Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

       “Ms. Paterson!” I heard a muffled voice call on the other side of the door. All the students were still adjusting to the time difference, and taking advantage of not having any obligations, so I assumsed it was a teacher.

      Slowly, I rotated my body in the bed I had been sleeping on, and moved an arm off of me. It wasn’t Kara’s arm. I turned to view the person who had (Hopefully just) slept beside me, it being none other than Nick. The sheets moved up and down as he breathed; his face was calm, and drained of all arrogance. His eyes were closed and his long eyelashes were just barely visible. The expression he presented was stillness. His tanned skin shone in the darkness of the room. I could just make out the outline of his dark, messed up hair. He looked- perfect. Shit. He was right. He did look like an angel when sleeping.

      “Ms. Paterson!” I heard again from the behind the door. I got up, and slowly made my way to the door. I opened the door, and before even glimpsing at the person who stood behind it I came out to the hallway and hastily closed it, so the bright light wouldn’t wake Nick or Kara.

      “Elle,” that infectious voice said. This was absolutely positively not a teacher. So, maybe next time I’d look out the peephole, before opening the door to dashing gingers, who I happened to hate...

      “Mr. Prescott; how did you find me, and why are you here?” I asked, as my eyes quickly surveyed him. He was dressed in black leather from head to toe- this was a new look for him.

      “Lovely to see you too, Elle,” he said, as his eyes lingered on my choice of attire. It was the morning, so I had on a white, cotton V-neck, and a pair of neon orange shorts that I had slept in the night before. It wasn’t my most fashionable look ever, but it was comfy.

      “Answer my questions,” I pressed.

      “I came here to pick you up, and your wonderful uncle is how I found you.”

      “Pick me up?” I gaped.

      “We’re having for tea this morning,” he rolled his glimmering eyes.

      “I’m not,” I scoffed.

      “Well, you kind of are.”

      “Says who?”

      “Well, here, let’s make this an easy decision for you.” He flipped out his phone, his slender fingers lingering above the small device. “It’s for you,” he handed me the phone, and I reluctantly put it to my ear.

      “Hello?” the identifiable voice of my father said.

      “Daddy?” I said, confused.

      “Elle, whose phone are you calling from? Is everything alright?” he questioned, clearly alarmed.

      “No,” I shook my head, though I knew he couldn’t see.

      “What’s the matter?” he inquired in only a way a concerned father would.

      “Cameron Prescott.”

      “Cameron? Brandy’s son?”


      “Oh! James told me about this late last night. I know exactly why you’re calling. Elle, yes, you have to go. If you don’t go I’ll take away your car for a month when you get back,” he threated.

      “That’s not fair!” I whined, looking over to Cam, who was smirking.

      “Elle, they’re like family. It would be extremely impolite to decline Brandy’s sweet offer to have you over. Go,” he said, hanging up without another word.

      “Shall we go?” Cam asked, smiling at his small victory.

      “Whatever. Let me change first,” I mumbled, sticking my card into the door. I walked back in, and heard Cam follow behind me. “No! No way! Get out!” I said in a hushed whisper.

      “Sorry, but I can’t risk you ditching,” he said, sitting himself down in a chair close to the door, “Who’s on the beds?”

      “Nick and my friend,” I answered quietly.


      “What do you think?” I said, grapping some clothes from the closet and then quietly slamming the bathroom door shut. Camerson Prescott. Unbelievable. As I just finished getting dressed, I heard Kara’s distinguishable scream. “Ah! Rapist!”

      I slowly came out, and saw all the lights were on. Cam was sitting in the chair, calmly, and Kara was freaked out. Nick had woken up, and looked confused.

      “Kara, shut up,” I said.

      “B-But there’s some random creep in our room! How are you not scared?” she said backing away to the window. Like that would do her any good if there actually was a rapist- we were on the seventh floor. What was she planning on doing? Jumping?

      “Well, I am. But this dude, as far as I know, isn’t a rapist. A creep yes- but I don’t think he has rape on his record… yet,” I smirked.

      “I don’t,” Cam clarified, standing up. Kara squinted her eyes; she clearly hadn’t gotten a good look at Cam before.

      “Hi! Sorry about that, I’m Kara, and you’re really hot,” she said.

      “Ben,” I coughed into my arm.

      “Cameron Prescott,” he said, waving to her politely.

