𝟙. Somethings Off With Tom...

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Y/n pov

After moving in with Tom, things were good... but Tom wasn't. I don't know what was wrong but I knew there was something that was on his mind. I've asked multiple times and I always get the same answers.

Today I was going to try and get it out of him. I knew that there was something. At least something.

I walked out of my room down the hallway of our small home and went downstairs to where he was. He was in the kitchen enjoying his Smirnoff like usual. "Hey Tom," I said as I walked to the fridge.

"Hey y/n, do you know we are gonna have for dinner? I don't feel like going out tonight..." Tom says as he took another sip after he said that. "Umm, I guess we can just fend for ourself's or something. Or we can just order pizza?" I offered. I didn't feel like cooking and I know he wouldn't want to.

I've noticed something. Every time, a very specific time, he wouldn't want to go out. This happens once every few weeks, which is honestly off in my opinion. Could he not feel well? Or could he just be lazy? Heh, it will be once in a blue moon that Tom wouldn't be lazy... blue moon... maybe it could be the moon cycle? Maybe... maybe every full moon?!

"Eh, I'm down for whatever you want," Tom says. As I thought about stuff I made a slight face. I heard Tom chuckle, "I know that face, don't think too hard about it we can just fend for ourself's if that will make things easier?" I snap back into reality and blushed a gentle pink. "Oh yeah, uh- I was just thinking about something, that's all." I chuckled nervously.

Tom playfully rolled his eyes, "don't tell me that the full moon is getting to you?" He asked jokingly. So he does know tonight is a full moon, interesting. I didn't even know that it was a full moon until he actually said it. Then a idea popped into my head, "hey Tom, want to stay up all night watching movies?" I asked him.

Tom gave me a look, I knew that look. He was nervous on what to say and glanced to the left. Reading body language is easy, if someone ever looks to the left that means they are going to lie to you because they are trying to come up with something on the spot. If they look to the right then they are trying to remember something.

"I, um, I was thinking of just going to bed early tonight you know? I've felt tired all day," he said looking back towards me. I was going to wait too find a right time to ask this but I wasn't going to let him off the hook. "Can I ask you a few questions Tom?" I asked as I went to go sit down in front of him. He gave me a look. "What's wrong?" Tom asked showing a little bit of concern, "I was going to ask you the same thing tom." I said giving him a serious look.

Tom sighed, "this again?" He asked. "Of course yes again Tom! I've been worried about you, you've haven't been acting like yourself.." I said quietly. "I'm ok y/n, don't worry there is nothing wrong.." Tom says softly. He cut me off before I said something and gently grabs my hand. "Please y/n, I'm really ok," Tom says trying to reassure me. I wouldn't let it fly.

"I know what I'm talking about Tom, and I know what you know too.." I said quietly. I slightly blushed and gently rests my other hand on top of his and scoots closer to him. "Y/n I always tell you the same thing every time you ask.." Tom says quietly. "What is the point of asking if you know the answer?" Tom asked softly. I sighed looking down. I didn't want to argue with him. "Is there stuff going on with you? Is that what is causing you to worry about me?" Tom asked. I looked up at him and sighed, "no, nothing is wrong tom, I'm more worried about you." I said quietly and looked back down.

I felt Tom lift my head back up to make me look at him. "It's ok y/n.." he says and brings me into a hug. I hugged back and we soon both stood up to give each other a better hug. He rubbed my back gently and strokes my hair with his other hand. I just blushed more and listened to his heart beat as we kept the hug there for a few moments. "I think you should try to go to bed early, relax your mind and body you know?" Tom suggested and I hummed no. "That won't help Tom. Every time I ask you, every time, you just avoid the question..." I said looking up at him. He was taller then me, I blushed a little more as he got close to my face.

"I don't avoid and I'm sorry if it seems like I am.." Tom says quietly. I saw that he was blushing a little. We slowly lean in more and more. Tom soon just leans in completely and kissed me. I blushed a bit more and I'm pretty sure he did too. I slightly tilt my head to make the kiss more loving as I melt into it. I wasn't really expecting this but it was comforting.

Toms pov

Holy shit I did it. I finally did it. Something I've wanted to do for a while to her. I just hoped that she doesn't think that this was a distraction... It wasn't meant to be anyways.

I pulled y/n closer to my body. After a few moments we slowly pulled away, I gently brush some of her hair behind her ear as we look into each others eyes. "I'm sorry Tom... I just care a lot about you.." y/n said giving me a upset look. I hated to see her upset and brought her into another hug. "I care a lot about you too y/n, and I'm sorry I'm making you worry so much.." I spoke softly as I gently started petting her again. "Don't be sorry Tom, you know how I am with worrying about people.." she says quietly. I hummed quietly, I felt guilty though.

Hiding my secret from her was hard, and I knew she suspected things of it. Every since that devil horned bastard tricked me... I know I've been acting different. And I can't control it.

