The Avatar State

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"This is what I've been missing. Who knew floating on a piece of diftwood for three weeks with no food or water and sea vultures waiting to pluck out your liver could make one so tense." Uncle moaned from the massage he was receiving.

I didn't answer and only kept my head hung in the corner.

"I see... It's the anniversary isn't it?" the old man sits next to me.

"Three years ago today I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back." I clench my jaw.

"I want the Avatar, I want my honor, my throne. I want my father not to think I'm worthless."

"I'm sure he doesn't. Why would he banish you if he didn't care?" Uncle try's to show a better light on my subject.

I shake my head and push myself up, leaving the old man so I may go find somewhere to be alone. Anger and hurt rises in me every moment. There's only one way I can get what I want back and that is to capture the Avatar and I'm going to do it.

I walked around as blossom petals drifted down from trees down to the ground and saw Nabu enjoying himself with a book and a girl as they both where smiling.

"See but you'd never think that'd be the ending, crazy right?" He flirted with her and the girl giggled and blushed.

"Zuko hi this is lynu, she's the one that makes the oil scents," Nabu introduced us and I scowled at her. Lynu excused her self and Nabu groaned looking at me.

"Wow what a wing man," he said sarcastically but he saw my unamused face and remembered.

"I'd say happy anniversary but that'd be like saying for me, 'happy anniversary your families dead'," he leaned back. "But for you it's more like 'happy anniversary your dad kicked you out of your home and family',"

"Tell me about it," I sat with him with a small smile and Nabu began telling me about his book. In a way, his blunt sarcasm helps me smile more.

The sun shined down on the ocean as we sailedwith memebers of the Northern Water Tribe. We had been at sea for a couple weeks, they were heading to the South Pole and dropping us off in the Earth Kingdom on the way.

Our passage was soon ending and we all gathered on deck to say goodbyes. I held one of my elbows across my chest sadly with my head hung. On this journey I've begun to get to know Master Pakku through me and my Katara's training. He's a wonderful man and I wish he was my grandfather...

"Kya, Katara, I want you two to have these. These amulets contain water from the spirit oasis. The water has unique properties. Don't loose them." Pakku pulled two objects out hanging on strings from a brown stack and hands them to me and my sister.

I held the amulet in my hand and slide my fingers over the smooth crystal. It really is quite something, but I wonder what these unique properties are?

Katara said her goodbyes to Pakku and once she's done I stepped forward. He laid a hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile.

"Thank you for the gift. Say hi to Gran Gran for me. I hope to see you soon, Master Pakku." I bowed slightly.

"So do I." I climbed up into Appa's saddle and sit down next to my sister.

The both of us sat and watched as Pakku gives Aang a small wooden box of scrolls involving waterbending and Sokka receiving a pat. Me and my sister quietly giggled at the action and our disappointed brother.

"Fly straight to the Earth Kingdom base to the east of here. General Fong will provide you with an escort to Omashu. There, you'll be safe to begin your earthbending training with King Bumi." Pakku instructed.

"Appa, yip, yip." Aang grabbed the reins.

"There it is!" Sokka called seeing the base of the mountains of the Earth Kingdom.

The three of us in the saddle scrambled to the edge to gaze at the marvelous place. Stone walls surroundef the area in the secluded valley.

After a few moments we landed, Appa's paws hit the ground with a slight thud. Me and my siblings climbed off Appa while Aang used his airbending to get downs

"Welcome. Avatar Aang! I am General Fong. And welcome to all of you great heros!" the General inturduced himself and greets us.

"Avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single-handed it wiped out an entire Fire Navy fleet at the North Pole. I can't imagine what it feels like to wield such devasting power," General Fong ran his finger through his beard, and seemed deep in thought.

"Its an awesome responsibility,"

"I try not to think about it too much," Aang simple said with a small smile.

"Avatar, you're ready to face the Fire Lord now," the four of us gasped.

"What?! No, I'm not!" Aang began to panic.

"No, Aang still needs to master all four element." I stood up, katara was right after me with rage in her eyes and the boys followed.

"Why? With the kind of power he possesses, power enough to destroy hundreds of battleships in a matter of minutes he could defeat the Fire Lord now!" General Fong banged his fists against desk which made me jump.

The four of use just stared in all. Aang wasn't ready and he knew that and no one should push him on the subject. He was just a kid. I realized that there something off about this man that could put us all in danger.

"But, sir, the thing is, Aang can only do those things when he's in the Avatar State," I explained with wide blue eyes.