      “He’s British!” Kara said, fully animated.

      “So is everyone else in the country!” Nick groaned. Ever since we had gotten to London, all the girls from school could talk about had been all the British boys. We were in England; what they expect?

      “Yeah, but he’s hot and British!” Kara proclaimed happily.

      “Why’s he here?” Nick asked.

      “I’m taking Elle,” Cam said.

      “Have fun E-” Nick said, as the connecting door swung open.

      “Hey!” John said, as he and Phillip walked in.

      “Who’s he?” Phillip demanded as he immediately noticed Cameron.

      “Cameron Prescott. I’m a friend of Elle’s,” Cam introduced himself.

      “No, you’re not!” I objected.

      “Why’s he here?” John asked.

      “We’re having tea with my mother,” Cam answered.

      “Mhmmm,” Phillip nodded.

      “Well, you two should really get going! But before you do, Elle, I would love to leave you with something to think about,” Nick said, approaching. He was topless, his defined muscles on full display. In a swift motion, he wrapped his hands around my back and kissed my lips. John was yelling, “No PDA,” and Cam was saying something about us leaving. The kiss was a sign of possession. Nick wanted Cam to know I was his, in a matter of speaking. Knowing Cam, if he wanted to try something on me, seeing me kiss another guy wouldn’t get in his way.

      “Bye, Elle!” Nick said, releasing me.

      Cam and I silently made our way out of the hotel, and to the cobblestone sidewalk.

      “Are we walking?” I asked, praying the answer to was no.

      “No, don’t be absurd,” he said.

      “So, how’re we getting there?” 

      “My motorcycle,” he said evenly.

      “Funny, no,” I stated.

      “And why not?” he questioned, converging to a black motorcycle. He took a glossy helmet from the back, and put it on his head.

      “It’s dangerous,” I said.

      “Not if you have someone who actually knows how to ride one.”

      “So, are you planning on having someone else ride the motorcycle, and then the two of us will be in the back?” I questioned nervously.

      “I have my license,” he informed me.

      “Great, so does my friend; it doesn’t mean he can actually drive,” I scoffed.

      “But you can, and so can I,” he said, sitting on the vehicle. “Get on, Elle.”

      “Whatever,” I muttered as he tossed me another helmet. I tentatively put it on, making sure it was properly positioned on my head.

      “Come on, Elle.”

      “Fine,” I said, getting on the back of the motorcycle.

      “See, now you have to put your hands around me, unless of course you want to fall off,” he laughed.

      “I’d rather.” 

      “Elle, I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t bite, it’s just like hugging me from behind,” he said soothingly.

      “No,” I protested.

      “Elle! Just do it, so we can go!” he yelled.

      “Fine!” I snapped, lightly putting my hands at his sides. And at that, he rode away. We went through the streets of London, all of which I would have loved if I hadn’t been with Cam. After what felt like an eternity, we finally reached a tall glass building and dismounted off of the motorcycle.

      “Wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, running to the front door to open it for me.

      “Thank you, and yes, actually, it was,” I pouted.

      “No it wasn’t,” he said, as we passed through a small corridor until coming upon an elevator.

      Once we were in the elevator, Cam pressed a button, and up we went. When it stopped on the right floor, I caustiously followed him out. We came to a door, and Cam turned the knob like he had done it a million times. Beyond the door was a grand apparentment, the whole front room drenched in pure rays of sunlight.

      “Elle!” a voice I knew as belonging to the one and only Brandy Prescott exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me tightly as I walked in.

      “Brandy,” I said.

      “I’ve missed you so much! Let me get a good look at you!” she said, taking a step back, “Wow! You look so different! Wonderful! I’m sure you’ve heard this from Cameron. When he got back last night, he wouldn’t stop gushing about how fabulous you look! And he was right, darling!”

      I looked over to Cam, and glared as he looked down to avoid my gaze.

      “I’ve missed you too,” I said.

      “Cameron, go change out of that ridiculous outfit, and, Elle, sit down, I want to hear about everything!” she said, as Cam disappeared somewhere.

      Brandy was like my aunt. Not like James, who was a fake uncle, and sucked as one, but Brandy, was the real deal. She was my parent’s age, and I felt comfortable respecting her. I had known her since I was little, and we had always been close.

