Return To Omashu

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As we approached Omashu, my heart sank. It wasn't what I expected, it wasn't supposed to be this way. I looked to my siblings and Aang, their eyes growing wide. The Fire Nation flags rose high above the city...

"I can't believe this. I know the war's spread far, but..." Aang clutched his staff. "Omasha always seemed...untouchable."

Sokka stepped forward, placing a hand on Aang's shoulder.

"Up until now, it was." Sokka spoke solemly. "Now, Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left."

Now I was the one to move forward beside Aang.

"This is horrible," my eyes couldn't help but wander back to the sight of the city. "but we have to move on."

"No," Aang spoke in a tone I hadn't heard him use before. "I'm going to find Bumi."

"Aang, stop," Katara protested. "We don't even know if Bumi's still..."

"What?" Aang growled. "If he's still what?"

"Around..." she spoke hesitantly.

"We know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people that can teach you earthbending," I explained.

"This isn't about finding a teacher," Aang shook his head. "This is about finding my friend."

"A secret tunnel?!" Sokka was mind boogled. "Why didn't we just use this last time?"

With that, Aang snapped the entrance of the tunnel open and some kind of reeking sewage submerged me and my siblings. The feeling of the goey liquid cause the three of us to shiver and gag.

"That's why," Aang slightly smiled, jumping into the tunnel.

Me and Katara followed after him, Sokka groaning. Aang used his staff and bending to avoid the sewage, me and Katara doing are best to do the same while Sokka was left defensless and drowning in the goo.

"You doing okay back there?" I questioned, my brother gagging.

"Yeah! I'm doing just dandy!" he hissed.

Eventually, we made it into the city from underground. As Katara helped me out of the tunnel, I noticed that we were surround by darkness and empty streets. The two of use bended water from a near by barrel to clean ourselves of the sewage. Our brother emerged from the tunnel completely covered head to toe in the sewage. It looked as if he was some kind of creature.

"Oh, Sokka," I laughed softly, behind some water to clean him. After a few rinses, the sewage had disappeared by but there were things on his face I couldn't make out in the darkness, but what I did see was my brother's bright blue eyes grow wide, his hands reaching to his face.

"They wont let go!" I heard him screech. "Help!"

"Sokka!" I whisper yelled and lunged at his siloghete knocking him into a bale of hay.

"Stop making so much noise!" Aang and Katara ran over. "It's just a purple pentapose."

Aang rubbed the tops of the creates head with a single finger as Sokka whimpers. Immaintly they snapped with a pop.

"Hey!" we all jumped at the voice. "What are you kids doing out past curfew?"

It was fire nation soliders....I broke out in a sweat, grabbing my brother's hand. Aang hid behind the three of us.

"Sorry," Katara spoke. "We were just on our way home."

The solider's brows knitted.

"What the matter with him?" he pointed at Sokka.

The small circles the purple pentapose left...

"Uhhh...," Katara began to panic. "He has pentoabox, sir!"

The solider stepped closer, not believing my sisters story.

"It's highly contagtious," she snatched his shoulders, me loosing grip of his hand.

Now the solider began to step back, Sokka taking the hint.

"Oh, it's awful!" Sokka moaned, stalking toward the group of soliders. "Im dying!"

"And deadly!" the smallest smile tugged at Katara's lips. Her plan was working.

No ones pov
Azula sat in her throne on a ship at a harbor while two old women sat on each side of her.

"When tracking your brother and uncle, traveling with a royal procession may no longer be an option," one spoke as Azula kept her gaze ahead.

"It may no longer be wise, if you hope to keep the element of surprise," the other stated.

"Your right, the royal procession is dead weight, if I want to catch my prey I must be agile, mumble. I need a small elite team," a smirk grew on the princesses face thinking of her options.

"It's time to visit some old friends,"

"Let's find Bumi and get out of here," I whispered once the fire nation soliders passed.

The three of us ducked behind a pile of wood planks, fearing another group of soliders were around the corner.

"Where would they be keeping him?" Sokka questioned, tugging at the hood of his cloak.

"Somewhere he couldn't earthbend," Aang observed the area.

On my brothers singal, we filed out from behind our hiding spot. Scurrying in the dakness we did our best to avoid bringing ourselves attention. We made it to one of the mail way systems when the stone beneath us began to rumble. Our eyes wandered up; a bolder was flying fown toward the ground where a group were traveling. Aang immantily took action and bended the bolder away, the rock crashing and breaking against a wall, dust emerging from the debris.

