Blood {Chapter Thirty One}

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When Autumn thought of torture, she thought of people being poked and prodded with different instruments; left to scream in agony for hours before dying. Now, however, she understood that wasn't the only form.

Autumn was tied in her own apartment, waiting for her the man she loved to either ignore her words and leave her to die, or come and fall into a trap.  Autumn was forced to sit around and listen, waiting to either hear her boyfriend's death or for Kyra to come into the apartment and finish her off.

That was torture.

Kyra had called in for reinforcements, two new friends coming to her aid. The one Kyra referred to as Jacobs was one Autumn recognized from the store. The other, Simmons, she hadn't seen before.

Kyra, Jacobs, Simmons and Joseph had developed a plan. Kyra and Simmons would go down the fire escape and hide out in the front of the building. Joseph and Jacob's would stakeout the back door.

Those being the only two official entrances and exits, if Tate did show he'd have to enter through one.

Autumn waited, trying to listen to any sign of Tate. She prayed for him to rescue her, yet she begged him not to come. She had never had two emotions that clashed so much.

Autumn's wrist burned. Her headache was simmering down, however, her legs were aching. She felt like she had been standing for days. Even though she had been knocked out for more than a few hours, Autumn was exhausted.

She was having a difficult time keeping her eyes open.

That was, until, the door handle jiggled. Her heart stopped, the panic setting in. She could hear the person on the other side messing with the handle; they had a key. It was Kyra; she knew it. Kyra was coming to kill her, sick of waiting for Tate to show up.

Autumn was so sick of crying; it was all that she did. And even though she didn't want to do it again, she couldn't stop the tears from forming. They raced down her face, blurring her vision. She wriggled and kicked around; her last attempt to get free.

The door was going to open any second.

She thought of her family. She thought of her step dad and her mother; she didn't get a chance to tell them how much she loved them. She thought of Tate, Cade, Clarke and everyone else. She wanted to see them, even if it was just once more, before she died.

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly. The thought of her family comforted her slightly as the door swung open.

"Autumn!" His voice made her heart skip a beat. She threw open her eyes; that's when she realized she wasn't going to die.

She watched as Tate rushed further into the room. She called out to him, shouting his name over and over. He gently began peeling the tape from her mouth, taking his time to make sure he wasn't hurting her.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, the tape completely off, checking her for any bruises or cuts. Autumn nodded, so overjoyed he was there it was hard to formulate a sentence.

"I'm fine."

"Let's get you out of here." Tate glanced around the room before charging into the kitchen. He returned to Autumn with a large steak knife.  "We have to get out of here before they notice," Tate said while leaning down. He began to cut away at the ropes around her ankles.

"Where's Clarke? There waiting at the doors." Autumn eyed the front door, waiting for Clarke to come running in any moment.

"We figured they'd be waiting. We parked on the side of the building, there's a spot where you can't been seen from the front or the back door. I climbed up to the fire escape and came in. She's in the car." The rope snapped, and he began to work on the one around her wrist.

"You went into someone else's apartment?" She wondered.

"The man was asleep on the couch; didn't even know I was there." She knew it was a horrible time to smile, but she couldn't help it. She was so happy to see Tate again; to know he was alive. "Don't get mad at me for invading someone else's personal space."

However, even with Tate being there, she was still terrified of what could happen next.

The rope loosened, and then fell to the ground. Autumn's wrist cried in relief as she threw herself at Tate. He returned the hug, holding her tightly.

"I told you not to come," she whispered in his shoulder. He pulled away, using his free hand to set his hand against her cheek.

"I would never leave you." Autumn smiled, smacking her lips onto his. He was really there. She wasn't going crazy or imagining his presence; he was real.

"Isn't this cute?" They broke away, Kyra leaning against the door frame. Tate shoved Autumn behind him, gripping the knife tightly.

"Kyra." Autumn could hear Tate gulp. Kyra's expression gave Autumn chills. Kyra didn't appear angry, or sad; but jealous.  The two shared a moment of intense eye contact before Simmons entered the room through Autumn's bedroom. Tate stepped backwards, ushering Autumn towards the kitchen.

"We knew you'd come," Simmons laughed to himself. "You always like to make really bad choices."

