3 ~ I Miss US

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Hey peepzzz... Wow I'm so excited for this new book *hearts in eyes*.


Nanmaya POV

My breath got struck by looking at them. I never imagined seeing him being like this with another girl. I fisted hard to control myself.

Stop looking at them and go away, my mind screamed.

Immediately, I turned back and started walking but I heard his stop whistle.

I blinked my eyes to stop the tears which are dying to flow. I took a deep breath and turned back with a smile. He is standing in front of me with an awkward smile. I saw the girl is blushing by adjusting her hair.

"Oops, I'm sorry to disturb your romance," I said naughtily by raising my hands in the air.

He softly hit my head and pulled me with him. I bite my inner cheeks to control the heaviness in my heart. We stood in front of the girl who is smiling at us. He started typing on the phone. I tapped his left shoulder.

"Your voice is standing here, so stop that. And explain what's happening here?" I said and the last line with a wink.

He smiled by scratching his nape with his left hand. If this is another situation, I would laugh my heart out by seeing his cute awkward expression. But right now I'm trying hard to control my tears.

He blinked his eyes with that never-ending smile. He side hugged her and left her with a soft squeeze on her right shoulder.

"This is lips, my girlfriend," he signed by looking at her.

I smiled by controlling my inner turmoil. But I got confused.

"Lips..." I asked him.

"Aha, my name is li..." She is saying but I cut her off.

"Hey wait, let him do it," I said naughtily with a wink.

He rolled his eyes with a smile and came to me. He took my left hand and started writing on it. Some words are difficult to describe fast, so he uses my hands.

"You already told lips," I said before he completes the word.

He glared at me by whistling to be patient. I smirked with a wink. He took a deep breath to control his anger and again started writing Lipsika. He name is beautiful like her.

"Happy," he signed.

I smiled by pulling his left cheek. He jerked my hand by rubbing it.

"Hey Lipsika, I just want to annoy this tall tree so..." I didn't complete the sentence.

I saw jealousy in her eyes but the smile is not leaving her lips.

"It's okay. Finally, I met you," she said and gave a brief hug to me.

Her voice is sweet and looks beautiful than me. I smiled at him who is adoring us.

"What is your name meaning?" I asked her.

We didn't leave each other. She came to my left side and placed her right hand on my waist. In this process, my right hand rolled on her shoulder.

"Smile. But I don't know till I meet him. In our second meet, this is the first thing he asked me. Never I thought to learn it. We googled it," she said by blushing and adjusting her hair.

"He is obsessed to learn the name meaning," I said by looking at him with a smile.

I still remembered how cutely he asked my name meaning. I smiled and left her.

"Won't you introduce me to your girlfriend?" I questioned him by narrowing my eyes.

He nodded his head in disappointment with that tantalizing smile. This reaction is meant for me. He never used for anyone. He came to my side.

"Lips, this is my best friend Nanmu who always supports me but more than that eats my brain," he signed by looking at both of us.

She is looking at us. "This is my best friend Nanmaya, not Nanmu," I said by glaring him "who is sweet, beautiful, nice, supportive, intelligent and all the good adjectives in the world," said with a naughty smile waving my hands.

He smiled and started typing to her. She saw the message and smiled by coming to my left side and hugged me like before. I smiled and circled my left hand around her shoulder.

"No, I believe her words," she said sweetly with a naughty smile.

"So, you both are one team huh?" he signed and I said it to her.

She laughed by nodding her head positively. Her eyes are beautiful with the long hair and height than me. I closed my eyes for a second to control myself.

"Hey, we are friends. I don't believe his words. So chill," she said with her beautiful smile.

I smiled "yes and being your good friend, I'll tell all his secrets," I said by looking at him with a wink.

He raised his eyebrow by folding his lower lip under his teeth with challenging eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned to her and started blabbering how beautiful she is. I heard his threatening whistle but ignored it. Even she praised me but she speaks less. I turned to him by keeping my hands on my waist.

"By the way, you didn't tell me how you guys met?" I questioned him with the fake angry look.

He heaved a long sigh by rolling his eyes. We know each other completely and can understand what is real and fake.

"I met her in the last month concert. She came as a fan took a selfie and pestered me to speak. I told the truth. She liked it and asked for my number. Even I liked her and gave it, like that it started." He signed by looking at both of us.

I can see his tantalizing eyes are adoring her. I smiled and going to say what he said.

"I can understand what he expressed," she said by looking into his eyes, he smiled.

I felt happy that she understood him and the way she is being with him made me happy. They both are lost in their world. I can't stand here and I should give space to them.

"Okay lovebirds. I need to go but..." I paused, they got confused.

By taking back steps "control your hormones, this is terrors, not your bedroom," I said naughtily by increasing my steps speed.

Before I complete the sentence, he started taking steps by folding his lower lip under his teeth with an angry face. I giggled by rushing downstairs. I heard his threatening whistle but I didn't stop.

I rushed to my room, locked the door and started weeping hard. I fall on the bed and hid my face in the pillow to control my sobs.

Why you did this? I thought you too love me but... My sobs are getting louder.

I thought we will live happily till our last breath. How can you do this to me Mahi? Am I not beautiful?

Immediately I stood up and went in front of the mirror. By wiping my tears I checked myself. I'm not that beautiful like her. She has big dove eyes, small nose, cute lips, long hair till waist, perfect height and an intelligent girl.

My eyes are small, I hate my long nose, lips are thick, short hair and height. I'm an idiot and always talk more than needed. I sat down and started crying by curling into a ball.