"See, it's the special state where..." Aang got cut off by cruel and rough words.

"I'm well aware of it. You're eyes and tattoos glow and uou'renabke to summon unbelievably power. Without you, we'd be slaughtered before we even reach their shores but with you leading the way as the ultimate weapon, we could cut a swath right through to the heats of the Fire Nation,"

"Right, but I don't know how to get in or out of the Avatar State, much less what to do once I'm there," Aang muttered with a hung head.

"So it's decided then, I'll help you figure out how to get into the Avatar State, and then you'll face your destiny," the word slipped off the Generals tongue almost like a plan and things were set into action.

"No, nothing's decided. We already have a plan. Aang's pursing his destiny his way," Katara crossed her arms over her chest glaring.

"Well, while you take your time learning the elements, the war goes on. Maybe I show you something?" he gestured to Aang.

The boy nodded and followed the General to a window that looked out upon the courtyards and training areas.

"That's the infirmary, and those soldiers are the lucky ones- they came back. Every day, the Fire Nation Games lives. People are dying, Aang. You could end it, now. Think about it," General Fong spoke then began to walk away.

"Look at these magnificent shells, I'll enjoy these keepsakes for years to come," iroh poured sea shells onto a bed.

"We don't need anymore useless things, you forget we have to carry everything ourselves now," zuko scowled and I rolled my eyes.

"You know I like it here, it's nice and quiet, pretty," I laid on the bed with my feet by the pillows and head on the foot of the bed.

"Hello brother," I jumped at the new voice.

"And then she ruins it," I mumbled to myself only iroh heard. He only smirked.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko glared and I flipped upside down to my feet with a glare. It was the one and only princess Azula. Mega bitch of the fire nation.

"In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions," Azula smiled then glared but only for her eyes to land on me.

"Sorry I'm not familiar with your culture of bullshit," I crossed my arms glaring.

"Have you become uncivilized so soon?" She walked over and zuko stepped forward to his little sister who happened to be my age.

"Zuzu," she teased switching her gaze to him.

"Don't call me that!" He snapped at her.

"To what do we owe this honor?" Iroh stepped up.

"Hmm must be a family trait, both of you so quick to get to the point," she held a shell in a hand and I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm must be just you then that they're like this, get the point Zula?" I walked up to her as we only smirked.

"Been a while since anyone called me that," she looked at me wickedly.

"Lonely much?" I stuck out a pouty lip with no sympathy but zuko pulled me back.

"Anyways, I've come with a message from home, fathers changed his mind, family is suddenly very important to him," Azula told us as i was forced behind zuko.

"He's heard rumors of plans to overthrow him, treacherous plans,"

I want in on those plans!

"Family are the only ones you can really trust, sorry Nabu, you wouldn't understand," she smiled smugly at me and my eyes widen.

"I'm also so sorry about the news about zhao," her smile didn't leave as she winked.

"You son of a-" iroh cover my mouth as he kept me back as I growled at her and mumbled insults at the wicked witch.

"Father regrets your banishment," she sighed looking away. "He wants you home,"

The room was silent as I was in shock as zuko looked calm as well as iroh. I hope they could tell it was a lie. Why wait after three years of banishment? What changed cause I'm sure it's been a lot of years of people wanting to over throw ozai.

But my sister is at home...

"Did you hear me?" Azula looked back at the three of us.

"You should be happy, excited, grateful, I just gave you great news," Azula smiled at us and I looked away as zuko turned to the window.

"I'm sure your brother simply needs a moment to-" "don't interrupt uncle!" She cut iroh off quickly and he moved back from here.

"Hey don't talk to him like that," I snapped at her and she glared back.

"Well I still haven't heard my thank you," she hissed at me and stood by zuko.

"I'm not a messenger, I didn't have to come all this way," she looked at zuko as he had thoughts running through his head.

"Father regrets?" Zuko whispered.

"He... Wants me back?"

"I can see you need time to take this in, I'll come to call on you tomorrow, good evening," with that, she left.

I rose from my bed as Aang walked into our sleeping courters. He seemed down. Something was wrong. What could it be though?

"I told the General I'd help him by going into the Avatar State." he sat down and hung his head. "Aang, no. This is not the right way." I began to panic. It was true, he couldn't do this. General Fong was taking advantage of Aangs good heart and the need to help and I couldn't let him happen.

"Why not? Remember when he took out the Fire Navy? He was incredible." Sokka joined in, stating what he thinks.

