moved on into 7th grade and I started doing Track and field. On my first day we all stretch and then we had to run a mile so when we started running, my second personality came which was Dash. From what my mom told me is that I won 1st place in state for 3 years in a row which is amazing.

All throughout middle school I still had know idea why I always black out, or what I did when I black out. People always tell me that I did this and that but have no memories of it. By the time of freshman year I had a bunch of friends because I was popular for some reason. Maybe because of Dash, who knows. One day I had a boyfriend named Mark and we were always honest and loyal third personality came and it was Jenna. Every time I'm not with Mark and around another guy I black out. Mark would always accuse me of flirting and hanging on boys but I had no memory. I would try to tell him but he just broke up with me. At the end of the year I was at the bottom. No friends. No popularity. No boyfriend. No one to talk to.

Then, in Junior Year I started dating a guy named Ty. He taught me how to hunt, fish, track, use a weapon. Once I got better at it, my next trait came which was Chole the tracker trait. Every time I'm out in the woods I black out and when I'm out of the woods I'm always holding a dead animal. But one day I gasped and I looked around and suddenly I in the woods.

I look around some more and I see Scott in front of me. "Come on Chole I think I see a deer."

"Did you just call me Chole?"

"Well that's what I've always called you because you always said that was your name."

"Chole!" I yelled to myself hoping that she would hear me.

"Ok what's is up with you! At school you are your normal self, then once we go hunting you are like a totally different person!"

"It's complicated."

"Complicated?! Are you playing these stupid games with me because you don't want to be with me?!"

"No! I want to be with you!"

"Then tell me why you're playing these games on me!"

"I'm not playing any game."
"Then what is it?!"

"I-I think I have a disorder that when something happens around me or I'm doing something, I black out and when I open my eyes I'm in a room full of people who look exactly like me. I call them my traits because they are me with different abilities, and personalities. So when I'm in there one of them are out here. In other words.....I have MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder."

He paused and looked at me with discuss. I've never see him like this before. The Scott I knew and loved was gone. The one who loved me, cared for me, helped me feel like a normal human being was gone. He'll never look at me the same. "Scott, please. Talk to me."

"We're done." Tears begins to run down my face.

"No no no please!"

"I wanted to be with only you, Not with 5 people." He started walking away until I blacked out. Again I was in the same room but all 5 of us were here. Then I was chained down to the floor and so was everyone else but Then I heard a gun go off.

"Am I dead?" I asked myself.

"Nope. But your boyfriend is, oh sorry, ex boyfriend. Hahaha!"

"Who and where are you!"

"I'm you. Well I'm the Evil you and I have complete control of your body."

"Y-you killed Him!!!"

"And your going to take the blame. Oh is that the cops? Have fun explaining this!"Then I was on the outside. I had the gun in my hand and Scott was face down and blood all around him. Then a cop took the gun from me and cuffed my hands. I tried explaining everything but they would laugh in my face.

Here I am, juvie. I was in a ugly orange jumpsuit and handcuffed. The guards walked behind me, pushing me into my cell and unlocked my cuffs. They closed and locked the door leaving me with the most uncomfortable beds and a roommate with scars and crazy eyes. My roommates walked right up to me and started laughing.
"Wow how can someone like you kill someone?"


"I could brake you in half."

Then I black out and once again I was trapped in my own brain by someone who has power over me, The original.

I have no idea how long I've been in my own brain. Days. Weeks. Months. I have no idea. But one day I was out of my brain. I was in control again... or so I thought. I woke up and saw the bars of my sell. I looked around and I was covered in blood. At first I thought it was mine but then I saw my cell mate dead on the ground and had been stabbed multiple times in the stomach. I screamed at the sight of the dead woman covered in nothing but blood. Two guards came to my cell and there faces were just as shocked as mine. Then all of the sudden on of them pulled out his gun and pointed it at me.

"Drop the weapon!!! Now!!" I was confused why he would think I have a weapon until I looked at my right hand and saw that I have a knife in my hand with blood dripping down the blade.

  I dropped the weapon and raised my hands.
"I-I didn't kill her!"

"Take her to isolation." One of them said. The other grabbed and dragged me across the prison.

"Please listen to me! I have MPD! I need a psychiatrist!" He stopped and looked at me. I had tears in my eyes and felt sadness of how my life went from bad to worse.

"Fine. I'll take you to our psychiatrist. Her name is Dr. Shepherd and she's specialized in MPD." He turns around and headed to the east side of the prison.

"Thank you sir."

We arrived to her office and the officer knocked on the door.

"Come in!" We walk In and see a mid 30's woman with not a bad figure. She was pretty for her age with green eyes and blonde hair. Her office was a pretty dark blue and white floor tiles.

