Sign Me Up {Chapter Thirty Four}

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Hey guys! So sorry for the super long wait! I was on vacation, and then as soon as I got home from vacation I had to leave again to go to my college orientation! So I sadly haven't had time to write, but now I'm back! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Only six chapters left of this book! It's so crazy to think it's almost over!

Autumn sat on the couch, biting her thumb nail. She couldn't believe she had done what she just did. Autumn was just so enraged by Mr. Black. His carefree attitude when speaking of hundreds of people dying made her sick to her stomach.

She glanced at Cade, who was sitting in the exact same spot and way he was thirty minutes ago when he drug her into Tate's apartment. He sat in the bar stool, back against the wall, arms crossed, pouted lip, snarled expression, and angry eyes.

"Will you stop looking at me like that?" Autumn questioned.

"Nope." Cade shook his head.

"I said I was sorry," Autumn tried to defend her actions.

"I don't want to hear it." Someone tapped on the door. Autumn leapt up off the couch to answer it. Cade rushed past her, knocking over the stool, cracking the door open to see who it was.

"Move." Jade kicked the door open, shoving past Cade. "What the hell were you thinking?" She directed her question at Autumn.

"Jade," David whined, flooding inside.

"I mean what seriously possessed you and made you do what you just did." Clarke entered the room and Cade shut the door, hobbling to his barstool.

"Give it a rest," Clarke rolled her eyes, jumping up onto the counter.

"How are you not mad? You're mad at everything." Jade threw her arms up in frustration.

"I'm sorry," Autumn apologized.

"Oh! That just makes it alright-"

"Shut up!" David shouted. Jade eyed him, mouth gaping open, and his eyes grew wide. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"I didn't mean to say any of that stuff. It just . . . came out."

"That's a valid excuse-"

"He wants to let people die," Autumn interrupted Jade. "You know how many people go through that train station?" The room fell silent. Jade ran her tongue over her front teeth, tapping her nails against the countertop.

"How bad is it out there?" Cade asked, leaning his head against the wall.

"Not as bad as we thought," Clarke cleared her throat before answering. "Everyone is just kind of standing around talking."

"The council?" No one wanted to answer that question, which made Autumn increasingly nervous.

"I mean they invited her to stay. That has to be a good sign, right?" Cade piped in after five minutes of awkward eye contact and painful silence.

"Think that'd ever happen if my dad was still around?" Clarke wondered aloud.

"Probably." David bobbed his head. "All of this fighting would have been avoided."

"What do we do now?" Jade wondered. "Everyone isn't going to agree-"

"I think she's right." Clarke interrupted Jade. All eyes were on her, even Autumn who didn't believe exactly what she had heard. "Come on, don't look at me like that. I'm sick of running from Kyra."

"That's not an option right now. We have way more to freak out about right now instead of Clarke losing her mind," Jade interjected.

"Jade, come on-" someone knocked on the door; everyone froze. They expected the worse but Autumn's mind was processing two things. Her punishment for what she had just done, and Tate. There was a possibility that it was someone delivering good news.

Autumn was the first one to move. She swallowed very loudly before getting up and heading to the door. Clarke jumped off the counter, right on Autumn's heels. Autumn cracked it open and poked her head through it.

Three people stood before her. Lily and KC were people she'd seen around before, maybe talked to once in a large group of others.

That was about it.

The third person was one she looked over her shoulder for; Jonas. Just staring at him made her head hurt, thinking back to everything he'd done to her. The names he'd called her, the look of pure hatred in his eyes, but mostly the simple way he almost killed Cade; with ease.

"What do you-" Lily reached out, her pointer finger tapping Clarke's forehead; Clarke stopped. Her body went limp and she smacked against the ground. KC grabbed Autumn, yanking on her arm and pulling her into the hall.

He spun her around, put her in a headlock and guided Autumn into the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jade demanded.

"No one moves or I'll snap her neck," KC warned.

"What do you want?" Cade asked, David daring to sneak a step forward. KC saw this, tightening his grip slightly. Autumn choked, clawing at his arm. David held up his hands as if someone was pointing a gun at him. Lily sauntered around the room, sneaking up behind David and Jade whose eyes were on Autumn.

"Autumn's coming with us," Jonas responded.

"She's not going anywhere," David growled. "Especially not with you."

"We don't have time for this," Lily announced, setting her palms against the tops of their heads. David's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his and Jade's bodies smashed against the ground simultaneously.

"David! Clarke!" Autumn called. Cade tried to dodge Lily but he was unsuccessful, joining the rest of her friends on the ground. KC steered Autumn from the room before releasing her.

"Sorry about that," KC began. Lily exited the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Why did you do that?!" Autumn frantically asked.

"It's alright." Jonas towered over her; just being near him made her want to sob. Autumn didn't believe anything he said.

"We need your help and they wouldn't let you go willingly. It's the easier way, we promise. They'll wake up in a few minutes." Lily was out of breathe, probably her power taking its toll. She locked arms with KC and he assisted her down the hall. Jonas gestured for her to follow the two others, and she had no choice but too.

They lead her down the stairs and back towards the conference room. She was more than sure she was going to die.

"Everything's going to be okay, I promise." Jonas must have detected the fear in her eyes. She was more than sure a blind person could have seen it.

"Like I'd believe you," she sneered. They turned the corner and Autumn could see the council's conference room door. A bunch of fortis were crowded around it, all whispering among themselves. Jonas set a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to stop. She shoved his hand off of her.

