1 ~ Cute Meeting

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Nanmaya POV

I rushed to our music room and started doing a crazy dance. I heard his whistle and halted my dance. Immediately I hugged him but like, as usual, he pulled away by taking a breath. I ignored, pulled him inside while he is just behaving normally but smiling.

"Wow! That was a hilarious performance dude. We did amazing. I just can't explain how happy I am. This performance is the best of all right?" I beamed at him while he is seeing me with his tantalizing smile.

He blinked with assurance and sat on the sofa. But I can't stay calm so started dancing like a mad girl where he nodded his head in disappointment yet smiled.

"I know I'm behaving like a mad girl but see how audience cheered us and shouted for once more," I said with excitement by sitting on his right side.

He was thinking deeply with a constant smile playing on his lips. I pulled his shirt to grab his attention. He turned to me with his mesmerizing smile. He softly pressed my right palm with his left and signed me to relax with the never-ending smile.

"Relax! We still have a long way to go and these are just beginning milestones, so don't go to heights. Let's reach to our dream with passion rather than head weight," he signed with sincerity in his eyes.

I chuckled by pulling his cheeks. He winced like a kid by keeping cute faces. Aww, my cutie pie, always ready to kill me with your cuteness.

I smiled "I knew it my dear Symphony but this is not a small thing right? For the first time, we performed in front of hundreds of audience. And the way they enjoyed your music and my voice is the biggest achievement. So, can't I be happy with this tiny-winy popularity we're getting?" I questioned him in fake hurt tone to which he smiled.

"Yeah, you can but I know you very well. So, warning you to be on land but not on mount everest, " he signed with warning eyes.

I narrowed my eyes by turning straight ahead. I heard Uncle and Dad laughing. We both stood up and turned to the source. Our parents are standing at the door of our music room. A proud smile lingering on their lips while their eyes are adoring us.

"You just leave him and enjoy your achievement Nanmu," Uncle said by giving a bear hug.

Mom, Dad hugged him by congratulating us while Aunt joined with the sweet box.

"Come on, have sweets," Aunt showed the baris in front of us.

We both literally pounced on each other to take more barfis than other. Our parents started laughing loudly but he pulled the sweet box from Aunt. I started chasing him but my tall tree friend is not at all giving me chance. I groaned in frustration and stopped as I can't run anymore. Last two days we are continuously practicing for today's performance. So, I don't have the energy to chase him, I just want to hug my bed.

"Eat all the sweets, I don't want any," I exclaimed in a fake hurt tone by folding hands near my chest.

He laughed and came to me by placing the sweet near to my lips. I narrowed my eyes and turned to another side. He whistled the sorry tune with cute faces and gestured me to have it.

My heart raced to its next level by seeing his mesmerizing eyes so gave up with a smile. I took the sweet and placed it near his lips. He bent down a little and ate half of the sweet and feed me the remaining.

Sharing everything with my best friend and my first love will always make me happy. I smiled, took the sweet box and placed it on the table. He narrowed his eyes, I smiled by taking his palm in mine.

"Thank you so much for your melodious music Mahi which can make me sing with heart," I said with love while he rolled his eyes by nodding his head in disappointment.

"Your singing can create wonders and I'm sure you will become the best singer in the world. At that time don't forget this your dumb friend," he signed with adoration and the last line with teasing expressions.

Countless times I told him to not to say that word but he loves to ignite my anger with his stupidity. I glared, he understood the point and started showing his silly expressions by scratching his nape with his left palm. But I'm ready to assure him every single time when he needed.

"More than that you have a memory problem. But don't worry, being your bestie it's my right to remind you every single second that I'M YOUR VOICE. So, get that in your small brain," I said in angry unshed tears.

He cupped my right cheek with his left palm, closed his left eye and started pulling his right ear with his right hand by keeping cute faces. I closed my eyes to control my anger. He wiped my tears with his thumb. With his soothing touch, I became normal. I opened my eyes with an annoying expression and jerked his hands.

"I really don't mean to hurt you Doll. It just slips like that. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have a best friend like you and you know how glad I'm to have your voice," he signed with sincerity.

I left happy but still, I'm angry. So, he started pulling his ears with cute expressions "I'm sorry, I'll not repeat it again," he signed with his cute smile.

"He loves to play this emotional drama," Aunt said with fake anger.

"Exactly," I declared in a matter-of-fact tone.

He turned towards Aunt and pinched his throat with cute expressions. How can he play the same drama every time but still manage to woo us with his cuteness?

I tapped his left shoulder "Let me clarify a thing, you don't have a brain not voice," I said seriously and ran away.

