𝟡. Things are Going to Get More Difficult

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Last chapter:
Hopefully we don't run into Tord again..


Walking down the hallway with Tom made me feel like was helpless. Seeing the look on toms face made it feel more worse as he looked as if he just wanted to give up.

We were following poppy to the fitting area for a uniform.. I don't really like it. Poppy was right about the female uniform being a bit more sexual. I've seen a few soldiers walk past and they look more as if they were here for something totally different. The more important the females were the more revealed they were. That was horrible.

I gently brushed my hand against toms, I wanted to hold his hand but knew that if they get caught doing that who knows what would happen to Tom. It seems like Tom would get blamed for a lot if someone else did it..

Toms POV

I watched ahead as I walked next to y/n. I was worried. That sick bastard would probably make her wear something inappropriate like he does with all the other females in this base. Luckily there isn't many and they are separate from the guys in they base.. as if they worked together for too long who knows what those guys would do to them when they get the chance of belong alone with them. That's why I'm worried about y/n and Commie. He'd probably make her wear something ridiculous and just use her for his own pleasure. He always does this shit. Over the years all the girls I got went to him and he'd dump them if they didn't give him what he wanted to see or hear from them.

I then felt y/n's hand brush against mine. I looked down at her giving her a soft smile, I made sure that there was no one behind, or in front of us. I also checked for cameras before I lean down slightly to gently kiss her cheek. I held her pinky with mine so at least we had some contact. I saw her smile, her smile always lightened up my mood and warm my heart.

I watched her turn and look up at me. She just looked too damn cute. But I had to be carful with what I do with her in here. I know that Commie will take her away from me as soon as he finds out she is my girlfriend.

"Hey, you two can't be doing that." I heard poppy say. She was looking back at us. I looked up at her and sighed letting her pinky and put my hands in my hoodie pockets and sighed once more. "Sorry.." I mumbled. "Don't be.. I just don't want you two getting caught by you know who.." poppy said facing back the way she was walking and stoped.

"Getting caught by who?" A voice then said and I sighed when hearing it. "Oh nothing to worry about sir, they were talking and I don't want the female he brought getting all buddy-buddy with her, sir." Poppy said as she stoped us. I looked ahead at the bastard and glared. "Well, if he is coming with you guys to get this lovely lady fit for a uniform, I shall come with. After all I want to make sure the uniform is perfect~" when I heard that last part it made my blood. "Sir, please don't use that language." I then heard poppy say quickly afterwards and in a pissed tone.

"Hahah oh don't take it that way, you know I like my uniforms to fit everyone," I heard him say. "Yeah, to fit your nasty fucking sexual desires. I am helping her with her uniform fitting. Not you." I heard poppy say and I was shocked she talked to him like that... well... she is taller then him and Russian... all strong Russian women are scary.

"Poppy, you cannot talk to me like that." I then heard Tord say back to her but in a different tone. "And you cant fucking sexualize a women's appearance for your pleasure. I'm done talking." Poppy said as she then began to walk. Both y/n and I start walking with her. That guy is a fucking creep.

Y/n's POV

I feel so uncomfortable now. I just didn't look at anyone and looked down feeling a bit embarrassed. Who is this guys? And why does he think I'm so easy to comment on?

"I'm still coming, there is a new uniform fitter, I want to make sure they are as good as they say." I heard Tord say. He still watched the ground as I watched poppy's foot pattern to know where to go. I sighed as I glanced at Tom. He looked angry. I was angry too.. but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. Not yet at least.

When arriving at the place I looked all over the room. There was so much to look at. Formal uniforms, actual formal suits and dresses. All displayed around the room. There were many different types of the uniforms on each side of the room. But.. it was photo tell which were the female uniforms.

"Good morning redleader, and poppy," a older man then spoke. He got up from a chair from behind a desk. He had circle glasses and looked fairly old. "How may I help you today?" He then asked. He sounded very friendly. I couldn't help but smile as.. old people can be so cute sometimes.

"Here to get a new soldier fitted.. maybe this one too." Tord spoke walking up to the old man. "Oh, alright. Common over here miss," the old man waves his hand over to me and I followed him. "Now, I want to get your permission first as gentlemen do. I do apologize if I do bump into any uncomfortable spots, I'm just trying to get the best and most comfortable fit," he says. I awed in my head. He was just being so sweet. "Yeah I'm fine with it, and don't worry if I'm uncomfortable I'll let you know," I told him.

"Alright, first, pick out a uniform you would like," he says pointing over to the different female ones. "But of course, if you'd like the male ones those are definitely a option too." He says. "I'll pick-" "no you aren't." I heard Tord say but then poppy cut him off. I glanced at them before going up looking at the manikins. There were a lot of revealing ones... I get what poppy means by Tord sexuality a appearance. I found one that I think would look decent on me, but also wouldn't be too revealing. "Alright, now I'm going to need to get your measurements," he says as he leads me to his stand so he can start measuring me.

