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Basic Titan Info :

Titans are an ancient species that have walked the Earth long before mankind dared to show its face, although old findings may suggest alien life and many of the current residing species come from off world origins. Titans primarily feed on nuclear radiation as a base source for energy but may resort to other methods. Due to sharing human lime anatomy they all share a diverse diet though preferring to feed normally from nuclear radiation. Their human like appearance is not a result of us sharing a long forgotten common ancestor, but merely the result of convergent evolution, the result of two separate species an evolution trait despite not begin related.

Another thing to note about these giant is that they are always evolving with their biology changing to help them survive  as a result to certain stimuli in the environment, because of this then if a kaiju were to birth an offspring then it may no longer share DNA with it after a few months of certain stimuli causing it to change. Relating to this topic, if multiple offspring are born, then at first they may share traits but over time these traits may be lost and or replaced depending on certain circumstances meaning that they may look very different from one another once fully matured.

Another odd things about titans is that there are little to no males. This is most likely because the males, relating to behaviors in other large animals (elephant's being the basis), were very aggressive at times and this led to a decrease in the titan population then increase as a result the males are near impossibly rare. As an most titans have become lesbian or have adapted to reproduce asexually.

Humanity has nearly destroyed itself reducing our numbers to about 2.5 million, using nuclear weapons, making the world a nuclear one, but the Himalayan mountain aren't radioactive, so the last of humanity moved there and has remained there for the past 200 hundred years and has rebuilt itself, and is lead by a government that respects the titans and has decided to work with Monarch to set up outposts around the world to keep an eye on the titans. But Apex was also still operating and created Mechagodzilla and Gigan which are active and fight Godzilla and the other titans, but recently Monarch have been detecting strange seismic activity deep beneath the ocean and wondering if it is another titan awakening from a deep slumber. 


3rd POV

Deep in underwater cavern, a glow of blue, grows brighter, the two bright amber eyes open, the being growls and gets and starts walking the dorsal plates, now glowing a bright blue, it dives into water, and soon the blue glow disappears.

On an outpost on the coast of Greenland, and group of ten men, overlooking Baffin Bay, four men were checking for the source of the seismic activity, but then something appeared on radar and it was heading for them.

Scientist#1 : "Sir! There massive object on radar, and heading!"

Captain : "How far?!"

Scientist#1 : "9 miles sir!! And closing fast!"

They then hear a distant roar which caught everyone's attention.

 They then see a bright blue glow on the horizon, just then the weather suddenly changes and hard rain, and everyone present looks at each other, they then see dorsal plates, and the captain eyes widen.

Captain : "Deputy Contact monarch! We may have a new Godzilla on our hands!"

Deputy : "Yes Sir!"

He then runs inside the station to contact Monarch, and the creature keeps getting closer and until it stops 2 miles away. A massive creature rises from the water and all the men look in fear as this new titan is nothing they have ever seen. It looks down at them before letting out a roar that could be heard for miles.

Captain : "Christ..."

The bipedal creature then shook it's head making scales fall down near the men, the captain then touches one of the scales, then looks back at the creature, it then dives down into the water, and a few seconds later the rain stopped, the men looked at each other with confused looks.

Soldier#1 : "Did that thing control the weather?"

Captain : "I believe it did, but we still need to contact monarch."

After that monarch sent, scout ships all over the world to see if they could find this new titan, and for a month they had no luck, until they detected a strange energy source that was in the  abandoned city of New York.

But there was another titan in the area. And this titan was the daughter of the queen of the monsters Minella, AKA Teen Godzilla Jr. She was currently following footsteps of a unknown titan.

Minella : "I wonder what titan this?"

She then turns a corner and sees and tail similar to hers and she sighs, she hears that the thing she was following had a tail similar to hers and it appears to be eating something. She then walks towards the titan, thinking its her mom, she steps on their tail.

??? : "OW!!"

