𝟚. There is always something in the way

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Last chapter;
Tom then climbed into bed with me but goes behind me to spoon me. I smiled a lot when he did that and closed my eyes. With him behind me I was easily able to fall asleep. I love him so much.

Toms POV

I was still awake. I couldn't sleep on a night like this. It sit up and slowly sneak my way out of the bed and sit at the chair at my desk. I began to feel me change.

I pant quietly as it wasn't a peaceful change.. I felt my horns grow. I winced as the headache began. I turn to my desk, putting my elbows on the table and leaning my head down into my forearms.

I groaned from the the pain, it was horrible. I felt my mouth beginning to hurt and next my legs. I slightly grip my own hair as this process continues I go though. I tried my absolute best to stay quiet so y/n wouldn't wake up to see me like this. Who knows what she would do if she sees me like this.

I tried to keep my radiance down. My radiance is something that reflects off of me... and it only reflects when I begin to change. I need to be careful of that due to... a certain someone won't find me... he had been hunting me down for years now and somehow was never able to find me. Well- I take that back. His men found me a few times.. I had no choice to kill them when they did find me. I do regret it but it's for my safety and y/n's... who knows what they will do to her when they find out I'm living with her.

After many minutes the pain soon eased away. I rigged running my hand through my hair, finally looking back up. I looked into the mirror I had above my desk and sighed at the reflection I saw. I hated it.

My ears were long and hand a point, my eyes produced with purple mist, I have two horns poking out of my head, my teeth are sharp, my arms and whole body is covered in patches of dark purple. I got taller and over all I just hated seeing what I saw. This wasn't me, and would never be..

"Tom..." I heard near me. I shot my head to the side. "Come back..." it was y/n.. but she was still laying down. "I'm cold..." she says. I sighed softly getting up. I hoped to god she didn't see me like this. "I'm coming..." I said quietly and went to go lay behind her. Spooned her again and softly nuzzled my face into the back of her neck, making sure she didn't feel my horns. "Thank you..." she mumbled leaning into me. I sighed softly, I closed my eyes trying to relax my myself. Stress also makes my radiance act up. I just hoped that no one caught my signals..

I checked the time and sighed seeing that it was only one in the morning. I did feel tired but the type of tired to where I couldn't sleep. This usually happened when this happens on these nights. I'll just wait it out I guess..


I woke up that morning to Tom bit by my side. I slowly sat up, looked around and didn't see him there. "Tom..?" I softly called out. There was no response back.

I stood got up, fixing the his hoodie that I was wearing to cover my panties and walked out of his room. Even know there was no need too, I just liked how big his hoodie was on me.

"Tom?" I called out once again but a bit louder. "I'm downstairs y/n!" Tom called out from downstairs. I sighed softly in relief and went down there. He never wakes up this early.

I went downstairs. I blushed slightly seeing him shirtless again and wearing his grey sweatpants. "Good morning y/n" he says softly. "Morning tom," I spoke quietly. He was acting off.

I go over and sit next to him and blushed when he put his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled softly, "are you ok? You are kinda acting weird this morning," I said softly. Tom looked at me and gave me a smirk, "what do you mean?" He asked, he suddenly tickled my side and I gasped trying to get him to stop while laughing, "Tom!!" I squealed, I then gathered the strength to push him down and pinned his hands to the hides of his head. I blushed a lot to the current position we were in.

I heard Tom chuckle, "if you are trying to seduce me, it's working~" he says. I gasped letting of him quickly. I was about to get up but blushed to the feeling of Tom grabbing my hips and keeping me there. My face got more red.

"T-Tom.." I said blushing. "Yes Love?" He asked smirking more at me. I shifted slightly and my face got even more red when I heard him groan, "be carful where you go on me babygirl~" he purred to me.

I then got a idea. If he was going to be teasing like this, then two can play that game. But worse.

I leaned down to Toms neck, I began to kiss around and started to grind on him. I heard him groan again, he probably was surprised by my sudden action. I smirked as I took the daring move to toy around with his sensitive sweet spot. "Y-y/n..~" I heard him groan out. I blushed hearing him moan out my name like that, it just made me eager to hear more.

I slightly sucked on that spot, to make a small not that noticeable hickey. I let out a moan pulling away from his neck and sit back up, still grinding on him. I wanted to see what he looked like.

His eyes were half lid, bitting his lip, blushing a lot, god he looked hot like this. His perfect tone body under me, feeling his hands grip onto my hips; basically begging for me to do more without saying it.

I forgot to mention that Tom had some piercings. It made him look more attractive in my opinion. He has three ear piercings. Two on one ear, and one on the other. Tom also has a tongue piercing and two nipple piercings. He said he had three more but wouldn't tell me were... knowing tom and his piercing phase a few years ago, I think I know where they are.

I also forgot to mention but Tom always wore this dog tag chain necklace. He said it was important to him, all it had was his name and a few numbers on the second dog tag. He has never taken it off..

Tom just looked really good with many things and I liked all of them a lot. And I knew that he knew I liked it.