"The resitance!" someone called from down below.

The four of us ran, sudden soliders and daggers coming at us. Me and Sokka satyed ahead of the group, Aang and Katara stopping to hold them off with their bending. As we ran, daggers flew only a couple inches from piercing out skin. My heart was pounding out of my chest and it felt as if any moment my feet would break from thumping against the stone at high speeds in the my thin sandals.

"Guys!" Katara yelped.

Me and Sokka stopped in a tracks, our sister and Aang not too far behind. The soliders were out of sight but a dark headed girl was still after us. Once Aang made it past large stacks of material, he threw it down with a swush of his staff blocking the girls' path. He was only a couple feet from us when the ground disappeared from beathneeth our feet...

No ones pov
Azula walked over to a girl who was upside down in a hand stand on her finger tips as she walked into a very pink circus.

"Ty lee, could that possibly be you?" Azula smiled at a girl with long mild light brown hair and stormy grey eyes as her hair was tied into a pony tail and braided down as her bangs fell in her face. She twirled out of the handstand and onto her knees bowing to the princess.

"Azula! It's so good to see you!" She ran up to the fire bender and they shared a tight hug and separated.

"Please don't let me interrupt your... Whatever you were doing," Azula raised an eye brow at her as ty lee smiled at her friend.

Ty lee bent backwards onto her elbowed with her feet in front of her while she stretched.

"Tell me, what is a daughter of once a nobel man and taken in by a general doing here? Certainly our parents didn't send us here to the Royal fire academy for girls to end up in... Places like this ," Azula smiled at her while she looked around unsure.

"I have a proposition for you," she shook her head and smiled wickedly at the pink girl.

"I'm hunting a traitor, a few," ty lees smile dropped.

"You remember my old fuddy duddy uncle don't you?" She inspected her nails.

"Oh yea he was so funny," ty lee smiled at her.

"I would be honored if you joined me on my mission," Azula turned to her confidently.

"Oh- I uh would love too, but nabus with Iroh and all usually since he left and the truth is I'm really happy here until he gets back," ty lee flipped to her feet and placed her hand over her heart.

"I mean my aura has never been pinker!" She laughed it off.

"I'll take your word for it," Azula put up her hand.

"Well I wouldn't want you to give up the life you love just to please me," she sighed crossing her arms.

"Thank you Azula," ty lee placed her fist into her palm and bowed slightly in thanks.

"Of course before I leave, I'm going to catch your show," ty lee brought her leg up in a stretch but gasped in fright loosing her focus as Azula stopped as well.

"Oh yea, sure," she gulped.

"The day of the invasion, I asked King Bumi what he wanted to do and he looked me right in the eye and said 'I'm going to do...nothing'," the general explained. "It doesn't matter now though. Fighting the Fire Nation is the only path to freedom and freedom is worth dying for."

My eyes landed on Aang, I knew a part of him didn't believe that. He hung his head, my sister by his side.

"Actually, there's another path to freedom," Aang spoke. "You can leave Omashu. You're directing  all your energy to fight the fire nation, you're outnumbered and cant win. Now is the time to retreat so you might live to fight another day."

"You don't understand. They've taken our home we have to fight them at any cost!" he growled.

"You know, living to fight another day is starting to sound pretty good to me," another general, a rounder man expressed.

"Yeah, I'm with the kid," a solider agreed.

Discussion began to sound in the tunnel, each moment the conversation becoming louder. These soliders were on our side, they would rather live than die for no reason.

"Fine," the general spoke. "But there's thousands of citizins that need to leave. How are we going to get them all out?"

"Suckers!" my brother smirked. "You all are about to come down with a nasty case of pentopox."

Everything went as planned. After the many citizins were covered in the dark circles and began their playing their roles, the fire nation soliders immiantly let us out of the center without question. Now, we were camped some miles away. Aang had still not arrived as the darkness fell.

"I'm going  start a fire," Sokka announced, leaving the comfort of Appa's fur. It's getting chilly out here."

Sokka went off to collect firewood, my sister scootingcloser to me with a blanket.

"Do you think Aang will be able to find Bumi?" she questioned, concern held in her voice.

I wasn't sure of how to answer my sister because I honestly didn't know.

"He's Aang," I spoke, twirling a strand of my sister's hair. "He doesn't give up easily."

