15 ~ Birthday Wishes

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Hey peepzzz... How are you all?

Idk how many believed that the story ended but  Hanest03 doodo12 sunshine__as yhk1208 believed  me hard.

I'm bad at making fool but these people fall for me  haha. Okay, I'm so sorry for that. *puppy eyes*.

yhk1208 Dear you just made me so happy because since morning I'm feeling and couldn't able to write but your comments inspired me tq soo much dear.

This chapter is dedicated to all the readers who thought the story ended.


Melody's POV

Mahish is banging the Nanmaya's bedroom door while she was in the washroom.

'Didn't I give all rights to come inside? But see how he's banging. Such an impatient boyfriend,' she thought and smacked her forehead softly.

'My cutie pie is the best and you love it too. So stop your drama,' her brain mocked.

'There comes the great Mahish Aurora's supporter. By the way, I gave you permission to call him yours that doesn't mean that you always call him,' she said by glaring at nowhere in particular.

She again heard the banging and groaned in frustration. She quickly completed her bath, wore her nightwear and came outside with an angry face. But Mahish is leaning onto the closed door by keeping his hands in his pocket, looking at her with that tantalizing eyes.

"You are inside but banging on the door?" She said in anger by keeping her hands on her waist.

His heartbeat increased by looking at his beautiful Doll who just came from the shower. The water droplets on her face, neck, and hands are making his heart beat faster. He wants to suck all those water droplets going inside her dress. But he shook his head with a smile by walking to her.

He took the towel in her right hand and wiped the droplets on her forehead with it. She forgot the anger and adoring his tantalizing smile by feeling his touch. He hangs the towel on its place, comes back to her by adoring her beauty while she felt goosebumps by his intense gaze. He held her right hand and made her sit on the bed while he sat on his knees in front of her by feeling her sweet fresh fragrance.

His intense gaze is making her weak but couldn't able to turn her eyes away from him. He softly caressed her hands while her heartbeat increased its pace. He kissed her knuckles, she held his fingers tightly with the intensity of his stare. He literally wants to push her on the bed and wants to have her but controlling like hell. Her eyes are not leaving him and vice-versa. With a final squeeze, he left her hands.

"In few hours my Doll is going to be a birthday baby. So, I want you to have a nap for now because like every year you talk all the night and sleep in the morning..." she cut him off the "but..." he cut her off by holding her hand and gave a soft squeeze.

She huffed by nodding her head. "Sleep for now and I will come and take you to the music room." He declared with finality

She pouted by keeping cute faces, he just wants to eat her lips. Without his knowledge, his right hand reached her left cheek and started caressing it. His intense gaze is making her weak while her blushing cheeks are inviting to have them.

Her breath increased with his touch he went closer to her face. He nuzzled her right cheek while his breath is touching her skin which is making her heart beats fast. She circled her hands to his waist while he rolled his right hand back and started taking off her wet hair from her right shoulder. She caught his shirt tightly while her heavy breath is fanning on his right cheek.

His fingers are removing her hair while she giggled snuggling to him. His face rolled down to her right shoulder. His hormones ditched him and started sucking the water droplets on her shoulder. She gasped by holding his waist tightly breathing heavily. He started sucking all the water droplets on her neck and below the ear.

Her sweet fragrance is making him crazy while her soft touch is making his heartbeats faster than required. He moved his lips to her right cheek by cupping her neck, placing his fingers on her soft sports. She moaned his name softly as if asking him to kiss her. By taking a depth breath he controlled himself and saw her beautiful, blushing face.

Her eyes are closed, cheeks are blushing to crimson, her soft thick lower lip is biting under teeth, her breath is heavy. Whenever they kiss, she will become like this which makes his heart dance with joy. She is not feeling his lips but his breath is fanning her skin and his gaze is burning her skin.

His lips are smiling by looking at the beauty in front of him. He softly blew air on her eyes to which she shivered. She is feeling shy but opened her eyes and saw his intense gaze along with that tantalizing smile. He just wants to eat her thick lower lip which she just left from her biting session. His gaze is making her dizzy so caught his shirt tightly.

But he controlled. "Stop blushing and sleep for two hours," he declared by making her lay on the bed.

She is looking into his tantalizing eyes with the heavy breathing but did as per his wish. He pecked her forehead by caressing her right cheek with his left hand and gestured to close her eyes. With a smile, she closed her eyes but her heart is still running fast. He just doesn't want to leave her but to give her surprise he needs to leave. He smiled and left her room.

