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I was on my balcony at the time, thinking about the failure I had at talking to Adrien. I looked up to the stars and said
"I'll NEVER be able to tell him..."
I sighed, and Tikki flew out.
"Dont say that Marinette! You know you'll have other chances! Like we always say, there's a time for everything!" Tikki said, cheering me up. "Yeah Tikki! Your right." I said, sitting on the railing.
"Be careful, we know how much of a klutz you are!" I hear Tikki say.
"No worries, Tikki. I wont fa-"

Of course...
I fell.

I fell off the balcony, eyes widening as a yelped. Right as I was about to land I felt something catch me, someone with a leather outfit.

"Chat....Chat Noir?" I ask looking up.

"I never knew you would fall for me! Huh, well sorry to break it to ya but the only one that belongs to me is Ladybug!" He said, using his pole to lift me back onto the balcony.
"In your dreams, cat." I say, laughing slightly.
"Thanks for catching me though." I say pushing myself away from Chat.
"Your welcome, Princess" he said.
I shake my head slightly and lean against the balcony. "How'd you even get there in time?" I ask, closing my eyes.
"Theres this such thing as patrol, where I go out and hunt to find any danger to save damsels in distress like you, princess!" Chat Noir said, leaning on the balcony aswell.
"Well, thanks anyway. I could've died!" I say, shaking my head at the thought.
"Yeah, next time..dont sit on the balcony." He said, smiling at me.
I nod and roll my eyes, but then smiled.
"Yeah yeah, I learned my lesson."

We chatted for awhile, occasionally teasing and getting to know each other.
"Huh, Gotta split. See you later, princess!" He said waving and using g his stick to leave.
"Byeeeee!" I said, trailing of at the end.
"Wow, I've never seen Chat Noir when he's not flirting with you" Tikki said, giggling.
"Ahaha..yeah. so, does that mean he only flirts with Ladybug?" I ask, pondering if the kitty isn't the annoying flirt I thought he was.

"Probably." Tikki shrugged.

"...huh..." I say, a small tiny of blush sneaking on my face.
"No..no way, Marinette! Dont tell me you have a crush on Chat Noir too?" Tikki teased and acted shocked.
"What? No! Of course not! My heart belongs to Adrien!" I say, my heart fluttering when I said Adrien.
"Yep, definitely Adrien alright!" Tikki said, taking notice of my behavior.


"I dont think I've ever talked to Marinette without her stuttering before! So, it's just with me she stutters?" I ask Plagg, desperate to know the reason why she treats me different.
"Seems like it. Now give me food!" Plagg said closing his eyes and rubbing his stomach.
"Here, but why does she do that? Does she hate me? Does she still think I'm as bad as Chloe?" I ask, throwing him a piece of cheese.
"Well, she seems a lot different when she's around Chat Noir instead of Adrien.." I say, a affectionate smile appearing on my lips.
"Ewwww! Dont tell me you like her! That's so cheesy! And not in the good way!" Plagg complained, finishing his Camambert.
"What no! My heart belongs to M'lady!" I said, sighing happily when thinking of my bugaboo.
"Yep, your still all sappy and gross around LadyBug." Plagg said, hearing my loving sigh.

While at school, I was talking with Alya.
"Yesterdays Akuma sure was kinda scary." I say, looking at the video she took of the fight.
"Yeah, where were you Marinette? I was so worried when you vanished!" Alya asked me, worry and annoyance filled her voice as she talked.
"U-uh yeah. I hid. I wasn't about to be dealing with the akuma..way...way...way to scary! Haha!" I said.
I look up to see Adrien walk in the class, taking a seat next to Nino.
"Oh, hey Marinette, and Alya." He said with a smile.
"U-uh hi!" I said waving slightly.
Adrian's face went from concern, to confusion, to deep in thought, then to curious.
"I heard you talked to Chat Noir last night! How was it?" Adrien asked me.
Alya looked at me. "Girl, why did I not know this?"
"U-uh sorry I didn't know you wanted to..and how'd it go?"
"Well it went great! I mean not as great as you are, you are amazing. You saved my life, I mean! He saved my life which made me so..uh....it went great...." I said, whispering at the end of the sentence.
"Okay.." Adrien said, turning back around.
"That's good that it went well." He said to me, as the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