Not long after, Sokka returned with firewood and started the heat source. Once he lit the wood, flames began to dance across the darkness and out of that same darkness, we saw Aang and Flopsie emerge.

The three of us ran to Aang, him speaking as we did so. "We looked everywhere. No Bumi." Katara embraced Aang as he sniffled, Momo and Flopsie clinging to Sokka.

"We've got a problem," the general apporched. "We just did a headcount-,"

"Oh no, did someone get left behind?" I jumped in.

"No," he pointed to a cooing child crawling toward us. "We have one extra."

I played with the child, squeezing his fingers and tickling his stomach, but once he got bored with me, he crawled to my brother a couple inches away. It's little fingers clung to Sokka's let until its attention went to his boomerang.

"No!" he scolded, snatching it up from the childs grasp. "Bad Fire Nation baby!"

I gave him a slap on the shoulder as the baby began to cry. He was so cruel!

"Fine," Sokka uttered, letting the boomerang back into the babys reach.

"He's so cute!" my sister squealed, squeezing his cheeks.

"Sure, he's cute now but one he's older he'll join the Fire Nation army," the general scowled in the fire's light. "You wont think he's so cute then. He'll be a killer."

Katara picked up the child and wiggled him. "Does that look like a face of a killer to you?"

Before the general could remark back, something flew over our heads. Once it landed, we realized what it was; a messanger hawk. Aang was the first to get it it perched on a bolder. When he opened it, his expression went blank.

"The governer thinks we kidnapped his son and hes willing to trade him for Bumi...."

No ones pov
Azula sat above the circus in a throne while drums beated and the rig master stood in front of Azula down below where there was a large net awaiting for a fall.

"We're deeply honored to have the fire lords daughter at our humble circus!" The ring master announced to the princess as no one else was around.

"Tell us if there's anything we can do to make the show more enjoyable," he told her.

"I will," Azula said smugly.

Ty lee was on a rope where a platform on wheels and a stand was as she was on one hand and in the splits upside down in her costume.

"Incredible, do you think she'll fall?" Azula asked looking at her friend.

"Of course not," the ring master smiled proudly.

"Then wouldn't it make it more interesting if you removed the net?" She asked.

"Uh the thing is the performers-" "you're right you're right, that's been done," Azula sighed looking back at the performance.

"I know, set the net on fire!" She told him and the ring master had a fearful look on his face but agreed and did so of what she asked.

Ty lee looked down at the fire as sweat began to form on her fore head as she could remember the flames and the heat, the screams of her small colonial village. Except this time she didn't have her brother to protect her.

"Brilliant! Just brilliant," Azula smiled up as the ring master shook nervously looking at his performer with worried eyes.

"Oh! What kind of dangerous animals do you have?" She turned to him excitedly.

"Well our circus boasts the most exotic assortment-" "release them all!"

Ty lee was given black flowers in a bouquet as Azula stood behind her.

"What an exquisite performance, I can't wait to see how you'll top yourself tomorrow," Azula hummed with a hand on her hip and ty lee took off her head piece she used for the show.

"I'm sorry Azula, but unfortunately there won't be a show tomorrow," th lee smiled softly at her friend.

"Really?" She smirked.

"The universe is giving me strong hints that it's time for a career change," ty lee hung up the metal head piece.

"Was innocent villager to assassin to school girl to circus performer not enough?" Azula tease.

"I want to join you on your mission," ty lee stated smirking back making Azula stand tall.

"And your dearest brother?" She hummed.

"Nabu is just doing as he's told, it's what we where trained to do for the longest time, he's not a traitor, I'll join you on your mission to get my brother back, is that okay?" Ty Lee asked with a soft smile full of hope.

"I can pull a few string to make that work," Azula smiled back slyly nodding.

She was getting somewhere now.


Azula and ty lee arrive in Oma Shu as the fire nation princess stepped out of her carrier and walked to a gloomy girl with black bangs and a red robe dress.

"Please tell me you're here to kill me," the girl said boredly as ty lee walked over. Azula and the girl laughed lightly and embraced each other.

"It's great to see you Mai," Azula smiled and ty lee hugged her old friend.

"I thought you ran off to join the circus? You said it was your calling," Mai looked at ty lee as the parted.

"Well Azula called a little louder," ty lee smiled.

"I have a mission and I need you both," Azula told them as ty lee heard most of this already.