"Where's Clarke?" Tate asked through gritted teeth. He knew she wasn't going to stay in the car like he'd asked. He figured she'd show up a minute after he did.

"Being taken care of," Kyra wickedly grinned. Something latched onto Autumn's wrist, forcing her backwards and sending her flying into the wall. She smashed head first, withering to the ground in a ball.

Tate didn't even have time to spin around before Johnson wrapped his arms around Tate. Pinning his hands to his side, he dropped the knife. Tate head-butted him, Johnson releasing him to hold onto his nose.

Tate whirled around, sending his foot into Johnson's stomach. Johnson staggered backwards, smacking into the countertop. He reached into the open drawer, forcing out a knife of his own. Tate stepped forward to snatch his off the ground.

Simmons jumped into action, forcing Tate into a choke hold. Tate clawed at Simmons arms, but was unsuccessful in breaking free. Simmons made Tate circle around to face Kyra. He could still breathe, however it was difficult.

"How did I know you'd come?" Kyra questioned, kicking the front door shut as she sauntered further into the room. Johnson latched onto Autumn's arm, throwing her to her feet. He shoved her into the room, she stumbled but managed to catch herself. "Going from me to a human, really downgraded there didn't you?"

"Why are you doing this?" Tate spat at her.

"You know, it's really funny. The last person I killed asked me that same question. Why are you doing this? Why me? And you know what I told him." Kyra's heel clicked against the floors as she strolled across the room. "Because it's fun," she whispered in Tate's ear.

"Autumn . . . go," Tate gasped in between his sharp intakes of breath.

"Don't leave just yet. The fun hasn't even started." Kyra turned her attention to Autumn, who tried to back away. She smacked into Simmons, who simply thrust her forward. "I have a really cool party trick."

"No! Autumn! Run!" Tate wriggled and kicked around as much as he could, Johnson tightening his grip. Tate's face started to turn red as he fought for air. Kyra grinned, watching Tate with amusement.

"Five years ago you made a mistake. You chose them," she pointed at Autumn. "And now, she's going to pay the price." Kyra held up her palm toward Autumn, eyeing her. "Want to see what I can do?" Her eyes turned gold.

Autumn tried to run, but stopped when something came out of her mouth. She held her hand up to catch whatever it was. When she pulled away, she was terrified to find her hand covered in blood.

Everything inside of her burned; it felt as if someone poured acid through her veins. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't. Autumn's knees buckled, crashing to the ground, blood pooling from her mouth and onto the floor. She kept coughing more and more. Any time she tried to stop her efforts failed.

Autumn felt lightheaded and queasy. She was sure she wouldn't make it much longer. The amount of blood she was losing was detrimental.

Autumn looked to Tate. He was fading away as well. In a moment, the two of them would be dead. Autumn never thought she'd go out like this. She didn't want to die by Kyra's hands.

She couldn't help but wonder if Mark suffered this much when he died. Kyra walked backwards, standing by the front door.

"This is so great. I can watch both of you die at the same tim-" Kyra was interrupted by the door smashing into her. She flew backwards onto the mail table, broke it, and crumbled to the ground; knocked out. The blood stopped and Autumn laid on her back; weakened from the loss of blood.

Being so close to death was something she didn't want to experience ever again. She wiped the drying blood away with the back of her hand and fought the overwhelming desire to sob.

Clarke leapt into the room. Reaching into her boot, she forced out a knife. Throwing it, the knife flew across the room and into Johnson's shoulder. Johnson released Tate, who hit the ground. He caught his breath, coughing; waiting for his world to stop spinning.

Simmons ran forward, fist flying. Clarke ducked, sending her foot into his stomach. He slammed against the column.

Clarke rushed to Simmons, punching him in the nose. Simmons quickly returned with a jab to the stomach. Clarke doubled over, Simmons striking her in the cheek. Clarke stumbled to the side, Simmons taking his chance. He swiped his leg under her foot, causing her to fly to the ground.

The wind knocked out of her, Clarke took a second to get it back.

The second was all Simmons needed. He leapt on top of her, wrapping his fingers around her neck and squeezing. Clarke tried to pry his fingers off of her, but he was too strong. She could see the knife Tate had used to untie Autumn still on the ground. She tried to use her gift to get it, but she couldn't do it due to her being unable to breathe.

