Fuck You Natsu! Chapter 3

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"Bitchhhhhh, I'm fo' reallll!" The beautiful, blonde, woman grunted lightly from the profanity as her face scrunched up like she ate something sour. "I know rightttt!" Another loud outburst eoched through the walls of the sweet shop called 'Fruits Park' that laid right near a bar.

Sitting on one of the plush seats, Lucy Drag- I mean Heartfillia, rested her bare elbows on the flat surface of the table and cupped her cheeks with her hands as she waited paitently for her delicious dessert. But was soon disrupted when one of the customers from the far end started screaming her comments towards another female on the phone.

Even if she was in a far distance from Lucy, the poor part time libarian still could hear the boisterous woman talking about her ex or something.

Closing her brown honey orbs, The lady awaited for her strawberry milkshake which was to die for and the the infamous caramel mousse.

"His dick was small!" Lucy immediately shot her eyes opened and choked on her own saliva. Had that woman even know she was yelling? Lucky for the woman ranting on about someone's junk, Not many people were there except for a few staff members and customers since it was still morning. 10:38 am to be precise.

"Here you go mam." A sweet yet timid voice spoke near Lucy. The blonde looked down and saw a beautiful presention of a transparent glass jug of strawberry sweetness with a suprising amount of whip cream and cherry ontop along with a white straw, blending in with the cream.

However, that wasn't just it, a delectable, oozing with sugary caramel dessert approached her right next to her beverage.

Making all of the booming vulgar sentences she heard worth it. The only child of the Heartfillias turned her head to the left to face the brown haired waitress. "Thank you" The blonde kindly spoke. She bowed and then left with a smile.

Digging into her mousse with a sliver fork, she stuck the sweet sensation in her mouth. Moaning from the taste Lucy happily took another bite and took a sip of her milkshake.

"IT WAS ONLY 2 INCHES!" The girl instantly choked, yet again on her ice cold drink.

Awhile later when the woman stormed out as Lucy sighed in relief along with a few others.

When she finished her treat, she heard a meek 'welcome' and a 'hello' all of the other words were in slurs until she heard a woman's voice she dreaded.



Electric blue met golden hazel.
After the brief encounter with the white haired woman, which Lucy wasn't really fond of, she raced the fuck out there in her blue stilettos, white short sleeved dress and busted out.

Panting and bending over to rest her palms on her covered knees, Lucy heard another voice she despised. "Lucy." Fuck. Her day is going swell isn't it. An ultimate rage bursted through her body as she clashed against her old lover. Natsu You Could Go Fuck Yourself Dragneel.

Lucy stared immensely at those piercing onyx green eyes she once loved but now fully despised from the moon and back.
"Fuck you, fuck you!" Lucy shouted with fury as she slapped him with all her might with the flick of her right wrist.

Taking the sharp blow for his bruised tanned cheek. Natsu immediately took it. He deserved it. Whipping his face towards the way his furious ex slapped him, some of the hustling crowd surrounding the couple on the side walk stopped and stared curiously at the outbreak, while the others just carried on about their day.

Probably another lover's quarrel, people would think. But they're wrong. All if them.

As the entertainment where standing their ground on the cobblestone, like a play for a drama series where they have a petty fight. Lucy breathed in deeply then out as she retracted her hand back to her side. Meanwhile, Natsu stared back at the angry, gorgeous lady.

Never breaking the eye contact of onyx green and honey brown. The cherry blossom haired man gazed upon the blonde with hazy unfathomable eyes. Taking in one last glance, Natsu mumbled something incoherent to the crowd but make perfect sense to Lucy.

Her face contorted into suprise, shock and disbelief as he said those 2 simple words that could make her flip tables if he had ever said that to her.

Before she could even utter a word, move or see, he left. Left her alone, like he did before....

"Sorry Luce." Echoed through her brain. As she walked to work, ate, drank, returned home, showered, changed and went to bed.

Staring blankly at the pitch blackness infront of her. Lucy couldn't stop thinking of those two measly sentences, what now? Will she forgive him that quickly. No. Will she just let it go. No. Will she go and talk to him. She doesn't know.

The blonde sucked in a deep breath and exhaled as her hands were resting above her pink comforter that matched her pajamas.

"Fuck you Natsu..." And then the dark consumed her vision, taking her to a dream land.

Waking up to a abrupt sound of her phone vibrating from her wooden night stand to her right, The tired woman groaned and rolled to where her annoying device was. Cursing herself for not shutting it the night before.

Flipping her electronic over so she could see the black screen, Lucy mumbled incoherent things and propped herself to sit as the blanket slipped to her torso.

Pressing the home screen button with her left phone, her eyes were attacked with various messages. "What the fuck..." The blonde suddenly spat out as her eyes widened from the contact list.

1 missed call from Natsu Dragneel

1 text message from Natsu Dragneel

24 messages from Levs

She stared at the time on her right corner.

Hello my beautiful people!😊
Thank you for reading, commenting, voting and following!😁
Expect chapter 4 to come out soon. Maybe 1-2 days!

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