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Authors pov
This is my first os !
The plot is slightly different Om and Gauri are married couple
Om doesn't accept Gauri as he thinks she is a gold digger and has fooled him
Buamma is trying to make omkara and Gauri close so she could get rathan
Om pov
I was listening to  buamma trying to pressurize me to accept Gauri as my wife
Om: buamma no I cannot accept her
She is only here till that svethlana is there
Who would want a charecterless and a gold digger as a wife
I don't want that Gauri kumari sharma as my wife
After I end svethalana's chapter
She has to leave this house forever
Buamaa : but Om
Listen to me
Buamma pov
I will try all my ways to get back rathan
Omkara  and you can do nothing about it
Gauri pov
I was trying to find a clue about buamaa
Her antics were not nobel
I was scared when one day I saw her talking to a skeleton
Saying she will take revenge on Omkaraji
If have to stop her before she does anything to my husband
I know Omkaraji doesn't like me and will never accept me
But I accept him as my husband and will do anything and everything to protect his life
Om pov
Day and day I was getting irritated
Buamaas constant pressure was really hitting me hard
And now even my mom is backing buamma and saying Gauri deserves to be my wife
Why are everyone backing up that Gauri?
Because of this nonsense
I was not even able to concentrate on completing my art work for my exhibition
It's all because of this Gauri
I was at my boiling point when ..
Stranger : sir
Your juice
Om: give it here
Om pov
Drinking that really made my head spin
Did someone mix something in this ?
I was feeling strange so I decided to go to my room
There I saw Gauri sleeping  on the

I admired her way of sleeping
I went close to her and  pecked her lips
Gauri pov
I woke up suddenly as I felt something wet touching my lips
When I opened my eyes I saw Omkaraji
Kissing me
Gauri : Omkaraji
What is this
Om: I want you Gauri
Gauri : but ..
*********adult content ahead *************************************
Om pov
I sealed our lips with a kiss again
And began kissing her she was resisting me
But I cared less I bit her lips and she opened her mouth for me taking it as a chance I slipped my tongue inside her mouth and began my little ministrations
I pulled out after some time because of my lack of breath
Gauri pov
I was not understanding
What was going in his mind
But when I saw his eyes I was scared they were filled with lust
I tried to go away but he caught me and pulled me on the bed
The torture continued he began kissing my neck and sucking it hard and probably leaving love bites all over
Om pov
I had enough
The feeling of wanting her was growing more and more
The recliner was small for us
So I took her and placed her on the bed
Removing  her kurtha for more access
Gauri pov
A sense of fear was rushing in my mind
As it was the first time someone was treating me this way
He began working on the hooks of my bra
And one swift move I lay half naked in front of him
Om pov
I couldn't control anymore
I was feasting on her breasts
She was trying to stop me by hitting with her tiny hands
I tied her hands with my belt and began doing my work
Her body was  making me more aroused
I removed my clothes and began to continue liking and kissing her
Gauri pov
I was getting scared when I saw him totally naked in front of me
Gauri : Omkaraji
I don't want this
Please let me go
Om: not a word Gauri
Gauri pov
I didn't get a chance to say when he forecefully removed my bottoms
And threw it away
Witching one swift move he entered me
I screamed a lot
Gauri : Omkaraji
Please stop it
It hurts
Om: say my name Gauri
Say it again and again
Gauri pov
It was a torture
I was feeling dirty when he was inside me
He doesn't believe in this marriage so why is he forcing me?
With a fast pace he pounded inside me till he emptied himself
After he was done he fell on me crushing me with his strong body
*************end of adult content ********************************
Om pov
I woke up with a throbbing headache only to see Gauri crying beside me
Wearing nothing and trying to cover herself with the blanket
I saw her self her lips were bleeding and she had all kinds of marks on her neck
I couldn't look at her anymore
Om: sorry
I shouldn't have done that
Om pov
I just got up and left the room
Feeling guilty of what I have done
I went to my art work just to release all the things from my head
I couldn't face her , I forced some one
That was making me mentally ill
I trashed the place and pores water on my paintings
But still the pain didn't leave me
Her image of her crying was killing me
Gauri pov
I became silent after that day
I didn't try to speak to him
And he didn't even try to sleep in his room from that day
We rarely looked at each other and never spoke a word
At night I used to get horrible nightmares of the night
I even felt disturbed looking at him
I used to wash myself several times in a day just to get off his scent away from me
It was hurting me
For a month the fight with my inner self continued until one day
I fainted while working in the kitchen
Om pov
I was shocked when I learnt the news about her pregnancy
It was my child and it was the result of that horrible night
Everyone congratulated me and gauri
But Gauri just remained calm
I went to her to speak about something
But she just turned her self away
Gauri : this is only my baby
Please don't claim anything on it
Om: Gauri I'm .. sorry
Gauri : please leave
I don't want to see you
Om pov
With a heavy heart
I left the room
I went to my art studio to think about the next part of my life
When I heard 2 servants gossiping about me
Stranger : omkara hates his wife
And now pregnancy it's weird
Stranger : it's all because of that juice
Stranger : what juice ?
Stranger : you don't know mam said to give some special juice to Omkara sir a month ago
Don't know what was there in it after drinking it
Omkara sir just went to his room and then I guess magic happened on that day
Om pov
I was getting irritated
When I heard that
Om: what did you say?
Who gave me that juice
Reveal it
Stranger : sorry sir
It was gauri Mam who got you that juice
She said it was important for your health
Gauri pov
I didn't know if I was feeling happy or sad
Sad because this child's life was conceived because of torture
And happy because I will have some one to call my mom
After my moms deadth I was feeling very lonely
And now this child will give me happiness
I was happy thinking how she will look like
Her face , her words
Will she talk like me
But a sudden fear of omkara
Was filling up my mind
What if he hates this child
Will my child grow up without a father
A strange fear was building up in me
When I felt someone hold me and slap me on my face
Om: it was all your plan right
Gauri: Omkaraji
Om: making me sleep with you
Creating this mistake
It was all your plan
I thought you are a low person
But you stooped this low?
Just to stay in this house
Really Gauri what do you need in this house?
How much money do you need
To leave me alone
Tell me the truth woman
Gauri : Omkaraji
Your hurting me
Please leave me