After some time I controlled and again stood in front of the mirror to check myself.

'Do Mahi love a girl's outer beauty?' My brain questioned me. I nodded negatively with a pout.

'Then why not me?' I questioned by looking in the mirror.

"Simple, you are his friend, not his soul mate,' my brain said.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes, wiped my tears, went to the washroom and washed my face. By wiping my face with that soft towel, I came in front of the mirror. I applied kajal, lip gloss, kept bindi and combed my hair.

Who I'm to take his happiness? I'm his best friend, not an obsessed girl who run after the man she loves. He genuinely looks happy with her and that is my first priority since the time I met him.

I started singing because of his happiness, all his dreams are my dreams. My only dream or desire or goal or anything in life is his happiness. I really don't have anything to achieve in life except his happiness.

My love should be strong to support him but not weak to worry him. I'm really happy with their relationship but it will take time for me to digest the fact.

I'm practicing the song for next performance but my mind is roaming around the past three days which are hell to me. I can't cry and worry everyone, controlling myself and showing happiness is really hard. But I did it for my love, Mahi.

That night he spends a very less time than usual but all he expressed is about her. He asked my opinion about her. I told genuinely what I felt to which he became happy.

All these three days he brought her to our practice sessions. I'm practicing while they are chatting and enjoying with each other. But he didn't leave me alone. As usual, helped me in practicing and mingled me in their conversation as much as possible.

He created a whatsapp group for us and we all chatted by sitting in front of each other. But I didn't like it as I enjoy his expressions and actions rather than just texting. I didn't pester as now his girl is involved, so I should help her to understand him. She started leaning his language but not curious like me.

'Well she is not a nine years kid to get curious,' my brain mocked. I ignored it with a glare.

Already I'm missing him in my life. How will I live?

I heard the knock on my door. I smiled and immediately opened the door. My cutie pie is smiling with those tantalizing eyes.

"Your girlfriend slept already? You left your chatting and your dear phone, came to be? Well I'm surprised," I questioned  him naughtily while he is coming inside.

He hit my head by folding his lower lip under his teeth. I smiled with a wink and closed the door.

"So stop being jealous of my chatting with my girlfriend and phone too. And she is with her parents," he signed with his angry eyes.

I stick my tongue out. He cupped my right cheek with his left palm. By looking into my eyes he softly caressed my cheek work his thumb. We are lost by looking into each other's eyes. He left me.

"I missed my Doll." He signed with that tantalizing smile.

My heart skipped a beat. I controlled and smiled at him. He went and sat on the bed. After seeing him, I started feeling hungry.

"I'm hungry," I said by rubbing my hand on the stomach.

"Open the door and see..." Before he completes the sentence, I opened the door and saw the food pack on the right side table.

I happily took, rushed inside by jumping on the bed and started blabbering. He nodded his head in disappointment but with that never-ending smile.

My head is paining with his nonstop talking. God, how can he talk that much? I just hate this Varun.

When I said to Kushi about Mahi got a girlfriend, she told me to accept Varun's proposal who is my friend Vidya's brother. Varun like me for two years and finally proposed me six months back. Obviously, I didn't accept.

When Kushi said, I didn't like it but I felt alone all the time. So, accepted him but asked him to give me time to accept the relationship. He is such a nice guy and accepted.

I still remember the day, I told Mahi about Varun. First, he didn't accept and told many weird reasons. His reasons are stupid but finally accepted. He literally threatened Varun to take care of me.

But loving Mahi and trying to accept Varun is big thing. I'm happy for Mahi but crying for my bad luck. I can't cry and trouble everyone but hiding these feelings is killing me. We all spend time as a couple and going to double dates but I miss us, MaNan.

They will be in their phone land while Varun talks non-stop and eat people brain. He really doesn't understand that the others get bored. I'm the one break his boring topics.

Varun is a nice guy who is doing electronic engineering, third years. He loves machines and always like literally always talk about them. Whatever we start talking it will end with the machines topic. Not even one percent of the topic I understand. Many times I tried to change the topic but he again comes back to the same. I didn't feel comfortable to express my view.

All these years, I loved Mahi silence and music. Varun is a chatterbox and doesn't like music. He never stopped me for doing anything nor pushed me to do something which he likes. It's just that his annoying obsession with machines.

Mahi and I are spending less time like never before but more with our partners. Our parents got shocked by this new relationship of ours but supported us. When I saw Mahi with Lipsika, I feel unbearable pain but seeing his smile makes me happy. Varun really helps me to cheer up as he understood that I love Mahi but we never talk about that.

I felt the air on my left ear. I turned to my left and found Varun is close to me. This is the first time he came this close.

"Okay?" He questioned by looking into my eyes.

Seriously telling I didn't hear a single word. What is he talking about? Obviously, about machines.

I smiled and nodded my head. He started moving closer to my lips. What is he doing? I kept hands on his chest to push him away.

Suddenly the door opened with Mahi whistle. He left the papers in his hands and gawking at us. I heard Varun heavy sigh, immediately, I pushed him and stood up. Mahi gave an awkward smile but I saw the pain in his eyes for an unknown reason.

He pulled his right ear by mouthing sorry and started picking the papers hurriedly.

"Hey, it's nothing like that, we are just..." I paused as I don't know what to tell.

He stopped picking the papers and saw me with a naughty grin.

"You should close the door before romancing madam," he signed.

            <~~~ CONTINUES ~~~>

What do you feel about Mahi?

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Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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