"So, when did you get into this?" I asked him to start a conversation because he seemed nice. "Oh I started this many years ago. In fact, my wife and I started up our own tailoring business. Man, my wife was a beautiful model. It made all the men run into our shop just to see how beautiful she was." He said and chuckled. "We have been in this business for years.. I've even made a dress for many famous people. All people I've met that were famous were all absolutely lovely. But.. as my wife and I got older, she ended up getting cancer... it's unfortunate, but how I moved on is to look at someone's death as a life experience. My wife give be the greatest experiences in life. When we got married, having kids, starting our business, getting grandkids... you just need to be glad that it happen, instead of being upset about it being gone. But I'm so thankful she was there to the very end. Heh, I even made her a hospital gown in her favorite color so she can be happy... but never be upset.. we will all see the people we care about most someday again." The old man says as he smiled. This is why old people are so cute. They have so many story's and they are always so positive and gives the best messages. I smiled at the old man as honestly... I wondered how he ended up here.. in the red army.

"Well, I got your measurements. I'll go look for a uniform in your size and I'll make take the adjustments. Have a wonderful day," he says as he takes his paper to his desk. He then came back. "Would you still make me to size this young man?" He asked.

I saw Tom cross his arms, that means he didn't want to.. but without saying it. "Yeah, we'll have him get measured. But I'm not sure if I'm going to put him in a red army uniform... I might need to come up with a custom uniform... to keep him contained.." I heard Tord say. That worried me. I looked over at Tom as his pissed off look was now completely different now. He looked more.. numb. I went to go stand next to Tom before Tord came over grabbing by hand and leads me away from him, "I want to show you something, don't worry it won't be too far, but it's also in here," he says leading me to a door that's in the same room. I pulled my hand away and looked over at Tom and poppy. I saw poppy then come over.

"Poppy please watch him. I don't need him blowing up in a outrage if he does," Tord said to her and shooed her away. "Sir, Tom is fully capable of being on his own." Poppy said before Tord glared at her. "Listen to me. Leave." I heard him say. I looked at her as poppy looked at me and sighed. "Yes sir..." she says before going back to Tom.

"Now, back to what I was saying. Come in here darling," he says as he opened door for me. I slowly go in as I pretty much had no choice to. I looked around as it was another room but with a lot more fancier dresses. "This room my love, is for my queen," Tord says walking in front of me. "Every one of these dresses will be for her, when I find her," Tord continued as I had an idea of where this was going. "And.. because you are fairly attractive, I'm throwing out a option for you." I heard him say. I sighed but listened. "If you become my queen, I promise no harm to your friend Tom. You two seem close. I mean I don't care about Tom... but I would care for you. But if you don't become my queen... well, it's hard it say no to a guy like me," I heard him say. "You don't have to chose now my darling, you have some time to decide before I ask for your final answer.. now putting that to the side, I want to get to know a little bit more about you. So tell me, I want to know your relationship with Tom," he says to me.

I felt my heart drop as I got the wrong idea when he said relationship. I quickly figured out what he meant after and sighed. "Well.. we are just close friends.. nothing more really.." I shrugged as I tried to make it seem I wasn't interested in Tom.

"Oh, that's a bit nice.. I'm surprised he hasn't hurt you at all... or tried anything with you.. you know I used to be toms roommate.. many, many years ago. He was a major asshole though. Alcoholic my I add. Oh! May I ask, but does Tom still drink?" He asked me. "Eh... every now and then.." I told him. "Hah, I knew it. Also, you know Tom gave me this scar on my face... and the cause of me losing my arm... basically just my whole right side of my body really. I don't normally talk about it much but, Tom.. he's a lot different then you know him as." Tord told me as he stepped closer to me and I stepped back again.

"I don't think you know the whole truth about Tom..." Tord smirked at me as I stepped back again. I lean back a bit trying to avoid any close face contact. "Uh... M-Mr. Redleader...!" I stuttered when he was getting really close. I put my hands on his chest to try and push him back but he then grabbed my waist which made my heart thump out of my chest.

I saw him lean into me, as u lean my head back...

I then felt him stop. I didn't realize but poppy opened the door. I looked over to where he was looking and saw poppy. "Her uniform is ready sir I think she would put it on." Poppy says. I pulled myself away from him and walked over to poppy. "You should have knocked first..." I heard Tord say from behind me. Poppy stayed in the door way as I felt Tord close behind me. I gave her a look that signaled I was uncomfortable How close he was.

I saw poppy move, "your uniform is on the table y/n.." I heard her say. I continued to walk and heard poppy blocking Tords way again and then shuts the door. I looked back and saw she probably went to talk to Tord in that room. I shook off what Tord was going to do... or was going to do...

I saw Tom look at me as he was already in the uniform. I go over to him and looked at the old man, "please don't tell them about this.." I told him softly and I saw him nod. I then go to hug Tom tightly. I felt myself tear up as I don't even know how to explain what just happened.

Hey, I'm so sorry I have updated this so late. Online school has been taking up a lot of my time and I have been focused on that stuff first. I'll try I to be more consistent with my updates, but I can't keep promises on that. I hope everyone is doing well, stay safe and stay inside. -LB

2,408 words

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