Om: hurt?
You are speaking about hurt now
I'm the one who knows about hurt
I was hurt the day I married an imposter like you
I was hurt when you cheated me pretending to be chulbul
I was hurt when you forced me to sleep with you creating this mistake
But now I'm not going to be hurt
I will show you pain, after this child is born I will raise it alone
And throw you out my life where you will not even see this child again
Gauri : Omkaraji
Please don't do that
I only have this child
If you want I will leave this house now
And I will never contact you
Please let me leave
Om: so that you can show the world that I threw my pregnant wife out of the house
No Gauri
I don't want you to be mahan any more
Already your stupid tale of sacrifices is hurting me
I will not make that anymore, be prepared to see your child become the next omkara
Who can hurt you
Gauri : Omkaraji
Please listen to me

Gauri pov
5 months passed every day I was living in a constant fear thinking about Omkarajis words
He will take away my child was just bothering me more and more
The family doesn't know anything about this and we're trying to pamper me as they can
Looking at Rudy bhaiya and shivaay bhaiya
Arranged my baby's room
I Was tearing me up
Will I see my child ?
The question was haunting me
So I was determined to leave this house without telling Omkaraji
I was about to leave the house but stopped
when I heard buamaa planning to kill Omkaraji
I rushed to speak to omkaraji
But he didn't listen to my words
And just left
Gauri pov
I was having a normal check up and buamaa was there for my check up she was so curious in asking the gender
That made me terrified of her
The doctor who was buamma's friend revealed to her that it was a girl
And it was that time buamaa was more angry on me
She asked the doctor to kill my child
And the doctor accepted her request
I ran from the place as fast as I could and hid in a room
I reached for my phone and called Omkaraji
Gauri : Omkaraji
She is trying to kill our child
Please help me
Om: Gauri
Stop telling me fake stories
Nothing in this world will change my decision of taking my child away from you
So just stop plotting against me and my family
Gauri pov
He cut the call without listening to me
I was trying to run away from the place
And buamma was following me
Buamaa : Gauri wait !!
Om pov
I was in the exhibition signing some paintings
When gauris friend richa came to me
Richa : congratulations sir
Om: thank you
Richa : you are not only a great Artist but a good man
Thank you for taking care of my Gauri
You don't know what she had to go through
She was tortured her whole life and she was forcefully getting married to Kali
And his 3 brothers
But you turned out to be her savior and protected her from everything
Om: what?
What do you mean Kali forced her
Richa : didn't Gauri tell you
Gauris mami sold Gauri to Kali for money
And Gauri agree to marry him because my mother was held hostage
Om: what are you saying richa
Om pov
I was lost of words when richa explained me everything about gauri
What have I done?
I was wrong about her character and what if buamaa..
No it cannot be
I have to go to her
I tried calling her to know her place
Gauri pov
I was running scared of my life
She was just following me
With my bulged stomach I was finding it difficult to walk anymore
My phone was ringing continuously
I received it but I was unable to answer was I was out of breath
I could hear Omkaraji asking for me
Om: Gauri
Where are you ?
Gauri !!
Speak to me
Buamma : Gauri come back
Stop running
Your child has to die
Did you listen I want my rathan
Not your daughter
Now come back here
Om pov
I was shocked listening to those words
Gauris life was in danger?
And she was not lying about it
The thought of loosing Gauri and my kid really hit me hard
I drive my car like a mad man to reach the place as soon as possible
Gauri pov
I ran as fast as I could
Keeping a protective hand on my bump
I don't want anything to happen to my daughter
On my way out there were a huge stairs and I missed one of them
Making me slip from the stair case
Om pov
I reached the hospital seeing all my family members waiting outside the ICU
While all my family members were sad
I saw buamaa standing in a corner silently
I didn't say anything but just stood there
Shivaay : Om !
We didn't know how it happened
Rudra : don't know how chulbul bhabhi
Is feeling right now
Om pov
I was silently hearing there comments
Hiding my tears
As I know what I'm going to listen next..
Doctor : I'm sorry mr. Oberoi
She miscarried the baby
Om pov
That was the last straw
When I heard that my tears found my way
I collapsed on the ground
Doctor :please take care of her
Om pov
I went inside the ICU to look at her
She was lifeless
Tears were just going out from her eyes
With a deep voice
I began to talk to her
Om: Gauri !