Autumn was exhausted. She would have stayed there forever immobile if she could. But she was broken out of whatever trance she was in by the sound of Clarke choking. Autumn quickly assessed the situation.

Johnson was trying to pry the knife out of his shoulder, every time he touched it he'd cry out in agony. Simmons was choking the life out of Clarke, Clarke was dying, and Tate was so out of it he just laid on the ground catching his breath.

Autumn crawled toward the knife. She wrapped her fingers around it; that small movement causing her to wheeze. Clarke was watching her; waiting. As soon as she reached it Autumn slid the knife to her.

Clarke got it, cutting Simmons arm. He released her, shouting, and Clarke kicked him in the gut. His head smashed against the column, the sound of his skull cracking echoing through the room.

Johnson saw his time to chicken out was over. He ripped the knife from his shoulder, shrieking as he did. Tate was starting to join the conscious world. Johnson sat up and held the knife over him.

In one swift motion Clarke rolled onto her side, got on one knee, and threw the kitchen knife. It hit Johnson in the chest. He let out an odd squeak before both he and the knife hit the ground.

Clarke was at Tate's side in a second, leaning over him with worried eyes.

"Are you with me?" She questioned, slapping his cheek. He bobbed his head, struggling to sit up; Clarke assisted him to his feet.  She snatched her knife off the ground. Autumn gripped onto the counter top, struggling to stand. It was as if every single muscle, bone, and organ in her body was extremely sore. Just rising off the ground made her want to cry.

Tate rushed into the kitchen throwing Autumn into the biggest bear hug she'd ever experienced. She was taken aback at first, before she buried her face into his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He wondered in a panicked tone as he pulled away. Clarke wet a rag she found on the counter and handed it to Tate. He helped Autumn wipe away the dry blood, which stained her face.

"Are you?" Autumn ignored his question.

"We can talk about this later. We don't know if she called for backup," Clarke interrupted. Autumn wrapped her arms around Clarke.

"Thank you." Clarke had just saved both her and Tate's lives.

"Again, we can handle this later." Clarke whined, however didn't leave the hug. It was the sound of Simmons groaning that snapped them all back into reality. "Come on." Clarke led the way, sprinting from the apartment.

Autumn charged into her room.

"Where are you going?!" Tate called after her. Autumn snatched the bag she had hidden by her bed. Throwing it over her shoulder, she joined him at the front door. "You have a bag packed?" He asked.

"Yeah. For the day when we leave together." Tate ushered Autumn into the hallway.

"No time like the present." The two jogged down the hall, Clarke waiting for them at the end.

"Watch out!" She warned, leaping around the corner. Tate and Autumn came to a stop, glancing over their shoulders. Simmons was standing in the hall, blood dripping from his nose.

"Want to see what I can do?" He chuckled to himself. Throwing out his palm, his eyes turning gold, fire covered his hand.

"Run!" Tate and Autumn ran as fast as their legs could take them. Simmons leaned backwards, thrusting his arm toward them. Tate, realizing they weren't going to make it, tackled Autumn.

Lying on top of her, using his body as a shield, he could feel the heat off the fire as it smacked into the wall above them. Tate peered at Simmons, Simmons leaning back to throw another one.

Tate held up his palm toward Simmons.

"Tate, don't," Clarke begged. He ignored her, using his gift to fling Simmons back. Simmons flew into a painting on the wall. Both he and the painting fell. Tate rolled on his back, panting.

"Tate, are you alright?" Autumn sat up.

"I'm fine," he waved her away.

"Using his powers wipes him out," Clarke said, scrunching his nose. She seized his arm and threw him to his feet. Simmons shouted in anger, punching the ground.

"We have to go." Tate and Clarke started down the hall and away from Simmons; but Autumn had an idea. Autumn charged toward him, Simmons rising to his feet.

"She's gone mental!" Clarke doubled back for Autumn. Autumn forced down the handle for the fire alarm. The bell sounded, Simmons covering his ears. People opened there doors and began exiting there apartments.

The sprinklers came out, extinguishing the fire in Simmons hand. He sent her an enraged glare, Autumn replying with a smirk. She chased after Tate and Clarke, and the three headed towards the stairs.

"Good idea," Tate complimented as they entered the stairwell.