I heard his threatening whistle and turned around to see the bull chasing me. With giggles, I ran to my room and successfully locked it. He started banging on the door. If he caught me, I'm sure he will break my bones without a care that I'm a girl. I got the whatsapp message. Well, I know his threatening.

"Open the door or you will face the consequences," I saw his message with fake angry emoji. I sent the sticking tongue out emoji.

His angry face picture pooped on my screen. I giggled by seeing his angry red face with burning eyes. I kissed his picture. My fingers are itching to send him I Love You but my heart is scared to express my feelings. After a minute, he whistled good night tune and went off.

I sighed in relief, my eyes caught the pictures which are dangling to either side of my dressing table wall. I caressed our hugging picture which was clicked by Uncle.

God didn't give voice to speak but you have amazing music which creates wonders. I live for you, even will die. Your single expression is enough for me to understand all your unsaid words. I know how much you desire to sing but can't. I promised to be your voice and will be always. I Love You, Mahish. Waiting for you to realize your feelings for me.

I took our childhood album and started adoring my cutie pie. I still remember the day we became friends.

Melody (Author)POV

Flashback Starts: 11 years back

In school, lunch break time Nanmaya saw a new boy sitting near the tree and silently eating his food. 'I never saw him before in school. He is looking so cute in our blue school uniform but looking sad.' She thought.

Four, sixth class boys started talking to him but she found the cute boy is crying. So, she got curious and went to the nearby tree.

"You are dumb but going to music classes. How will you sing?" Boy 1 asked him.

Nanmaya kept a confused face and thinking what is meant by dumb? The cute boy is scared of the big boys, so without raising the head, he sat silently.

"Like this," boy 2 mimicked by opening his mouth wide and moving his left hand in the air.

The boys laughing and giving hi-fi to each other. Nanmaya is not all understanding anything. The cute boy's innocent eyes started shedding tears but those boys are not having mercy and teasing him.

"Nanu, what are you doing here?" Nanmaya friend Kushi came and asked.

Nanmaya is trying to show her but Kushi started taking her and was in no mood to listen what her friend is talking about. She cut Nanmaya off and started telling about the food item their friends brought. Nanmaya walking with Kushi but turning back and seeing the cute boy crying face. She felt pity for him.

After that Nanmaya didn't pay attention to the class but thinking about the cute boy who she even doesn't know the name of him. Her friends tried to converse but her mind is roaming around the cute boy whom she saw during the lunch break. Finally, after coming home, she threw her school bag onto the sofa and calling her mother loudly.

"Nanmu, why are you shouting like that baby?" Sushma asked her impatient little girl.

"Mom, what is dumb?" Nanmaya asked her mother innocently by pulling her saree.

Sushma didn't understand from where her daughter heard this word. So she sat on the sofa and made her daughter sit in her lap. In the meanwhile, Nanmaya is pestering to answer her question.

"Where did you hear that?" Sushma questioned her softly by adjusting her little girl's hair.

Nanmaya jerked her mother hand and adjusted herself. Sushma chuckled for her cute little girl. Nanmaya explained everything she saw during the lunch break. Sushma felt pity for the boy.

"Dumb means that boy can't talk like you baby," Sushma explained to her innocent little girl.

Nanmaya got confused "why?" asked by tapping her showing finger on her chin.

Sushma smiled for her cute daughter. "Because God didn't give him a voice to talk," Sushma explained.

Again she questioned why. "The boy is special to God. So, God doesn't want the boy to talk. That's why he can't talk," Sushma explained to her little girl in kids way.

How can she say that the small boy can't talk but should bear this cruel society?

Nanmaya felt excited "so the cute boy is special?" Asked in amusement.

Sushma smiled for her innocent little girl "yes, but you shouldn't call him dumb or anything which can hurt him," Sushma said to her daughter.

Again this innocent got confused and asked why. "See, if I say you don't look beautiful you will feel bad right?" Immediately Nanmaya nodded her head with a sad pout.

Sushma giggled for her cute daughter and pinched her left cheek.

"Like you felt bad even the cute boy will feel bad," Sushma explained.

"Can I do friendship with him?" Nanmaya asked innocently with the cute pout.

Sushma felt happy for this innocent little heart and accepted.

"Mom then how that cute boy talk?" Nanmaya asked innocently by blinking her eyes in confusion.

"They have sign language baby. They will tell with actions, signals, and expressions too," Sushma explained by caressing her hands.

"Oh..." Nanmaya said by thinking deeply.

Sushma chuckled and told her to get ready for the bath. She jumped out of her mother lap and started running away by chanting no bath. Sushma started chasing her naughty daughter.

