I'm Tagged Again!!

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I'm doing this for Sophie_skates_reads, now itself before I fall too deep into the exam spiral. (Plus, this is really fun)

Let's begin!!

1. Well, everyone expects me to. My sister is already betting that I'm going to get a higher percentage than my brother when he was in tenth. But really, my marks are average.

2. I like pastel shades, but especially sky blue. I'm also part emo, so I like black a lot, too. 🖤💙

3. When I was little, yes. Now... I kind of don't.

4. When you've lived with my sister for eleven years, you learn the art of self-control.🧘

5. Yes, actually. And though I've known the story for a while, I realised I could have died pretty recently. Basically, I was way younger, and we got a deodorant sample with the newspaper. My mom was taking a shower and my sister and I decided to put the deodorant bottle in the microwave. My dad and brother weren't home. My sister and I were really close to the microwave. Luckily, my mom made it in the nick of time. I'm glad I'm alive today. 🙏

6. Yes. Writing stories and poems, reading, rollerskating, cycling, drawing, thinking up plot ideas, and, until recently, knitting.

7. I don't own a phone (sometimes I feel like the only teenager who doesn't), but I'll show you my tab's. 🙂

8. That question has a complicated answer... Basically, when I sleep for 2 hours or so, I'm fresh, but if I sleep for a whole 8 hours perfectly, I'm drowsy. Dunno what that is about. I slept for 3 hours last night, so make of it what you will.

9. English, but I also like history and economics.

10. I do, but I don't get much opportunity to do them these days. If you're talking about watching live and stuff, I'm bored out of my skull.

11. Hmm... I won't specify the country, but I'll tell you that I'm Asian. 😸

12. I am, but people don't think I am because I'm skinny and underweight. Mentally... Well, you could say I don't have any serious issues. Just regular teen stuff, I guess.

13. Yes! An older brother and younger sister. (I like my cousins more, though 😜)

14. I can. Only when it comes to copying, though. Usually when I think of a drawing it's epic in my head but a fail when I try to put it on paper.

15. Okay, I admit I add this one on my own. Anyway.... Despite my skinny appearance, I don't mind grunt work. I prefer that too the kinds of jobs females usually have to do.

Tagging!!! (I'll admit this is not my favourite part)
Take these five as compensation as the ones missing from the previous one. You don't have to do it, I'm just tagging you because I feel confident in tagging you.

Anyway, that's all for now. Love you all. Thanks for reading!! ❤️

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