8. Old bonds. New Path?

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filler chapter or whatever.

Ambrose's POV

We head back home after school. Ethan is with us.

I introduced him to Rose and Ron when we were in the cafeteria. Since they already know about him it was less awkward. I was excited for Mum to see Ethan again, it had been too long. Ethan's mum and my mother were the closest of friends, that's how I and Ethan grew up close. 

The moment we pull up i rush out of the car towards our home. The sense of excitement and anticipation was palpable as I entered our home. I rushed to the kitchen. Mum was usually there when we got home -plus I could smell the food that was being cooked. I rush into the kitchen to see her fishining up.

"Mum!" I greeted her with a big smileof my face to which she raised an eyebrow, "You wouldn't believe what happened today. Who I met!"

I open my mouth to continue when ethan came in accompanied by the twins. I look at mum to gauge her reaction. It fair enough to say she was surppprised. whith the way her eyebrows shot up and how her eyes popped out. Her eyes quickly scanned behind them -Looking for her friend maybe. She smiled one she revorved and started shooting questions at him after giving him a hug. 

We set the table and then the rest of our family, Mums mate (Jacob) who isn't my biological father but he's definitely my dad. Aurelius, the  oldest sibling, with his wife Celine -who will be the smartest person you ever encounter. The twins, Ron and Rose. Then me, the youngest. Mum and I were kiched out of our previous pack -The Red Moon pack when my father decided to join in with the rouges. Thankfully the moon goddess gave mum another chance when we came to The Dark Moonpack and the alpha gives us a place to live. No one ever saw my mum and dad being second chance mates. Atleast i wasn't an only child anymore. 

Once everyone takes a seat I announce again. loudly. "He's joining our pack. He left the red moon pack."There was a moment of silence as they processed the information, and then they smiled and welcomed him warmly. The atmosphere was light and friendly, with introductions and casual conversations flowing easily. Ethan had come to our pack seeking a new start after the Red Moon pack fell into chaos, overrun by rogue attacks and mismanagement by their alpha. His mother had urged him to leave, and our alpha had graciously accepted him. 

Lunch was a lively affair. Rose and Ron were deep in discussion about football, while Aurelius shared his plans for the warriors' training. I found myself drifting in and out of the conversations, my thoughts lingering on the sudden and welcome change Ethan's presence brought. 

I was pulled out of my reverie when the room fell silent. Everyone was looking at me."What?" I asked, feeling a bit self-conscious. Annoyed really.

Ron chuckled. "We were asking if you wanted to show Ethan around the pack."

"And take him for training," Aurelius added. "You two can catch up and he can get familiar with the place."

I raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded, glancing at Ethan. "That sounds good." 

Ethan stood up, his eagerness evident. "Let's get started then."

I sigh and looked at my parents with a shrug. We said our goodbyes and stepped outside. The fresh air was invigorating, and I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of our pack's territory, surrounded by dense forest and vibrant nature. pffts. Too bad the future alphas suck. The pack might fall into shit eventually.

"So, where to first?" Ethan asked, his excitement barely contained.

"I'll show you the training grounds first so you know what hell you're getting yourself into. Then we can head to the packhouse and maybe the market if you need anything." I shrug casually as we start walking down the path.

"Sounds perfect," Ethan said. "We can transform and run to the market."

I laughed. "I'm not 18 yet, Ethan. I can't shift. God how I wish I could.

"Ethan's eyes lit up with a mischievous glint. "You can ride on my wolf, Achilles."

I raised an eyebrow. "Achilles?" 

"Yep," Ethan said proudly. "He's a bit of a show-off, but he's strong." We walked to the edge of the forest, and Ethan began to strip off his clothes, preparing to shift. I averted my eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed, but I couldn't help sneaking a glance at his well-defined physique. Shameless. I know. In my defense he's the one stripping infront of me.

Ethan's transformation was seamless. Where he had stood, a majestic, brown wolf with striking red eyes now stood. Achilles was enormous, exuding power and grace. My jaw dropped and I let out a strangled noise that odly sucessfully sounded like me expressing how impressed I was. And terrified. But we dont talk about that part. I mean a whole ass transformed wolf is infront of me.

 He nudged me gently, urging me to climb on his back. I hesitated, but Ethan's wolf form looked at me with such patient eyes that I felt reassured. I let out a unsure noise then climbed on, gripping his fur tightly.  Without warning the bi- Achilles took off, running smoothly through the forest. The sensation was exhilarating, the wind rushing past my face as we sped towards the market. 

When we arrived at the training grounds, Achilles slowed to a stop, and I slid off his back. The pack members around us stared in awe at the massive wolf. I admit he was impressive. One of the best I've seen yet.  Achilles shifted back into Ethan, who stood tall and confident, completely unfazed by the attention. Cocky bastard. 

"These are the training grounds," Ethan said, looking around appreciatively. "Not bad. Better than the old pack's, for sure."

"Yeah, it's pretty extensive," I agreed begrudgingly looking around. trying to ignore all the eyes. judging me. Looking at ethan impressed. And envious.

Ethan smirked. "That's what they all say."

I rolled my eyes at his playful innuendo. "Lame. Uncalled for. You haven't changed a bit."

He laughed, pulling me into a side hug. "Neither have you, Ambrose."

As we headed towards the training area, I felt a sense of contentment. Ethan was here, and things were starting to look up. I was just glad to have my childhood best friend back. As we approached, I noticed three familiar faces watching us intently. The triplets stood there, their expressions unreadable. I sighed internally, preparing myself for whatever was coming next. Because I can never get away from shit. Shit alphas. Aiden. to be more specific.


Anyway,  stay safe, drink loads of water eat healthily, live your life and love yourself lovelies. 

MWAH love you 🥰.

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