"There's a right way to do this- practice, study and discipline, Aang. You can't just go trigger something that shouldn't be messed with." Kya frowned at our brother but turns back to Aang.

"Or just glow it up and stop that Fire Lord. That sounds a whole lot easier." Sokka chuckled.

"If you two meatheads want to throw away everything we've worked for, fine! Go ahead and glow it up!" I growled and stomped out of our courters. I heard Aang try and defend himself but I didnt listen. I was mad. They couldn't go do that!

"Katara! Wait!" my sister called after me. I turned and sighed as she catches up to me.

"Hey, it's alright." she smiled.

"No it's not," I stated looking up at her.

"We're going home!" Zuko said loudly as iroh was thinking at the window and we where packing.

"After three long years it's unbelievable," he ranted in amazement and I jumped into the ledge of the window smiling a little at my best friend.

"I think this is the fastest I've ever seen you move," I joked with him and he smiled at me happily.

"I'm actually excited, I can see my sister again, maybe I could go back to school," I chuckled at zuko who nodded.

"It is unbelievable," iroh agreed crossing his arms looking at us.

"I have never known my brother to regret anything," he told us and my smile slowly dropped.

"Yea... I guess," I shrugged.

"Did either of you listen to Azula? Fathers realized how important family is to him," zuko looked at us. "He cares about me,"

"We care about you!" I jumped down looking at him.

"And if ozai wants you back well, I think it may not be for the reasons you imagine," iroh backed me up.

"You don't know how my father feels about me," zuko turned away from us. "Neither of you know anything!"

"Hold the fuck up, and calm the hell down first of all," I put my hand on my hip standing behind him.

"Second of all, listen to your uncle, the one that actually gave enough shits to come with," I held up two fingers with my other hand.

"Zuko I meant that in our family, things are not always what they seem," iroh finished and nodded at me.

"I think you both are exactly what you seem," he turned to us sharply and angrily.

"A lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man and a selfish, irresponsible, conventional child," zuko looked at us and I glared back.

"Yea, I'm so irresponsible and selfish for leaving the only blood I have left, across oceans to help you get some kid!" I yelled back and stormed out as zuko stepped back and stormed out the other exit leaving iroh alone.

I walked down stone stairs as I saw a fire nation ship awaiting me at the docks. I took a moment to take in the view. I'm finally going home.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I heard a teasing voice from the side and saw Nabu with a bag of things.

"What are you doing?" I looked at him.

"I thought it was pretty obvious, I'm coming with you dude," he smirked at me.

"Aren't you pissed at me?" I set down my things.

"In always pissed at you, but this gives me plenty of time to try pushing you overboard," he joked nudging me with his elbow and I smiled a little.

"I'm sorry but it's been so long since I've been home," I sighed looking away knowing I hurt my best friend.

"Hey," he put a hand on my shoulder. "We started this together, we're going to finish it together,"

I nod and we headed down to the shore together as Nabu threw his bag over his back.

"Wait! Don't leave without me!" I heard uncle yell as he ran down the stairs after us.

"Uncle, you've changed your mind," I smiled again with uncle near us.

"Family sticks together right?" He smiled back and Nabu cackled leaning on my shoulder despite his height.

"Right," Nabu smiled at both at us. And we where back together as uncle put his hand on my shoulder, a memory of my father with the same gesture when I was young flashed through my mind and I smiled softly.

"We're finally going home," I looked at the water where the ship was waiting still.

We walked down the isle of soldiers that lead to the ship and iroh and I kept sending glances to each other as we made our way to Azula with zuko ahead. We knew something wasn't right, after I came back last night and zuko was gone we spoke about how odd it was. But if there's a chance we where going home we wouldn't say anything.

"Brother, Nabu, uncle," Azula announced happily as we got closer and I kept a calm expression on my face.

"Welcome," we bowed to the princess.

"I'm so glad you decided to come," we stood back up with our hands behind our back and soldiers stood behind us with the captain ahead.

"Are we ready to depart your highness?" The captain asked.

"Set our course for home captian," she said warmly with a smile.

"Home..." Zuko whispered missing the fire nation.

"You heard the princess! Raise the anchors," the captian commanded as we followed behind him onto the ship.

"We're taking the prisoners home!"

Wait what.

Azulas face turned to rage and I could tell the captian was frozen in fear.

"Your highness I..." He trailed off as his voice shook.