Minella realizes its not her mom and she's now worried that she might have done something terrible, the person then get up and drops the sea serpent they were eating their dorsal plates then start glowing blue and they turn around. And she now realizes that the figure in much bigger than her, and much more intimidating then her mom.

Minella : "Um... hi." *sweating*

??? : "You stepped on my tail."

Minella : "Yes, well you see I thought you were someone else."

??? : "I guess that makes sense, who are you."

Minella : "I'm Minella, daughter of the Queen of the Monsters."

??? : "Uh, who?"

Minella : "Uh you know, Gojira."

??? : "Hmmmmm... Doesn't ring bell."

Minella : "Seriously, how long have you been asleep?"

??? : "Well, I went to sleep by the of the great titan war, how long ago was that?"

Minella : "That ended hundreds of thousands of years ago."

??? : "I really did over sleep."

Minella : "Well, what's your name?"

??? : "I'm Y/n. By the way, where are all the other male titans as well, I haven't seen any since I woke up."

Minella : "Uh... well you see... there are no males left."

Y/n : "Wait what do you mean there are none left!"

Minella : "My mom told me that they all died out during the great titan war, if you want there is a meeting spot where are all the titans meet, it's not far. I could bring you there if you want."

Y/n : "Sure why not, I've got nothing better to do."

Y/n and Minella, begin to walk, while she helps Y/n catch up on everything that he has missed over the centuries, they then begin to feel the ground shake as they see a massive godzilla like titan that us much bigger than them, called Gaia, she looks at Minella with a smile and then she gains a look of surprise when she looks at you. You smile at her and you blush, because you never saw anyone that was bigger than you.

Y/n : "Hello big lady."

Gaia : *blushing* "Uh, hi. Are you a male, I haven't seen one in a long time."

Y/n : "Yeah, I know, they all died out during the great titan war, I'm Y/n and you are?"

Gaia : "I'm Gaia, aka Godzilla Earth."

Y/n : "Nice to meet you Gaia, are you going to the meeting as well?"

Gaia : "I'm not sure how the others will react to you though."

All three then begin walking to the meeting point which is surrounded by volcano's, which was good, since Y/n didn't like cold water that much even if he had thick hide, he was then told by Gaia to hide. He then did as he was told and hid behind some large boulders. Y/n then see's the other titans arrive, he then sees the queen of the monsters, she then sniffs the air and looks in Y/n's direction.

Gojira : "Minella, Gaia, I know the new titan it behind there, remember, I can detect where any titan is. Come out and I won't blast you."

Y/n then walks out and all the other titans gasp at the sight of a male alive, Y/n then activates his dorsal plates and he flashes his blue colors, telling them to back off, he then looks at Gojira and she doesn't look intimidated at all.

Gojira : "So a male lives, that proves you are strong good, lets see if you can face me in a fight."

Y/n : "Wait, what?!"

She then charges at Y/n and Y/n charges at her. She tries to punch Y/n but he catches and throw's her into the wall, he then pins her to the wall and she can't move. 

Y/n : "What are you doing?" 

Gojira doesn't answer gets out of the hold and punches Y/n in the face making him stagger, she then grabs him by the tail and swings Y/n into a wall, he then fall into lava, it then starts to bubble as he then rises out of the lava, with his skin glowing a light orange, he then shoot his blue atomic breath at Gojira and she gets knocked back and falls down. Y/n then walks to Gojira and steps of her neck. He then looks at Gojira and realizes she is blushing, he then takes his foot off her neck and starts to walk away.

Gojira : "Where are you going?! Were not done here!"

Y/n : "You might not be done, but I am. I low on energy and I need to recharge."

Y/n then walks into the lava and his skin starts to glow again as he begins, because due to Y/n has a more powerful atomic breath it takes a lot more energy, the other titan are all blushing due to Y/n looking very nice in the lava. He then looks at the other titans and smiles, making them blush even more.

To be continued

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