      Cam, on the other hand, I didn’t feel warm emotions towards. That one summer, everything was so perfect, and then it ended. He broke up with me, and I took way too long to get over it. I fell too fast, too hard. That was the end of Cameron Prescott; I hadn’t talked to him in two years, until last night. I was still tremendously mad at him, and I couldn’t forgive him for breaking my heart. I wouldn’t.

      “Tea, dear?” she asked, pouring herself a cup.

      “Yes, please,” I said, dreading the fact that I would have to down an entire cup of tea by the time this encounter was over. I hated tea. It was water with leaves. What was the point?

      “So, Cameron mentioned you had a boyfriend, he didn’t seem thrilled about it, what’s his name?” Brandy questioned.

      “Nick,” I said, taking a small sip of tea.

      “Oh, is he a keeper?”

      “He is,” I smiled, my thoughts drifting to the boy I was currently in a relationship with.

      “That’s wonderful! How are you doing in school?” 

      “Good, I think.”

      “Are you liking it? I recall last time we spoke it wasn’t your favorite matter,” she said sympathetically.

      “It’s been getting better,” I shrugged.

      “That’s wonderful. How’s your brother?”


      “Is going to university?” she questioned.

      “Yeah, they’re looking into Harvard, obviously, but we’re all doubtful that he’ll get in, so their backup plan is to send him to Stanford or Columbia,” I smirked. Jordan, Jordan, Jordan- always the underachiever in the family..

      “Isn’t Stanford all the way in California, across the country?” she inquired.

      “Yeah, we’re thinking about how to get rid of him.”

      “Can I send Cameron along too?” she laughed.

      “What about me?” Cam asked, emerging in much more toned down outfit. He had now put on a black T-shirt, and a pair of dark jeans; both of which fit his body perfectly.

      “Nothing, dear!” she said, as he sat on the couch next to me, making me only slightly uncomfortable. “So, Cameron, how about you tell Elle what you’ve been up to besides the whole modeling thing!”

      “I’ve been going to school?” he said, unsure of what his mother had wanted as answer.

      “Oh… kay,” I said. “So, Brandy what have you been up to?”

      “Well! I’ve been up to a few things!” she said excitedly, and then proceeded to tell me a play by play of her past few months. Brandy loved talking about one thing. What was that thing? Herself. She could go on and on. I was a little bit distracted in my own thoughts as she continued on with her story, but on the outside I think I looked like I was paying attention.

      “So, Elle,” I heard my name being used.

      “Yes?” I shot up.

      “Your father said that you attend a very prestigious school, the education is topnotch I presume?” she said.


      “Good. I’m glad you’re there then,” she grinned.

      “Mum, I hate to butt in, but I must remind Elle that she mentioned something about having a program with her class soon.” So now Cam was trying to save me from the loving wrath of his own mother? The boy was full of surprises...

      “Oh, Elle, you have to go?” Brandy asked sadly.

      “Yeah… Sorry!” I said.

      “No, no, darling, it’s quite alright! I’m so happy that I got to see you though! It was wonderful as always!” she said, standing to hug me.

      “Yeah, I really enjoyed the visit, hope to do it again soon!”

      “Absolutely! I’m going to miss you so much sweetheart!”

      “Me too!” I smiled.

      “You really have to get going,” Cam said.

      “Okay. Well, Brandy, this is bye for now, but I hope to see you soon!”

      “Likewise!” she said, embracing me once more, before I exited the tall building with Cam in a blur.

      Once we were outside I asked, “How come you saved me?”

      “Because I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to have to endure that type of punishment.”

      “Well... thanks.”

      “You’re welcome,” he said, as he hopped back onto that treacherous vehicle. “Come on! We don’t have to go through this argument again!”

      “Fine,” I sighed, getting on the back, less hesitantly than before. Again, I warily put my hands to his sturdy sides and we were off. Cam sucked at driving a motorcycle. I seriously thought we were going to crash. He was going so fast, and kept swerving! He reached my hotel, and, as I was about to turn around at go, I stopped myself.

      “Thanks,” I said.

      “You’re welcome,” he said, smiling. “Oh, and Elle?”

      “Yeah?” I said, whirling back around to face him.

      “It was nice seeing you again.” And with that, he kissed me on the cheek. He kissed me on the FREAKING cheek! Before I had time to attempt to kill him, he had already driven off to the maze of streets ahead.

      “I hate you!” I yelled after him. Bye Cam! Hope I never see you again!

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