Next day Nanmaya saw the cute boy sitting in the same place and eating silently. She happily went and sat to his left side.

The cute boy saw her but resumed his work. She felt bad but ignored.

"Hi, my name is Nanmu," she said in kiddish tone by extending her right hand.

The cute boy smiled and gave a shake hand but he kept a confusion face. He took a book from his school back and started writing something in it.

Nanmaya felt happy with his reaction and curiously observing his actions. He finally completed and shown to her.

"Your name is different, I like it," she smiled by reading that. He smiled back.

"Actually my full name is nan...nan...nan..." she is struggling to spell her name.

He understood and gestured her to write on the book. She blinked her eyes in happiness.

"Wow, you are so intelligent," she said happily by blinking her eyes. The cute boy smile and gave the book to her.

She wrote in the book "Nanmaya," gave it to him.

He smiled and wrote, "what is the meaning of your name?"

After reading that she kept a confused face by pulling her right pig tall. "I don't know," she said

He smiled and blinked his eyes.

"What is your name? She asked him excitedly.

He wrote "Mahish Aurora," she smiled. "Wow, your name is nice but it is hard to spell," said with a sad pout.

He smiled and wrote, "call me Mahi."

"Really, thank you Mahi," she beamed at him.

He smiled and offered his chapati role to her. She took it and started eating a mouthful of food. He giggled but she didn't observe him.

"What is your name meaning?" she asked by munching the food.

"Mahish means king," he wrote.

"Wow, you are king. Can you please take me to your kingdom?" She beamed innocently.

He laughed, shook his head and started writing. The impatient Nanmaya started reading each word when he is writing.

"I'm...not...king...and...I...don't...have...kingdom...my...name...meaning...is...king," she read while he is writing.

She sticks her tongue out while he laughed. He again started writing and she started reading it again without completing the sentence. He pushed her a little, hide his book and writing. She kept a sad pout and watching him.

"Please don't read when I'm writing. I'm forgetting what I should write," she read and started laughing loudly. He smiled by biting his lower lip.

"Okay, I will not read like that," she said and kept the role in front of his lips and gestured to eat. He smiled and took a bite. She ate by smiling at him.

"Will you make me learn your sign language?" She asked him.

He got confused as till now no one asked him like that.

"Why?" He wrote.

"I want to talk to you," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

He smiled by showing his left palm "you can talk. I will listen," he wrote.

"Then how you will talk?" She asked him innocently.

"I will write like this," he wrote.

"No, I want you to talk to me," she said.

"But I can't talk," he wrote and kept a sad face.

"But Mom told you can talk in sign language," she said innocently by blinking her eyes.

"Yes, but it's hard to learn," he wrote.

"Oh," she said, became silent and started thinking.

"You know that language?" She questioned him by blinking her eyes.

"Yes," he wrote.

"So, you make me learn," she said simply by taking a bite.

He saw her blankly. She gestured as what.

"Why you want to learn my language?" he wrote.

"Because I want to do friendship with you," she said with a sweet smile.

He felt happy but kept a sad face.

"No one wants to do friendship with me," he wrote.

She got confused and asked why.

"Because I'm dumb," he wrote.

"No, you are a special kid and God doesn't want you to talk," she said by remembering her mother words.

He got confused because no one said him like that.

"Who told you?" He wrote.

"My Mom," she proudly said.

"Hey dumb, what you brought today?" The same boys came and asked him.

Mahish got scared but Nanmaya got angry.

"Don't call him like that," she said angrily by standing up.

"I will what you will do?" Boy 2 asked arrogantly.

"I'll complain to Miss," she said angrily by taking a step forward.

They all laughed "we are not scared of anyone, Nany. Go and play with your friends," boy 3 said and gave hi-fi to boy 1.

Nanmaya got angry and going to say something but Mahish pulled her left hand and signed her to go away. But she didn't understand him.

"Nany I said you to go right?" Boy 3 said in a threatening tone.

Nanmaya got angry and pulled her hand from Mahish.

"My name is Nanmu, not Nany, " she roared at them.

All the boys laughed "okay, now go to your friends," boy 4 said by pushing her a little.

Nanmaya stumbles but Mahish catch her hand in time. She stood straight and glared at them.

"He is also my friend," she stated by looking at Mahish. He got surprised by her braveness.

They all laughed "and how will you talk to him?" Boy 2 asked by bending to her height.

"Obviously with signals," boy 3 said by going to Mahish and pushed him.

Nanmaya caught him "I will complaint to Principal," said by glaring at all.