"Thanks." People began to crowd the stairwell, pushing and shoving in there mad dash to exit the building.

A woman started to cuss someone out. Autumn peeked over her shoulder, watching as Simmons tore through the crowd. The careless way he knocked people out of his way was dangerous.

"We can't go down the stairs," Autumn tugged on Tate's shirt.  "He's going to hurt someone." Clarke rolled her eyes, but was the one who opened the door to the third floor.

The three wriggled through the crowd and into the doorway; the hall empty. Tate leaned against the wall, hands on his knees; wheezing.

"They're getting rid of the fire escapes. The one we came in through was the only one left on this level," Clarke informed. "Which one was it?"

"I don't know," Tate shrugged. Clarke whirled around to face him, punching him in the shoulder.

"It was your job to remember where it was you idiot."

"Sorry, I had other things on my mind."

"We don't have time for this. Simmons is coming," Autumn tried to defuse the situation.

"It ended in a two," Tate interjected.

"There we go," Clarke threw her hand in the air. "You guys check two and twelve, I'll check twenty, twenty one, and twenty two."

Tate interlocked his and Autumn's fingers, dragging her into apartment two. The TV was still on, SpongeBob Squarepants's laugh ringing through the room. Tate released Autumn and went into the bedroom to check.

Autumn poked her head into the hallway, checking for Simmons.

"Not this one," Tate said as he re-entered the living room. Autumn jumped, her hand hitting the door frame.

"Ouch," Autumn mumbled as the tiny new cut on her hand began to bleed.

"You okay?" He questioned, reaching out for her hand.

"Its fine," Autumn shook her head. "It's just a little cut."

"We're going to get out of here. We'll go back, Cade has been dying to see you anyway."

"If they let me," Autumn muttered to herself. Tate raised his brow. "I know I know. I . . . I'm just so scared." Autumn had tried to act strong, but she wasn't sure if she could pretend any longer.

"I know." Tate threw an arm over her shoulder and she leaned in; he rested his chin on her head. "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

A phone began to ring. Autumn and Tate exchanged glances after they broke the hug. The ringing suddenly stopped.

"Where are you?" Simmons growled. Autumn peered into the hallway, Simmons back was to them.

"He's here," Autumn whispered. "Oh my god, he's here."

"Dammit Joseph! You let her get the slip on you? We're on the third floor, hurry up." Simmons ended the call. Autumn couldn't breathe, her hands quaking. Tate steered Autumn away from the door and into the kitchen.

Autumn hid in the pantry while Tate quietly opened the drawers in search of a weapon.  He settled for a sharpening steel. Tate joined Autumn in the pantry; shutting the doors.

"It's not very brave of you to hide." Simmons called. "Just another dumb mistake to add to your list right under saving that nasty humans life."

His steps got louder and louder. Autumn was trembling; she reached out for Tate. He held onto her hand, squeezing it tight; he was scared too.

"Is this . . . blood?" Autumn's eyes widened as she observed her hand. She had forgotten she had cut it a minute ago.

"Tate," she cried.

"Sh, it's okay." Tate held the sharpener out, leaning forward; ready to attack.

"Now where are we hiding?" Autumn could barely hear his steps over the rapid pounding of her heart. Tate watched Simmons enter the kitchen through the crack in the door. Wanting to surprise him, Tate burst through the pantry and tackled Simmons.

Simmons and Tate crashed to the ground, Tate dropping his sharpener in the struggle. Tate grabbed Simmons by the collar and began punching him. Autumn couldn't move; she was frozen in terror. But, when she realized Tate was winning the fight, she ventured from the pantry.

"Go find Clarke," Tate instructed, delivering a final blow. Simmons eyes rolled to the back of his head. Autumn headed to the door, doing as she was told.

"Clarke!" She called, stepping into the hall. The door screeched, and Autumn turned toward the source of the sound. Joseph shut the door behind him.

"Tate!" Autumn sprinted back into the room. Tate rose to his feet, knuckles red.

"What's wrong?" He wondered, leaning against the wall.

"Joseph." Simmons, face covered in blood, grabbed the counter for support. He turned to Tate and charged him. "Tate! Watch out!"

Tate only had time to turn around before Simmons plunged the knife into his stomach.


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