I don't know if I could ever tell her.. for her safety at least. I don't think I'd ever tell her...

"Hey Tom..?" I hear her ask. "Yes?" I replied. "Can... can I spend the night with you..." she asked me. My heart almost sank. I didn't want to tell her no... but I also do want her to... "sure... whatever make you comfortable. I'm here for you y/n and you've always known that.." I said softly. "Yeah I know.. I just sometimes feel that you are hiding stuff if I'm being honest.." she says and pulled away slightly to look up at me. I looked down at her and continued to stroke her h/c hair. "I wouldn't be able to if I tried," I said in a quiet chuckle to try to lighten up the mood.

I smiled hearing her softly giggle, "alright.. I'm going to get ready for bed and I'll meet you in your room," y/n pulls away slowly. "Alright," I said as I watched her go. I slightly began to panic. I was worried about her finding out, but yet again I want to prove to her that nothing was wrong. I knew it was a full moon, the night where twisted energy only comes causing me... lose my control until the sunlight comes.

I sighed softly trying to put that aside and walked up to my room to get ready as well. I wasn't hungry at all, especially on nights like these. As I made my way to my room I got a feeling In my chest... this feeling was the feeling I always felt a few hours before "it" happens. I tried to ignore it and entered my room.

I took off my hoodie and threw it to my bed. I put on my sweatpants and stayed shirtless since it was the most comfortable for me to sleep at least. I go to sit at the edge of my bed and looked around my room. There wasn't any light, except the mini hallway lights on the walls. At least I don't have a hallway light in here, if I did then it would have look concerning to her.

I think she has been gathering up clues, y/n sometimes acts a little weird around me too. But that doesn't happen often.


When I was in my room I was really happy. Everything that happened earlier, mainly the kiss made me really happy. I don't really know for sure how he felt about it... or if he just did that to make me feel better... but for now, I just want to be with him tonight.

I changed into one of my over sized t-shirts and didn't put any pj pants since I've been used to sleeping without them. I hope he doesn't get weird about it though when he finds out. But he has seen me in my underwear before so I think I'd be fine.

I went back to my door and exited my room. I head down to toms room and steps inside, "hey Tom.." I said quietly. I blushed because I was able to see him. He had a nice toned chest... like a really nice one. I didn't expect him to have so much muscle. I started to blush because of it. "Hey y/n, do you want this for tonight?" He asked as I saw him grab his hoodie and hold it out to me. I gladly accepted and went over to get it. As I put it on and over my head, I looked back at Tom and I saw him blushing... but not looking at my face. I gasped quickly coming myself "you perv!" I said jokingly. "'Me?? A perv?? Says the one who likes to sneak up behind me and slap my ass," Tom laughed along too. I pulled the hoodie down fully and sits next to him laughing still.

Tom could always make me smile. I scooted close to him and looked up at him as he looked down at me. He was a lot taller then me when we sat down and stand. I slowly lean in to him, I wanted to see what he would do. I blushed as I saw Tom lean back into me.

I soon closed my eyes as we kissed again. Tom cupped my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved so we were more comfortable. Tom was not on top of me and I slowly lean my back onto his bed without breaking the kiss. I blushed a bit more and felt him nip my bottom lip.

I was surprised but slightly gaped my mouth for him. This is when Tom and I turned the kiss into a French one.

I hummed slightly moving my hand to run through the back of his hair. Tom got closer to me, staying between my legs. I liked this a lot and didn't want this to stop.

We made out for a few minutes like this before we pulled away from each other. I slightly panted and blushed a lot looking up at him. "T-Tom.." I quietly said and was flustered about it. Tom gave me a grin that I've never seen before and lean down to my neck. I felt him kissing around my neck so I tilt my head the other way so he had more room. "Tom..~" I said more clearly but in a moan form when he found a sensitive spot. I grip onto him, not too tight, but a tight grip on him as I felt him suck on that spot.

Tom slowly pulled away from my neck after that, "I don't want to be a buzz kill.... but we should go to bed soon... I know we did a lot tonight and I'd love to continue. It's just that-" "are you uncomfortable..?" I cut him off before he was able to finish. "No it's not that, I like this a lot actually.. it's just tonight I'm really exhausted and I don't want to disappoint you..." he said.

I didn't want to argue with him, he did look tired. At least to me he did. "Alright Tom..." I said quietly. I gasped slightly when he picked me up. "What are you doing?!" I squealed slightly laughing. "Just taking the princess to bed" tom says chuckling and lays me back down.

Tom then climes into bed with me but goes behind me to spoon me. I smiled a lot when he did that and closed my eyes. With him behind me I was easily able to fall asleep. I love him so much.

Yay my first chapter! I'm deciding that I will post this one early. Even know I'm not finished with my Tord x reader I still wanted to get something like this out for people. Hoped you liked the chapter! -LB

2,280 words

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