"I know what I did to you was wrong and unforgettable; and I can never take it back. But you need to know that I'm trying to make it up and do the right thing."

Autumn found it odd how badly she wanted to believe him. Now that he was standing, face inches from hers, she could see the faded marks on his face. She hadn't seen him in so long, it made her wonder where the council had locked him away and what they had done to him.

"Come on!" Lily shouted over her shoulder. The group at the door dispersed. They created a path to the door using their bodies. Autumn felt as if she was being lead to her death. Everyone wore blank expressions, and every person she passed stopped talking when she did.

Autumn was shaking so horribly, she wasn't sure how she was still walking.

They entered the conference room. More than half of the residents stood inside. One familiar face rushed to Lily and KC, whispering amongst themselves. The familiar face glanced at Autumn over Lily's shoulder.

All Autumn wanted was Tate.

"Let's do this!" The familiar face shouted. He, and twenty others, stomped towards the door the council always disappeared into. They kicked it open and poured inside.

"Get ready," Jonas warned.

"For what?" Autumn's eyes didn't leave the door. Autumn could hear shouting, but she wasn't sure what was being said. The council was guided from the room, each of them standing shoulder length apart in a line in front of Autumn.

Autumn snuck a peek behind her, everyone in the room filling behind her as if she was there shield.

"I should have known you were behind this," Mrs. Jones groaned.

"She's not," Lily spoke up. She shuffled forward, standing on Autumn's side. "We are."

"We?" Mr. Black asked.

"All of us," someone shouted from behind Autumn.

"We want to fight back." It was now Jonas's turn to speak and move forward.

"You have no credibility here," Mrs. Jones shook her head.

"We want to stop hiding. We don't want to live underground in fear anymore," KC joined the line.

"That is not up to you," Mr. Black responded.

"But it's up to you," Autumn chipped in, understanding they weren't using her as a force field or a bargaining chip. They were using her as an example; as there head in command. She looked to Lily, who sent her a quick smile, as if to say 'thank you for understanding'.

"Here's the deal," KC continued, Autumn and Lily snapping there attention forward.  "We want to fight back. We want to protect people from Kyra at that train station. And if you don't-"

"What will you do?" Mrs. Jones scoffed.

"Leave." Each council member's eyes expanded.

"What?" One of the questioned.

"We will leave, go outside of this place. No other safe houses would take you seriously any more. Others will hear about what we did, and do the same." Lily finished KC's thought.

"You will not be allowed to leave. It's a law, and you know the punishment," Mrs. Jones grinned, as if she had won.

"Are you going to stop us all?" The tension in the room was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Mrs. Jones dropped her cocky smile.

"It's up to you," Lily's voice was slightly shaky. "But we want an answer in the next minute, or we waltz out the front door."

"You can't do this. I can charge you with the highest punishment available," Mr. Black stepped forward. As he did, so did the hundred others behind Autumn.

"The clock is ticking. Make your choice." KC warned, it was clear he didn't like Mr. Black approaching Lily.

Mr. Black ran a frustrated hand over his face, back tracking towards the council. They gathered around him, discussing something. It was clear, as usual, that Mrs. Jones opposed whatever decision the council came upon.

KC latched onto Lily's hand, squeezing the life out of it. Some people whispered behind Autumn. She eyed Jonas, who returned the horrified glare.

"Times up!" KC shouted at the top of his lungs; Autumn looked to them. The council continued there talking for a minute longer before turning around.

"Okay," Sibella's mother started.

"Okay?" Lily pondered.

"The mission has been approved. Tate takes the lead on it. It's a volunteer basis only." The man with the glasses continued.

"And if anyone dies," Mr. Black took his time, carefully stepping forward so that he stood inches from Autumn. "There blood is on your hands."

The council members took off. Even Sibella's mother couldn't fake a smile. Autumn hadn't realized it at the time, but she just helped them sign their own death warrant. Her heart sunk, and as everyone around her cheered each other and hugged, Autumn couldn't breathe.

It felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest. She shoved past Lily and KC, charging outside Hands to her knees, she started wheezing.

What had she done?

Setting the back of her hand to her nose, she fought the urge to cry. She hadn't expected an outcome like this.

"Autumn!" Clarke screeched. She stood tall, head snapping towards the end of the hall. Clarke sprinted to her, David and Jade following behind. Cade rounded the corner when Clarke reached her. "Are you all right?"

Autumn shook her head.

"I killed them all," she admitted, eyes brimmed with tears.

"What?" Jade questioned as she stopped next to her. Lily and KC exited the room, David shoving KC into the wall. Lily and Jade tried calming down the situation. Clarke demanded answers as Cade approached.

"What's going on?!" Cade shouted way too loud in Autumn's ear.

"We won!" Lily shot back, standing in between David and KC.

"Won what?"

"Autumn!" She eyed the cluster of people standing next to her. None of them were even paying any attention to her. "Autumn!"

She knew that voice.

Autumn whirled around, her heart melting. She was overjoyed.

"Tate!" She charged toward him. Tate was walking very slowly, leaning against the wall for support, sweat beading his forehead. She had to practically meet him the entire way, but she didn't care.

Tate engulfed her in a hug, using her for support.

"You're okay," he panted.

"You're alive," she cried into his shirt. She pulled away, the two's lips meeting. Tate's embrace always made Autumn feel safe.

Except this time.

Even though she knew Tate was going to be okay. She couldn't stop thinking:

What have I done?

Dear god, what have I done?

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