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All that mattered to Twilight Sparkle was Equestria.

So in that time, she could not think about anything but the need to stop Starlight Glimmer from carrying out her plan, preventing her and her other 5 friends from meeting their destinies at the same time.

She was too busy to notice that Sunset Shimmer, who was in another world, needed her too.

By the time Twilight succeeded in convincing Starlight, the big storm at Canterlot High School had already stopped. Upon seeing herself standing with Sunset Shimmer and her friends, albeit looking different because of the glasses, Twilight knew that she shouldn't be there anymore, as it would be extremely weird to have 2 Twilights in the same group of friends. And she also believed that the Twilight before her would be a better friend than her. 

So Twilight from Equestria finally made up her mind. After little time of thinking, she announced right there to her human friends, that she would not bring herself back to this place anymore as they would no longer need her, as long as they had Sunset Shimmer and the Twilight that belonged there with them. 

The girls of course respected her decision because they knew it would be the best to be that way too. However, they couldn't hide how they felt about how Twilight would leave and never come back to them again. Sadness and desperation, all written as plain as day on their faces. Somewhere in their heart, they still hoped that Twilight would ever come back, or even stay here, but the irrevocable truth was there, that she could not bring herself back to this world ever again. The sobbing sound grew louder and louder as the group hugged each other, yet the Twilight with glasses was still nearly a stranger to the girl who just stepped out of the statue before the school, so she just stood there and watched them. 

They drew back from each other, Sunset Shimmer put a hand on Equestrian Twilight's shoulder and told her : "I'd visit Equestria to see you again frequently, Princess Twilight". It was a promise. Twilight smiled at her, then her gaze turned to the girl with glasses. The smile was still on her face, as if her expression was telling her human version that she put faith in her to protect this world from evil beings along with her friends. Two Twilight Sparkles, just like they had known each other pretty well but they had only met less than an hour, looked and smiled at each other.

The smile on Equestrian Twilight soon dissipated as she remembered something... no, someone. Him, the guy who had the fate to always bumped into her, therefore being able to hold her heart. 

"There's still someone I want to talk to." 

It didn't took long for the group to know who was in her mind, well, except one girl, who still had absolutely no idea.

Pinkie Pie enthusiastically told her where to go. Twilight excuses the other girls and walked into the school. 


Flash Sentry was alone in the music room of Canterlot High School, his only companion was the red guitar he always had with him. Reminiscing about how his guitar played well along with Twilight's singing on that day at the school's cafeteria made him can't help but missing her. The Twilight who was on Crystal Prep High School's side was someone farther from the Twilight he knew, moreover, she seemed so distant. Flash didn't want to believe that she was the girl who always became fluttered upon encountering with him, the girl he defended when she was accused of ruining the stage for the Fall Formal event that year. 

He had his back facing the room's door, so when the door was suddenly swung open, he didn't know who it was. But he didn't want to. This drunkenness on memories had made him not wanting to welcome anyone but the girl he desperately wished to see. "I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about anything". Not allowing the other person to say a word, Flash dismissed them without turning around. "Please leave and close the door."


He heard her voice, Twilight's voice, but didn't bother to turn back to see her. Twilight was confused, she thought that upon knowing about her appearance, he would have to feel delighted and excited. But everything she saw was the boy she cared for looked just like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Then she immediately knew why, but she wasn't sure, because that would mean that he felt the same as how she felt. 

"Flash, I want you to look at me." Twilight thought that Flash thought she was the one wearing glasses, the shy and timid girl who had the exact same name and figure as her, and she needed to convinced Flash that she was the one he had been waiting all along. 

Flash Sentry had no idea why on earth would the formerly Crystal Prep High School student would want to meet him. Having no other choice but to follow her request in order that she would leave him alone, Flash stunned upon seeing the girl he recognize, the girl he knew better than knowing his own friends. 


She offered a smile and approached him, letting the door swinging close. 

(Is... is it really you...?) Flash asked himself in his mind. The girl before him had to be her. She didn't wear any glasses, and beautiful purple hair was let to be loosen. She also wore the same outfit that was on her on the day they first met, both when she enrolled into this school and when she returned after a long time apart since her retrieval of the crown for the Princess of the Fall Formal that year. She could not be mistaken with anyone else.

He couldn't hide how happy he felt upon seeing her. It was like a dream, because Flash had thought that he could never see her again, but now she was here, meeting him personally. Twilight reassured him. "As you can see, me and the Twilight wearing glasses and hanging out with my friends these days are two separated people." Flash Sentry believed in that too, but he still wanted to see it for himself. He walked to the window of the room, looking at the area around the broken statue of the school. Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms were there, with Twilight Sparkle with her hair tied up into a ponytail, all of them were hanging out, chit-chatting and laughing cheerfully. Twilight approached him as her silhouette appeared on the white glasses. Now Flash had believed what he saw, he bursted into happiness. "It's really you, Twilight! I miss you so much!", he hugged her.

Twilight could clearly see herself through the window. How her cheeks were so red after the physical contact made her so embarrassed that she had to bury her face into Flash's shoulder. She hugged him back and felt his large hand ran through her hair, refusing to let her go. They stayed like that for a while, Flash wanted this moment to last for eternity. It was not until she realized what she came to him for did Twilight draw back from his embrace. "You don't know what happened when you weren't here. I have so much to tell you!" 