"Which class are you?" Boy 3 asked by bending to her level.

"Class 3," she said by taking a step back.

"This dumb is class 4. So, you can't become friends," he declared and pushed her.

She lost the balance, fell down and screamed in pain. Immediately Mahish went to her and checked her. She started crying in pain by seeing her right elbow. He raised her head by keeping his fingers under her chin. He wiped her tears and signed her to go away but she didn't understand and kept a confused face with tears.

Boy 3 came pulled Mahish and slapped him. He couldn't able to balance and fell down.

"Mahi," she called and went near to him.

He got bruises on his forehead and left elbow. With tears, he signed her to go away.

On the other hand, Kushi saw all this thing and went to her class Miss and told everything.

"What's happening here?" Pooja Miss asked angrily by coming to Mahish.

She checked him and wiped his tears by saying soothing words. All the boys got scared. Kushi came to Nanmaya, she cried by showing her scratched elbow. She told everything to her Miss with tears.

Pooja took all the kids to the Principal room. The Principal immediately called all the parents of those kids. Pooja did first aid to Mahish, Nanmaya and made them rest for a while.

Aliya immediately rushed to the school to see her son. Even Rohan came from the office immediately. Pooja took Aurora couple to the restroom where both the kids are sleeping. Pooja explained the situation. Aliya caressed her son's forehead while weeping silently. Nanmaya woke up and started crying for her mother. Being a mother, Aliya cooed and made her sleep.

Sushma came and found the situation. They all met and started talking about the things. Even Raj joined them.

All went to the Principal and the boy's parents are already talking with her. They apologized for their kid behavior and assured to be careful in future. The principal called Mahish, Nanmaya and made the boys apologize to them. Mahish smiled but Nanmaya didn't see their faces.

The principal apologized to Aurora couple assured them to be careful in future and praised Mehra couple for their upbringing. The principal felt happy by looking at the innocent kids. They both are in their world by checking bruises they have.

All the parents came outside and assured to Aurora couple that their boys will behave properly. All of them left but Aurora's and Mehra's went back to the restroom to collect their kid's things.

Rohan came to Nanmaya "Hello princess, what's your name?" Asked by sitting on his knees in front of her.

"Nanmu," she said innocently with a smile.

Mahish giggled by keeping his right hand on his mouth. Nanmaya frowned by looking at him.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked in confusion.

He nodded as no "she can't spell her name," signed to his father.

"Mahi," Aliya chided him.

He pressed the lips to stop his laughter. Mehra couple got confused.

"What he said?" Raj asked them.

"Nothing," Aliya said by pressing his shoulder to stop him laugh.

"Why you feel that Nanmu can't spell her name?" Rohan asked by giving a soft punch on Mahish right cheek.

He giggled and Mehra couple laughed. But Nanmaya got angry.

"I will not talk to you," Nanmaya said angrily by folding hands to her chest.

He made her look at him, holding his right ear, closing his left eyes, by pulling his ear he mouthed sorry. Both the parents felt aww for his cuteness. Nanmaya smiled and hugged him but both winced in pain. Aliya felt happy as till now no one became a friend with her son.

"Mom, what's my name meaning?" Nanmaya asked innocently by turning towards her mother.

Aliya bent down "Nanmaya means happy," said by caressing her right cheek.

She clapped in happiness and started blabbering about her name.

"She brought happiness to my son. Thank you so much," Aliya said by looking at Mehra couple.

They all went to a nearby ice-cream parlor. Kids got their favorite ice-cream and zoned into their world.

"What happened to Mahish?"Sushma asked the Aurora couple.

"Born mute," Aliya said with unshed tears by looking at her son.

"And there is no chance in future too," Rohan said with a small smile.

"He will become a handsome man and trouble you more, don't worry," Raj said naughtily.

Sushma glared at her husband while the Aurora couple laughed.

"That I'm sure," Rohan joined with Raj and shared a hi-fi.

All laughed by eating their own ice-cream while Mahish, Nanmaya are in their own world.

"Can I have a request?" Aliya asked awkwardly.

"Please," Raj said.

"Can Nnmaya do friendship with my son?" Aliya pleaded.

Sushma smiled but Raj is thinking deeply.

"There is no force," Rohan assured.

"Well I don't have any problem but..." Raj paused by looking at kids.

"Mahish should have lots of patience to bear my chatterbox," he said and laughed loudly.

All smiled by looking at Mahish listening to the blabbering Nannaya.

"He needs a friend like Nanmaya," Aliya said with a smile.

Like that they all spent quality time and took their sleepy kids home.


Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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