"This prisoner killed two people. One of them in her cell. She claims to have Multiple Personality Disorder. Can you see if her story checks out?" She turns to me, seeing my devastated face. She turns to face the guard.

"Of course, I'll see what I can do." The guard sat me down at a table and put handcuffs on me that connects to the table. Then he left the room standing in front of the door. The lady sat Down across from me with a note pad and a blue pen. "So, What's your name?" I was a bit hesitant but answered anyways.

"Sky... Sky Knight."

"How many Personality's do you have that you know of?"

"5 including myself."

"Can you name them and describe them?"

"There's Kyle, she's shy. Then there's Dash who is vary athletic, Jenna who flirts to every guy she thinks is hot. Chole, she loves the outdoors and hunting animals. Then there's me who is the original, the host of all these personalities."

"What happens when another Trait takes over?"

"I end up in a room with 5 chairs. Each person sitting except the one in control."

"And do you think you might have an trait that you have no knowledge of?"

"I think so. Ever since the day in the woods, I've been losing control and once I'm in that room I see every trait sitting at there chair. And I thought i passed out until I hear a...gun shot."

"Have they said anything to you or show themselves to you?"

"She talked to me. She killed my boyfriend and made me take the blame. She chained me and my traits down and let me go when the cops arrived.....She said that she was the evil side of me."

"She didn't give a name or anything?"


"Okay thank you for coming to me. I'll be requesting that you'll come see me everyday at this time."

"Can I ask why everyday?"

"Well you want to get out of juvie right. I have to prove that you have MPD and that your are released due to mental issues." I had a huge smile on my face with the hopes of getting out of this nightmare of a place forever. "Don't worry kid. I'll get you out."

It's been a month since the first time I seen Dr. Shepherd. She's been giving me advice for my condition and providing medication to help prevent me from losing control. It's been working really well for me and I've been feeling fine but being stuck in this awful place reminds me of Scott. He's been dead for over a month now and it hurts me that I killed him. It might not have been the real me but it was still with my hands that pulled the trigger. The guards also had to put me in a empty cell not wanting to put any more prisoners in danger.

I laid down on my bed starting at the concrete ceiling trying not to cry. Being stuck in here reminds me of my childhood with....mother. When I was at school I was known as the weird but cool gal, but at home... my parents thought of me as an mistake. Once they found out I had MPD they kept it from me so I can be happy as long as I could. But my condition was too much for my dad to handle so he just disappeared on August 15th. I remember the last words he said to me. "You are not my Daughter." Then once I woke up that next day, he was gone along with all his things. A small amount of me was glad he left but my mother was heartbroken. She cried almost every night for a week until she started taking all her anger out on me.

She blamed me for everything. For dad leaving and for making her life miserable. Soon enough she moved me down into the basement with not windows and a door that locks on the outside. She would lock me up in there for two days without food or water. The only thing in the basement was a toilet, paper, and a pen. She would have me write down three words over and over and over. "I'm a mistake." If I didn't write down as many as she wanted me too, she would beat me and give me scars on my back. This happened all my life until middle school when a teacher notice my scars and called the child services. They moved me into a nice foster home and was going to lock up my mom until she killed herself. She wrote a note to me and inside was every single piece of paper I wrote the exact same three words on. That was it. There was enough pages to write a book, 374 pages front and back saying those words. I was so glad that was over and that my foster parents actually adopted me. They helped me, cared for me, and gave me what I needed. I was happy with them, until this new trait had arrived.

I was woken up by the sounds of a guard banging on the metal bars of my cell. They pulled me out of my cell and put handcuffs on me. As we walked all the other prisoners banged of their cells and trying to grab me but the guards kept them away. As I look at each one, one caught my eye. He was a tall, skinny male with tan skin and black hair that covers one eye. He whistles the same tone over and over again. I hear prisoners talk about him. Apparently, he's number one around here. The big, tough guy that no one messes with. I try my best to stay away from other prisoners like him for obvious reasons.

We made it outside and shoved me inside a cop car. I ask the driver where we were going but he didn't answer. Moments later, we arrived at the court house. I see Dr. Shepherd outside waiting for me. The officer got me out of the car and walked me over to her.

"Sky, I have big news!"


"Today is your first day of court! Soon enough you'll be out of those cuffs!"

"Really? What if I mess it up?"

"You won't, I promise." As we walk into the court room, the officer took off my cuffs and sat me down next to Shepherd.


We all left the court room and the officer cuffed my hands again. Dr. Shepherd walks up to me.

"Well, today was a win for us."

"How many more days of court?"

"Tomorrow should be the last day. I'll see you then." She left the room and the officer dragged me back to the car.

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