Twilight must admit that she fell too deep in love with him that she agreed to herself to stayed a little longer to hear him telling everything about the Friendship Games, deciding that telling him could save for later. How Flash encountered with the other Twilight and thought she was her somehow disturbed Twilight, perhaps... jealous? 

When Flash finished his story and asked if Twilight could tell him how it had been in Equestria and what she had gone through, the reason why she couldn't attend Friendship Games with Canterlot High students, she realized that so much time had passed and she must not hold over what she had to tell him anymore. "Flash, I have something important to tell you" The smile on her face were long gone, replaced by sadness. "I'm not coming back here anymore." 

"W-What...?" Flash turned to her and stammered, didn't believe in what he had heard. "Twilight, what do you mean by that?" Twilight should have expected how he took in the news, but her decision had settled, now all she had to do was letting him know it. Trying to hide away her sorrow behind the assertive face, Twilight explained. "You see, if something ever happens here, it will always be me and my friends, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Apple Jack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash to stand up and restore the harmony to this place. But now, since they have Sunset Shimmer, and the other me is also here, you can say that she has replaced me. Therefore, I feel like my appearance is no longer matter here, Flash." 

Flash Sentry immediately countered her : "What are you talking about?! You will always be needed here, you can't leave!". His protestation left Twilight stunned, she asked him. "But why? What makes you so determined about it?" 

"Because the one who needs you here is me! I love you!" 


Ominous silence was all they felt after the sudden confession came from Flash. And he knew that he had made the one he confessed to to be left out of words. Twilight, eyes widened "Y-You...You love me...?" 

"It's okay if you don't feel the same. It's just... You're leaving forever and I just want you to know that."

Flash finally confessed to her what was in his heart. Rejection from her was his worst fear, but it was not like he had the ability to control how she felt about him. 

"Flash, I never said that I didn't feel the same."

A sorrowful smile was written on her face. Now she knew that they loved each other, but they couldn't be together. Twilight knew well that she never belonged here. "I love you too, Flash. But that doesn't change anything." The painful truth was there.

"Th-then... Don't you want to be with me?!", Flash quickly became furious after having been so desperate. 

"I do, Flash! I really want to be with you, there's so much I want to tell you, but I just can't!" Twilight started to cry, struggled to look straight into those blue eyes she adored. "My friends need me, Equestria needs me more than this place. I'm so sorry, but I can't be so selfish as to abandon my homeland to be with the one I love."

"Twilight..." Flash stepped ahead and pulled her into his arms once again. "I can't make you change your mind, can I?" Twilight's body was shaking when she nodded. "But can't you return here, even if just for a brief of time, to see everyone?" 

"I can't be sure about Equestria's safety during the time I am here" Twilight answered his question, tears still flowing down her face nonstop. Flash ran a hand to her cheek, wiped away her tears as he offered her one last thing. "Can I at least sing you a song of mine?"

Twilight stared at him lovingly. "I'd be happy to hear it."

Flash Sentry drew back to reach to his guitar. What he played for her that time was not the usual rock music he always played with his band, it was like a love serenade that was exclusively performed for Twilight. Their eyes met and refused to look away, their focus was entirely on their loved ones as Twilight sang along with her lover. They drew closer to each other as Flash's guitar sounds came to an end.

Their lips met. It was their first, but also their last kiss. Flash pressed his lips against Twilight's, his love for her pouring out, let the kiss to be the sender. They closed their eyes, showing each other how much they meant to one another. The space around them melted into nothingness, all that mattered was they were together alone in that tender moment.

They took a lot of pictures after that, and they were happy, until Twilight realized that she shouldn't linger any longer. They withdrew from each other's embraces, Twilight about to open the room's door until she showed a little hesitation, then she turned her head back, looked at Flash for the last time.

"Farewell, Flash, my love."

The door swung close again, leaving Flash alone in the music room again with the phone on his hand. He ran through all of the pictures he and Twilight had taken. The images of them smiling lovingly at each other, the images of them pressing their forehead into each other, the images that showed Flash kissing her on the forehead, Twilight kissing him on the cheek and them kissing each other's lips, all would be forever burned into Flash's memories. Didn't notice the tears that dropped down onto the phone's screen, he glanced at the small camera that had been hung on the room's wall all along, the red dot on it blinking rapidly. It had captured the whole moment since before Twilight stepped in the room, Flash having intended to record him doing a solo with his guitar until he realized that he was alone and missing her. The camera had recorded the song that he and Twilight sang together. 

By the time Twilight reached the portal to Equestria, the school ground had already been deserted. No one was there to say goodbye to her made she felt even sadder. Slowly approaching the portal, she looked at Canterlot High School again, where she had so many memories, then Twilight went through it.


"Twilight, is everything alright?" 

Twilight, now back in her castle, didn't bother to lift her head up see Starlight's face. She quietly walked out of the mirror room, where she was heading was undetermined. Spike was there when she came back home too. Starlight was confused and worried about her mentor, but she knew well that when some pony was feeling down, it was best not to bother them until they were ready to share. She just asked Spike. "Will she be okay?"

"I can only hope so." 

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