I Want You! Chapter 7

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Hey guys😆 Last chapter was really short so I made this extra longish for today. Thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and following😊 By the way the book is almost about to be finished just 1-3 chapters left😆 ___________________________________
"Lucy?!" Both of the men cried out of shock as they snapped out of their glares hearing the woman's voice from the glass entrance. The spectators quickly whipped their heads towards the door, following in pursuit of the sweet voice. Eyeing the beauty radiating off of Lucy, she started to sigh from the scene they created.

Why can't this be solved in a simple civilized way? Lucy thought. Recalling the days they all had at highschool this couldn't attract a bigger crowd? Could it?

Walking towards the two, as all of the people's eyes inside the room traced her steps from the clicking of her black, leather, heel boots. When she finally reached towards to the end of the table between Natsu and Sting, Lucy decided to speak up.

"You seriously have to cause such a racket don't you, you two?" Lucy sighed giving herself a face palm. "Lucy I love you!" Sting screamed from the top of his lungs causing a dramatic echo through the light yellow walls.

Natsu growled. "For god sakes Sting.. Stop following me!" Lucy yelled, agitated that she only wanted to talk to Natsu, her ex husband. But instead when she got dressed into a baby blue flowy skirt and a white cotton t-shirt, headed out towards her car, Bam! Sting was there and insisted that he should go. But Lucy declined and drove off and only to have the stalker stalk along.

"Sting. Please. Leave." Lucy said slowly getting her blood boiling even more in each word. "But-" "You heard her, Sting go." Natsu interrupted him,
The salmon haired firefighter already lost his patience in the first place and if that yellow haired stalker doesn't rush off now. They'll be a fist fight coming their way.

Gritting his teeth. Hard. Sting huffed and admitted defeat, scurring his ass out of there Natsu gave the opportunity to make a childish comment. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I want you dead by a monster trunk running your ass over!" A small "Fuck you!" was heard from the distance. "You wish!" Natsu replied back.

Lucy shook her head and sat across Natsu, syncing in with the burgundy couch. "You guys are so immature." The blonde woman snorted as she rest her elbows on the wooden surface and cupped her soft cheeks. "Pfffttt that stalker had to fuck off." Natsu growled as he leaned in further as his arms rested flat on the table.

"I couldn't believe that I dated him a while back." Lucy hastily mumbled.
Natsu's sensitive ears immediately picked it up. "You dated Sting!" Natsu cried out causing the gossiping crowd to look their way again and then proceed to do whatever they were doing.

"Natsu!" Lucy hissed at him, eyebrows scrunching into a frown as she glared at him. "Not so loud." She continued.
Natsu rolled his onyx green eyes and replied. "So what did you wanna say?"
"Umm that I want y- WHA! never minddddd!..." The Libarian screamed out and dashed out of the cafe, ditching her car, Lucy ran to her home, swung opened her door, kicked it closed and belly flopped onto her bed within 4 minutes.

Feeling the heat rush through her cheeks she groaned at what she said earlier. I hate life. She thought.

Aswell for a flabbergasted Natsu, he just sat there and shook his head out of his daze and raced after her. Ditching his car too.

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