"I knew it!" I yelled back kicking the soldier behind me as iroh swung his bag knocking the other down.

"We're just going home, Azula would never lie," I mimicked in a high voice throwing another soldier into the water and elbow another over board.

"You lied to me!" Zuko pushed the captian over board.

"It's fucking Azula, zuko!" I motioned to the princess with my hand spread out and shoulders raised close to my ears.

"Is that any surprise!?" I yelled at him and ducked iroh's fire as a soldier tried sneaking up behind me.

"He's right Zuzu," she waved zuko off and walked away as two soldiers took a stance and punched fire at him as zuko roared in rage taking the fight.

The earth rumbled beneath us. It startled Katara and myself. Momo looked up at us confused as confused as us.

"I wonder what crazy thing they're trying now." I mumbled with a roll of my eyes as Katara hugged her knees. Momo whined as the running began again. Worry filled my chest and I didn't feel right. "I think we should make sure Aangs okay. All that noise is getting me worried." Katara nodded and we made our way out our courters.


Me and Katara ran down the stairs as we saw the chaos. Sokka met us on the bottom out of breath. Aang was being attacked by General Fong and his soldiers!

"What is going on?" Katara shouted.

"General Fong's gone crazy. He's trying to force Aang into the Avatar state." Sokka threw his boomer rang as me and Katara made our way across the courtyard to help Aang.

We take the water from our pouches and take out as many soliders as we can as Aang speeds away. Some of the large stones stop rolling but others continue. General Fong suddenly appeared and stomped his right foot. Luckily, Aang has made it to safety so he couldn't hurt him anymore.

"Maybe you can avoid me, but they can't." the stones surrounded us. Panic filled my chest. I looked to my sister, fearing for her safety. There's no way we can escape. Katara took the water she had left and tried to whip it at Gernal Fong but he lifts the earth from the ground and turned the liquid into mud.

Suddenly, it felt as if the ground fallen from beneath us. We were sucked in. Me and Katara started screaming for help. Anger spreaded across Aangs face as he balled his fists. He was flung to go into the Avatar State. I could feel it. He couldn't stop it.

Me and my sister were sucked in deeper into the earth. With each attack from Aang and Sokka we get sucked in deeper. Aang pleaded with Gerneral Fong but he only taughed him until there's only black.

I punched the soldiers as iroh Fire bended at them and grabbed one by the neck and wrist as he battled our way back to the way we came.

"Zuk! Let's go!" I called and grunted kicking a soldier in the chin straight up with ease and brought my leg around to kick him in the water.

"Well that was rude," I mumbled flatly with my hands on my hips.

"Zuko lets go!" Iroh called to him as well.

"Is he getting his ass handed to him? I swear to god this kid," I groaned and ran up the dock to the ship seeing Azula and zuko battling.

"You know father blames uncle for the loss at the North Pole," Azula told zuko harshly as she shoved him back.

"And he considers you a miserable failure for not finding the avatar," she smiled at him determined.

"Why would he want you back home? Except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass him?"

I took a step back seeing the two fire benders go at it as zuko yelled as he attacked and Azula avoided them smoothly until she grabbed his wrist and they froze only for a blue flame to almost hit him and he fell back to the ground below Azula.

"Zuko look out!" I screamed seeing zuko creating lightning from her fingertips but suddenly iroh grabbed her fingers and aimed the Lightning away from zuko and into the sky as thunder followed.

He kicked Azula overboard and I helped zuko up as we made our escape.

"I fucking told you!"

The three of us sprinted down the forest of the red trees and collapsed at the edge of a river and Nabu fell on his back like a starfish behind us while uncle and I landed on our hands and knees.

"That's my cardio for the day," Nabu wheezed.

"I think we're safe here," uncle panted and took a deep breath. I reached behind me and grabbed a knife from my pink robe as t had carvings in the metal blade. I looked at it with a long look as I knew what I had to do, people would know it's me if we continue to travel.

Maybe they won't notice I'm the prince if I change my look.

I reached up to my long pony tail and the knife followed up and through the cloth that held my hair together. I held my long hair in the pony tail looking at it as I handed my uncle the knife to do the same with his top knot.

I dropped the black hair into the river as Nabu got up and saw uncle and I's hair flow down the river and crossed his arms as I set my hands on my knees

"I'm not cutting my hair, I'm not the crazy ones that put it up in a pony tail," he whistled walking away stripping off the armor as he was left in brown clothing and a belt with black boots leaving uncle and I to ourselves.

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