After he left she blushed hard by touching her lips feeling his touch. Her heart is beating fast while she creased her bosoms by moaning his name while feeling him touching her. Her right hand went down to her private parts. She started caressing herself by feeling him touching her and moaning his name.

'I accept he is not taking touching you as per your wish but still making you flatter. So, stop masturbating like always,' her brain ranted.

'I just hate you,' she said by coming out of that sensual feeling.

After a few minutes, she washed her face and started watching some videos for the entertainment in her tab.

Her phone popped with his message at 11:55 pm. "Doll, come up. I know you are awake as I saw your likes and comments on the youtube. So, stop getting surprised and come fast to the music room." She giggled and ran to the music room.

It's their habit to give surprises on each other's birthday by spending memorable moments with their parents. Everyone knew that a special party will be held at 12'o clock but still say it as a surprise to each other.

She opened the music room with fastly beating heart and never-ending smile. She got surprised by taking steps inside to see the hundreds of heart-shaped red balloons in front of her eyes. All the balloons started coming towards her while her eyes are showering happiness and giggling by feeling those balloons.

She started jumping but lost her balance. Mahish knew this will happen, so he stood back to her and circling his arms around her. She got scared but when his arms circled her protectively she got relaxed and smiled happily looking up at him.

He mouthed 'happy birthday' to which she smiled like a small kid saying 'thank you'. His heartbeat increased by looking at her happiness and prayed silently to make her happy forever.

"Happy birthday, Nanmaya," Mehra and aurora couple shouted happily.

She saw them standing in front of her with a ballon in their hands, smiling happily by looking at their children. Nanmaya is giggling like a kid by saying 'thank you'. Mahish left her while she jumped on them by giving group hug and screaming in happiness. Everyone smiled by leaving the ballon and hugged, kissed her with blessings. They lead her in front of the cake while Mahish is adoring the scene in front of him.

It was a small chocolate cake with beautifully written her name on it. She smiled by looking at Mahi as she knew her cutie pie did all these things for her. He came to her right side while both the mother's to her left along with Raj while Rohan is busy in the photo shoot of his princess birthday party. All the while, Mahish is just looking at his Doll's happiness who is behaving like a small kid on he birthday.

The piano started playing birthday rhythm along with the soft symphony background. She is giggling like a kid by blabbering the beauty of the music to Mahish while he is in a daze of her happiness.

"Princess, eat his brain when we go back to sleep but for now cut the cake," Raj said by pulling her hand.

Everyone laughed while she pouted. Mahish wants to eat her alive. Sushma pinched her chin and told her to cut the cake. She hugged her mother, kissed her cheek and did the same to Aliya.

She doesn't like to blow the candles, so Mahish arranged the scented candles near the cake in a small doll-like structure along with the rose petals all around the table. She smiled from ear to ear after observing the decoration on the table.

"My cutie pie is the best," she said by pinching his left cheek.

Both the parents started laughing by looking at their naughty children while Rohan is capturing those sweet moments. He winced like a kid by taking off her hand and gave the knife to her hand. She took it and started cutting the cake. Everyone is singing the birthday song with claps along with Mahish whistling melodiously with all his heart.

As usual, she feeds the first cake to Aurora couple followed to Mehra couple and finally to her cutie pie. Even Mahish feeds his first cake to Mehra couple, later his parents and finally to his Doll on his birthday. Their parents gave those values to love everyone in their family though they are friends.

Mahish feeds cheery to her as she loves the most. She happily ate by looking into his eyes which is captured in Rohan's camera. Mahish lips are smiling with his Doll's happiness while Nanmaya is adoring her cutie pie. He made her sit on the long sofa and gestured all of them to take the place. Aurora couple sat to Nanmaya's right side while Mehra to her left. She sat curiously waiting for a song to play while he is smiling at her cute expressions.

Mahish pressed a button in the remote. A melodious violin started reaching to all the ears which gave a beautiful smile on their lips. By looking at his Doll Mahi started his lyrics along with medium pitch symphony to the lyrics.

There is a Doll who give happiness like a autumn,

There is a Doll who sing like a nightingale,

There is a Doll who looks like a fresh jasmine,

And that doll always spread the love with her happy smile.

Mahish sang in his heart by imaging singing for her. Nanmaya is just looking at her Mahi by enjoying the feel of that melodious rhythm and his beautiful lyrics. Their parents are adoring his love with a never-ending and Rohan is recording the video.