After class, I was about to head out when I saw Adien and Lila talking.
"What is she up to..." I ask myself, eying Lila.
"Oh Adrien..I never realised you liked LadyBug! Well...to bad last night...she told.me herself..she hates you, and thinks your a snob! I tried to tell her different but she pushed me away leaving a bruise, right here!" Lila said pointing to her arm that clearly had a bruise.
"Now she's using fake proof to back up her lies..Ladybug would never think that Adrien was a big snob!" I say, spying on them. "Also, adrien likes Ladybug???"

"Ladybug....hates...me? And no, no, it's not like that, i..dont like.." Adrien trailed off.
"She likes Chat Noir, Adrien..you'll have to find someone else...I'm so so so so sorry...." Lila said, putting a hand on his chest.
But to both of our surprise, Adriens face lit up when she said he liked chat noir. "She likes Chat Noir? I like them together so its alright." Adrien said rubbing the back of his head.
"Umm... ok.. well I was wonderin-" Adrien cut Lila off.
"I'm sorry Lila but I have to go. See you later!" He said, running off.

'Did she just say, that Ladybug. Likes. ChatNoir!?' I practically yelled in my head.
"Ugh..she's such a Liar!" I groan and stomp off, leaving the school.


"Plagg! Dont you realize? Ladybug loves me!" I say flopping onto my bed and putting my hands on my face.

"So your trusting the Liar girl, huh.." Plagg said hovering over me.
"What do you mean?" I ask, moving my hands away.
"It means, what if she's just LYING? she's a liar isn't she? She probably just fell and got a bruise on her arm." Plagg said rolling his eyes, going over to his Camembert stash.
"..." I stay silent.
"I sure hope she's not lying this time.." I say sighing.
"Well, why not see my princess?" I ask, looking at Plagg.

"Wait let me at least finish my che-"



I hop across the buildings, heading towards the bakery. As I get closer I smell a sweet smell, a smell that seems to drive me crazy.
"Croi... ssants...?" I ask, my stomach rumbling.
I rush over to the smell, and see my princess holding a plate of croissants.
"Oh I needs me a croissant" I say staring down.

"Its really a beautiful day." I hear Marrinette say.
"Right, Tikk-" I cut her off.
"Hey Princess" I say hopping down.
"AAAAH! HOLY-" Marinette screams and falls back, and I swear I saw a red woosh into her room, but I shook it off.
"Ppfft- are you alright?" I ask helping her up.
"Just Peachy" I hear her say, as she takes my help and stands up.
"Do you want a Croissant, Chat?" She asks.
"Yes" I say bluntly, my face straight and serious.
"Here, and are you alright?" She asks, handing me a Croissant.

"Nom!" I happily chomp the Croissant down, smiling at how good it tastes

"Haha! Do you like Croissants? My friend Adrien likes them too.." She said, a tiny of pink teasing onto her face.
'So she doesn't hate me!' I thought to myself.
"Who doesnt?" I say, reaching for another.
She slaps my hand.
"Meowch!" I yelp, rubbing my hand.
"No more for now, Kitty. These are for my friend Alya and me to share!" She said, smiling.
"Oh. Okay." I say.
I quickly snatch a Croissant and plop it I my mouth.
"Chat! Bad cat! Noooooo!" She said playfully hitting me on the head.
"Hissssssssssssss" I hiss and smile goofily after.
We both had a good laugh.
We had a good time hanging out and being slapped on the hand from reaching for the croissants, but it was about time for a photoshoot.
"Oh, gotta go. I'll see you soon. Say hi to your friend Alya for me!" I say, smiling and was about to leave when she pulled my hand.
"Wait, chat?" I hear her ask.
"Hm? What does my purr-incess need?" I ask smiling.
She kisses my cheek.
"Thanks for cheering me up! I was feeling a little sad before you came!"
"No problem, Mari" I say before leaving.

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