"Y/n keep going~" Tom Moaned out. I smirked as I suddenly stoped what I was doing and earned a growl from Tom. "Keep doing what?~" I asked innocently. I watched him sit up, "don't act so Innocent~" Tom said grabbing my chin gently.

"Or what?~" I talked back smirking. I gasped to him suddenly pushing me down onto the unused side of the couch. I looked up at him with wide eyes, "don't act so surprised~" he said in a low growl. That sent a chill down my spine all the way down to my core. I slightly hummed, "t-Tom~" is stuttered out. I couldn't help it.

I felt Tom bury his face into my neck, immediately starting to make marks on my neck. I moaned out softly tilting my head to the side for him to have more access. Tom began to grind on me, I hummed to the feeling and tried grinding back as I became desperate for his touch.

I felt him pull away and look down at me. I looked up at him with need. "Not so Innocent are you?~" Tom asked. I was about to say something about what he said until I was cut off. There was a knock on the door.


Tom soon got off of me, I watched him get up. I was obviously upset about us stopping, it sit up and fix up his hoodie I was wearing. I covered up myself Incase he opens the door. But he didn't.

"What's wrong Tom?" I asked. Tom was looking through the peephole of the door. He was watching it  not looking back. "Tom?" I asked again but he held up one finger. I shut myself up thinking it was something bad.

After a moment he stepped away from the door. He looked worried. I got up and walked over to him, "Tom... whats wrong?" I asked again. "Nothing.. just some creep looking guy at the door..." he said. There he goes again. Hiding something from me.

I sighed, "Tom, if we are going to live together you gotta tell me what is going on Tom," I said looking up at him. He looked down at me, I gasped to him suddenly picking me up. "Don't worry it was nothing," he said. "Tom put me downnn" I whined and hugged. "Oh I can't do that baby~" he said as he carried me upstairs. I just sighed as Rolled my eyes. "We are talking about this later, got that?" I said in a serious tone.

"We'll see if you'd be able to talk later~" he said giving me a smirk. My blush came back easily. I looked the other way, "sure you can.." I muttered under my breath.

"Oh I definitely will~" Tom said. But his tone was different, but I loved it.

I was then pinned down onto Toms bed, back to where we were last night and on the couch earlier. But we speeded things up a bit. Tom began to take off the hoodie I was wearing, I helped him slip it off along with the shirt I was wearing underneath.

I was wearing no bra underneath my shirt but I don't care what he saw. I already love him as much as I do.

Toms POV

God she was so beautiful. The way she was looking at me, and her mesmerizing voice moaning my name. Don't get me started on how beautiful she looked without her shirt, god I wish I could see her like this all the time.

I leaned down to kiss her passionately and with love. I brought my body closer to hers. My hand slowly travels up her waist. I then groped her breast, earning a moan from her I continued my actions on pleasuring her.

I don't think I'd be able to tell her what I saw earlier... she doesn't know those people anyways... I shouldn't have let my radiance get so high they found me...

I tried to brush off the thought of it but I was hard for it to leave my mind. She is in danger because of me and if anything happens to her... it would be my fault.

"Tom..." y/n said quietly. I looked at her, slowly pulling away. "Yes?" I said looking at her. "Well.. with what happened earlier I don't feel... comfortable doing this to the thought of someone could be watching. You aren't doing anything wrong though Tom, don't get me wrong I really want to do this with you, and if you don't believe me I could name off a list of things I want you to do to me.. But besides that, the point is; we should just be for sure about what happened..." y/n said and I softly sighed. She was right about that. "Yeah.." I said agreeing with her. It just sucks that we have to put this to the side again. Damnit...

But I don't mind. I just want to make sure... those guys are not trying to find me here. There was already one, I just hope they don't come back if they are going from house to house.

I soon got off of y/n and looked at her. God she still looked so beautiful. "Thank you for understanding Tom... it's not you I promise," she says once again. "Y/n don't worry I'm not upset. I'm not one of those guys who push you into doing things. Anytime you feel uncomfortable, please always let me know," I said softly. I hand her my hoodie again and smiled seeing her out it on. I kissed her forehead softly, "you are so cute," I said grinning.

"Oh no I'm not," she said rolling her eyes. I playfully rolled my eyes back, "oh hush," I said softly.

She gave me an adorable smile, I couldn't help but smile more seeing her smile. "So tom... does this mean... we are taking our relationship to the next level?" Y/n asked me. "Like, dating?" I asked she'd just to be sure. She nodded looking the other way, she was so cute when she was shy. "Of course y/n, id love to," I said kissing her cheek happily. Thank god she spoke up about that. I honestly didn't know if she wanted a relationship and just wanted to be.. you know, friends with benefits.

"Let's get fully dressed and then we can go check around the house for anything," y/n said and soon left my room to go to hers. I hummed throwing on one of my own hoodies since I have so many.

"I just hope those fuckers don't hurt her..." I muttered to myself soon walking out of my room.

Sorry for taking such a long time to post a chapter, I've been more focused on getting my other book done to start working on this one. Thank you all for showing so much support for this book already!
Stay safe and stay inside -LB

2,360 words

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