"Count me in, anything to get me out of this shit hole," Mai scoffed with no hesitation.


Azula sat in a small throne with a soldier on each side of her while the governer, his wife, mai and ty lee stood before her together.

"I apologize," the governer started. "You've come to omashu at a difficult time,"

"At noon we're making a trade with the resistance to get Tom Tom back," he explained on his knees in front of the princess.

"Yes I'm so sorry to hear about your son, but really what did you expect? By just letting all the citizens leave?" Azula scoffed crossing her legs looking at him annoyed.

"My father has trusted you with this city, and your making a mess of things," she stood up glaring.

"Forgive me Princess," the governer bowed to her with his wife.

"You stay here, mai will handle the hostage trade so you don't have a chance to mess it up," Azula walked forward with mai and ty lee behind her looking at the adults.

"And there is no more omashu, I'm renaming it in honor of my father, the city of New Ozai," Azula smiles wickedly as she walked out the doors with her small team behind her.

The four of us stood on the shaky boards, the girls approaching, a crane lowering Bumi in his coffin like cage. I held Tom-Tom in my arms. cooing and twiddling with my necklace.

Something didn't feel right about this didn't feel right, it didn feel safe. I worried...

"You have my brother?" one of the girls questioned.

"He's here," Aang spoke, my grip on the child growing slightly tighter. "We're ready to trade."

One of the three girls stepped forward, the one not from before. She held smirk, something dark in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but a thought just occurred to me," her voice seemed hollow. "Do you mind?"

"Of course not, Princess Azula," the other spoke blankly.

Princess Azula? I know I heard that name before, and it caused a bad reaction within my body. My chest tightened and my stomach churned.

This was a setup....

"We're trading a two year old for a king; a powerful earthbending king," she glanced toward Bumi or nodded slightly. "It just doesn't seem like a fair traide, does it?"

The girl who claimed the child as her brother just moments before gave us a glance without expression. "No, it isn't."

"The deals off!"

The crane that held Bumi began to crank back up, the air leaving our lungs.

"Bumi!" Aang sprinted forward, a girl sending a blaze of blue flames at him. Aang avoided the attack taking to the air, but as he did so he lost his hate, his markings out in the open...

I handed Tom-Tom off to Sokka in a pantic, Katara stepping forward as the girl with daggers approached.

"Already ahead of you," he had the bison whistle on hand.

Taking my pouch out from my hip, I bended the used water to help Katara. The girl already had began throwing her daggers, my sister quite impressively doudging each one with the help of her bending.

"Look out!" her voice took me from my thoughts. A dagger was coming dtraight toward me.

I ducked, not having enough time to come up with another way to avoid the weapon. That's when I heard Sokka yell. I spun around, a girl in pink was inches from him and the baby on the edge of the boards.

Withput hesianion, I lundged forward and bended my water to wrap around the girl's ankle, pulling her back away from my brother. She let out a yelp as she hit the boards, Sokka getting away.

From not far behind me, my sister grunted. It was as if the girl had her very own amourer of dangers that had Kataras name on them. Assasiting the situation, I bended the water and went for her feet, but as I whipped it forward this pinching feeling occurred all over my body; my legs gave out as the girl from before hopped over me and attacked Katara.

"How will you fight without your bending?" they mocked.

"I seem to do fine!" I heard my brother call. Above us, he was flying on Appa and had just thrown his boomerang. It hit the dagger out of the girls hand.

Once Appa landed, he banged his tail against the boards, sending the girls flying back. Sokka hopped off and sprinted to me and Katara.

"Are you two alright?" he questioned, helping us up.

"We're fine," we both mumbled, being careful of our injuries.

What had that girl done to cause us to loose our bending?

The three of us filed into Appas saddle before the girls could recover and attack us again.

"Where's Aang?" Katara spoke, our eyes wandering over the city searching four our friend.


No ones pov
"So we're tracking some brothers and your uncle down huh?" Mai asked.

"We're not really going to hurt Nabu right?" Ty lee asked nervously as they walked by Azula as she was carried.

"Of course not, he's just a soldier technically, following Zuko and my uncle, he practically innocent," Azula waved her off and ty lee smiled satisfied.

"At least it'll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won't it Mai~" ty lee teased her friend as Mai smiled shyly.

"It's not just Zuko, Iroh and Nabu anymore, we have a fourth target now," she narrowed her eyes ahead of her.

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