Princess, princess, a happy princess.

The chorus came with their parent's voice to which Nanmaya got surprised by looking at one another. All are giggling for their weird voices but Mahish is smiling as he knew how much they worked hard to get that rhythm to expect his mother who can sing well. Nanmaya happiness has no boundaries as she never thought her parents will sing for her and adoring her cutie pie for making it possible.

The music turned into a jovial rhythm with piano by slowly reducing the violin. Nanmaya because curious about the lyrics with the never-ending smile while Mahish is smirking by looking at her.

But the doll always eats people's brain with her blabbering,

Everyone giggled while Nanmaya pouted. Mahish is controlling hard to go and kiss her hard.

But the doll always test people's patience with her blabbering,

"Oh my God, that's true," Sushma said by laughing loudly while others pressing their lips to hold their laugh.

Nanmaya got angry with her mother's reaction and keeping sulking faces. Her face became all red in embarrassment and glaring at Mahish. He is enjoying her expression and knew that she will love further lines.

But the doll always...

"Enough, I don't want to listen anymore," Nanmaya said by standing up.

She glared at him with red eyes and started walking fastly but Mahish was surprised by her reaction as till now she never behaved like this. Everyone is calling her but she didn't listen to anyone. Mahish caught her right hand and whistled to 'stop' tune.

But she protested without looking at him. He whistled to 'look at him' tune but she is pulling her hand which is giving marks on her wrist. So he left her and she ran away without turning back. Everyone is surprised by her reaction as she always enjoy his tautning but today is different. All rushed along with her but she successfully locked her door.

She took her phone and texted him. "Don't bang the door and don't try to come inside. I'm hell angry and I hate you." And switched off the phone.

In the meanwhile, everyone is banging on the door and Sushma is shouting her to open the door. Mahish is totally surprised by her message and showed it to everyone. His heart is beating with sadness as her angry face is still flashing in front of his eyelashes.

"Okay! Just leave her alone. She will be fine by morning," Raj said.

Aurora cople are worried while Sushma assured them. They glared at his son Mahish while he is confused and sad yet a time. Raj took all of them by pressing Mahish's shoulder in assurance.

Mahish is looking at the door sadly, went to the door and caressed it. He went to his room by thinking of her weird behavior because sometimes he teases her but today it went wrong. He remembered her burning angry face, red eyes, and nose while her lower lip is crushing in between her teeth.

'Her reaction is not fake. But why she got angry? This is not the first birthday, I did something like this,' he thought by caressing her picture on his phone.

Nanmaya went in front of the mirror and saw her face which is red fuming in anger. Suddenly she laughed silently by looking into the mirror.

' I still remember Mahi, you texted to Lipsika in the group chat that I can't be angry on you even for one day. Tomorrow, I'm going to show hell by my fake anger. Get ready Mahish Aurora,' she said with an evil smirk playing on her lips by looking at the picture through the mirror.

'I will not allow that,' he brain declared.

'Whatever,' she said in attitude by folding her hands near to her chest.

'You are so bad. Do you want to make him sad like before?' he brain asked sadly.

'No,' she pouted.

'But let me show him hell for once. I'm waiting to play the fake angry drama with him and suddenly today I got the chance when the lyrics are turning into teasing. I know he will make the final line praising for that para. But I took the change and played the drama. If I wouldn't come back to my room I would have hug and kiss him then and there without caring for our parents,' she thought by looking into the mirror.

' But till his confession, you been angry right?' Her brain questioned.

' Excuse me, I'm angry on myself. Stop being innocent and all,' she pouted.

'Nanmu, poor Mahi and it's your twenty-first birthday. How can you hurt him like this?' Her brain requested.

'Let it be memorable in this way,' she said by yawning.

'Tomorrow is going to be tough yet a time fun too,' by saying this she laid on the bed.

Mahish is looking at their pictures which are taken from these two weeks are showing only love. With a sad face, he is caressing her picture which he took two years back secretly from his balcony. She wore his favorite red saree and playing in the garden with a beautiful smile playing on her lips.

'I'm sorry to hurt you Doll. Tomorrow, I will make it a memorable day.' he thought and laid on the bed by looking at their picture giving hi-fi to each other which is dangling to the wall in front of his eyes.

           <~~~ CONTINUES ~~~>

So what do you think will she make him suffer?

Poor Mahi is feeling bad. What he'll do?

Still there are few chapters and will end with a good message too...

Please vote and give your valuable comments valuable comments to your dear Melody.

Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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