7 ~ Will He Bites Me?

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Hey peepzzz... Yesterday I commented for all comments but it didn't shown. I don't know you got it or not but still didn't upload.

Tq all for your comments.


Nanmaya POV

I pushed him by jumping on the ground and started taking long strides with tears but he caught my right hand. I stood without turning back. He came in front of me, cupped my cheeks by wiping my tears with his thumb. I closed my eyes with hiccups. He cleared my tears by blowing air on my face. I felt relaxed in his touch. He left me, I opened my eyes.

"It's okay Doll, don't worry. I will never hold you back. You are always free from me, chase your dream and I will always support you. Your happiness is all I want," he signed sincerely with love filled eyes.

My anger roused to its next level. Does he lost or what?

I slapped him hard and went to the rhythm. He is gawking at me with a pout, rubbing his cheek. I jumped to climb on rhythm but failed. He nodded his head in disappointment with that stupid smile by coming towards me. He is going to help me but I raised my hand in a gesture to stop him. He stood by looking at me. I tried but again failed, he is hiding his smile. I tried and tried but failed. He suddenly pushed me and finally, I sat.

I didn't look at him but he is still leaning on me. I tried to push him but he is not moving away, so I raised my eyelashes to see him. He is looking at me with love. I pushed him without looking into his eyes. He blew air on my face, so I glared.

"Am I hurting you?" He signed without moving away.

"No, Mahi," I whispered by looking into his eyes with unshed tears.

He is looking into my eyes with immense love. I caught his collar, so our faces are too close.

"I have been in a dream world that with your single stare I can understand all your feelings, emotions. But no I failed to recognize your feelings, love, sacrifice, everything." I'm crying like hell.

"All these months, the pain killed me. But I couldn't able to recognize your sacrifice, insecurity, pain for years. I know about your insecurities but never imagined you all push me away for my so-called happiness.

"I thought you will propose me with your music, songs, and love. But all these years, what you are doing SACRIFICE?" I hit his shoulder.

He smiled, showering love through tantalizing eyes and smile.

"For your kind information, let me remind you, I don't have any dreams except your dream. I felt alone without you and don't want to ruin your relationship. So applied it but I'm not ready to leave you all and chase my dream which I never dreamt." I said in anger while he is smiling like a fool.

"Don't you know me Mahi? You don't need to express 'I LOVE YOU' with just one single stare I can give all my life to you," I asked him by pulling his collar tightly.

"Oh wait, I'm sacrificing right?" I mocked with a sarcastic smile.

"I don't have anything to say Mahi. This is what our friendship is? All these years, we didn't understand each other but doing 'sacrificing'." I said by air quoting sacrificing by pushing him away.

"Just leave me alone Mahi and stick on to your sacrifice," I said in anger by jumping on the ground.

But he put his hands on my either side by looking at me with love. I pushed him but he is not moving.

"Just a minute please," he whistled.

I stopped by folding my hands near to my chest by glaring at him. He heaved a long sigh by taking a deep breath.

"Once I sacrificed with my stupidity but now you boosted my love. So, now I will gain your love. That's my promise," he signed with that dazzling smile.

Wow, let me see how long this drama goes? I mentally squeezed his neck.

"Well I didn't even take a minute," he signed with a wink.

By bowing his head he gave me a way to leave.

"I hate you, Mr. Mahish Aurora," I said by walking away.

But I heard I love you, Doll whistle. I busted in tears and rushed to my room. I locked the door, fall on the bed and cried like hell.

Who the hell is banging the door? I'm in deep sleep but the door is banging.

I opened and found my Allu Aunt sweet smiling face. I thought it's Mahi but Aunt banged the door? No ways, I'm sure he hid somewhere but I don't care.

Aunt told me to fresh up and come for dinner. I washed my face and applied kajal. My face is looking horrible with puffy eyes. I went to the dining table. After many days Mahi is at the dining table because of Lipsika... No, it's because of me he avoided all of them. I blinked my eyes to stop these blady tears.

Dad, Uncle congratulated me and started talking happily to each other. Thank God, they ignored my face or else my Rohi Uncle will make a big fuzz. We sat on the dining table and Mom, Aunt served us.

Mom to my left and Aunt to my right while their respective husbands are opposite to them. Mahi and I sit in between them opposite to each other. Sometimes he sits with women and sometimes with men. I sat silently by playing with the food as I don't have apatite.

"Are you ready to fly to London?" Dad asked me happily.

"I don't want to go anywhere Dad," I stated by looking into my plate.

Women gasped and I can feel all the men are seeing me.

"What happened, Nanmu?" Mom asked.

"I don't want to go away by leaving you all," I said the fact.