Gauri : Omkaraji
Please believe me
The baby is not in me
The doctors are not telling me anything
I'm telling you the truth, please I will leave you
I will divorce you and I will even give you the baby
You can hit me or even kill me
But please tell those doctors to give me my baby
They must have kidnapped her
Om: Gauri stop it
Gauri : please
I want to see her Om
Please just one time
I want to meet my daughter please
I promise I'm not lying
***********3 months later *******
Om pov
Buamma was sent to the mental asylum to get treated
The whole oberoi mansion was just as busy as always
Dadi doing her pooja
Choti maa and maa arguing about things
My fathers ambitious nature and shivaays hurt of leaving Anika because of choti maa's conspiracy
The only thing new was me giving up art
I gave up the one thing I loved throughout my life to pay for my deeds against a person
Priyanka : bhai
This is gauri bhabhi's soup
Om: give it to me
Priyanka : did she wake up ?
Om: yes
Prinku do a favor and ask the guards to lock the main gate
I don't want the scenario to repeat again
Priyanka : ok bhai
Om pov
I went to the room to see Gauri
Sitting there silently looking at the wall
She has very dark circles and she lost a lot of weight
Making her look very thin
Her bones were showing out
Due to the miscarriage Gauri lost her mental stability
She thinks she gave birth to her daughter and our daughter is hiding from her
I tried to tell her the truth but Gauri was not trying to listen
One day she left the house and was wandering on the roads to search for our daughter and a few men tried to touch her luckily Shivaay found her and bought her home
from that day Shivaay and I increased the security , so that Gauri doesn't run away
Day by day looking at her condition
I'm loosing hope
Will she ever be my normal Gauri again?
It was actually my fault for not trusting her
But still I'm dying every day thinking about her
I try all my ways to keep her occupied but nothing works
Gauri : she has not come today

Om: Gauri
She must be late
If you drink this soup she will come to meet you at night
Gauri : if she doesn't come today
I will go to search for her
She must be playing in the park right
Om: no I will go and search for her
Now be a good girl and drink this Gauri
Gauri: no
I don't want to
Om: Gauri you want to see our daughter right
Please drink this soup
If you drink this soup our daughter will come running to you
Om pov
She took a few sips and claimed she was tired
So I gave her some medicines
And made her sleep
It was going out of hand
I tried contacting anika
So that her presence will change Gauri
But shivaays reasons stopped me
Enough is enough
Tomorrow I'm going to call Anika
And make her come back to this house
For gauris sake
I cannot see her in this pain
Om pov
I woke up in the middle of the night
And didn't find Gauri next to me
I switched on the lights
Only to feel water on the floor
I followed the trail and saw the bath tub filled with blood and Gauri was immersed in it
I took her out of the bath tub
And tried to wake her up
Om: Gauri please open your eyes
Gauri !!
Don't leave me like this
Om pov
Laying lifeless with a slit wrist
She was gone ! She left to be with our daughter leaving me all alone
With a note
"I'm tired of waiting
She didn't come like you said Omkaraji
I know you won't tell lies
But I don't want to wait anymore
So I'm going after her
I'm following her way and now you can be finally be free from me
Live your life Omkaraji
Because from today there will be no Gauri to hurt you anymore "

Om: Gauri !!
Om pov
Taking her lifeless body in my arms
I broke down regretting every Pain
I have ever given to her
Om: I'm sorry
I'm really sorry
Authors pov
Hi readers
Hope you liked this story
Please comment and tell me how you feel about it
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With love,

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