"Take Mahi with you. I'm sure you don't need any one of us," Dad said naughtily.

"Well, his girlfriend will kill him," Aunt said with sarcasm.

I started eating but I heard Aunt gasp with "why?"

I raised my head and saw "didn't work between us," he signed awkwardly.

Everyone became silent and thinking deeply. Finally, after a month he spells the bean. Congratulations Symphony, I didn't see him and started eating.

He whistled to look at him, I halted but didn't raise my head. Again he whistled desperately. So I raised my eyelashes and saw his tantalizing eyes.

"I will come with you," he signed.

My anger increased because he doesn't want to study in foreign but blady sacrifice.

"I don't want anyone to SACRIFICE for me and I don't need to run away from anyone. So, I decided to stay happy with my loved ones," I said harshly by stressing the word sacrifice.

His eyes became sad but immediately covered with a blank expression. I'm hating this expression of his.

"Are you guys fighting again?" Aunt asked by looking at us.

"Now what you did?" Uncle whisper yelled by looking at him.

"Nothing like that, relax," I said by looking at Aunt, Uncle.

Uncle anger is not safe because he stops talking with Mahi which is difficult for Mahi.

"But..." Dad cut off Uncle.

"Relax, Rohan. Now they are grown up and can take care of the situations. So, stop bugging them." Dad said

"Princess, you have every right to make decisions. It's your wish to go or stay, no force. So, think wisely and take a decision," Dad said with his sweet smile.

I can't go away from Mahi, Dad. I thought.

"Sure Dad, thank you," I said by smiling at him.

Dad blinked his eyes and gave a flying kiss. I blew him a kiss and resumed eating without talking.

I'm not talking to him nor giving him chance to communicate from two days. I'm dying to talk to him yet a time angry. He is trying his best but failing in front of my stubbornness. Even our parents left us to fight as much as we want. This is the best thing I love, they never bug in anything though it's a silly or strong reason. I heard the knock. Not what he wants?

I opened the door "I want some CD's. Can I please search?" He signed with desperate eyes by keeping cute faces.

Good try, Mahi. I gave him space to enter. Widening his eyes in happiness, he rushed inside to the cupboard. I closed the door, sat back on the bed and checking my phone without looking at him.

After a few minutes, he whistled to look at him. I saw him holding the computer named CD which is actually s*x education which he gave me.

"You still watching this?" He asked by coming to me.

I took a deep breath "do your work," I said harshly.

He sat on the bed by ignoring me "now I have the better collection," he signed with a wicked smile.

I didn't react "but I will not give you," he signed with a wink.

I rolled my eyes and resumed my work which is simply opening and closing apps on my phone. He whistled to look at him.

I sighed "don't irritate me Mahi," I said in annoyance.

"Don't you ask me why?" He questioned.

I closed my eyes to control "okay, why?" I asked so that he will leave me.

"I want to try all of them with you then I will show them," he signed by biting his lower lip with a seductive look.

I gasped and immediately lowered my head by biting my inner cheeks to control my blush. What the hell was that?

He whistled to look at him. I closed my eyes to control myself, licked my lips and raised my head. He crawled to me and sat on his knees.

"You are blushing!" He signs stated with the naughty look.

I gulped "just... take whatever you want... and go away," I stammered without looking into his eyes.

"I got something which I didn't expect my beautiful Doll's blush, so have a good sleep my melodious queen," he signed naughtily.

He jumped on the ground walking leisurely by whistling my favorite song of his composition. I gawked at him but composed and went to close the door. But he put his leg to stop the door by leaning on to the wall. I'm feeling shy to look at him but glared.

"I'm better than that video, so have sweet dreams about me, no about us," he signed naughtily.

I widened my eyes with the wide open mouth. He smiled, closed my mouth with his dazzling smile and left without turning back.

Is he my Mahi or some devil possessed him?

I closed the door and my eyes caught the CD.

Flashback On

I pestered Kushi to give me the CD which her brother had and finally I got it.

Doors closed, check.

Pin headset to the computer, check.

Sit relaxed, no I'm excited.

I started seeing it but it's kind of scaring me as the girl is screaming to hell which is busting my ears.

I felt someone caught my shoulder. I got scared and jerked by screaming. In this process, my headset fell down.

Mahi stood there with an eyebrow raise by keeping his hands on his waist. I got scared and started to close the screen hurriedly but not happening. He whistled to relax and closed the screen.

I stood their awkwardly, started crying. He tapped my shoulder to look at him but I couldn't able to do it. He held my chin with his right-hand fingers and raised my head, wiped my tears.

"Why are you crying? You are fourteen and you should know these things but this is not the correct one. I have an s*x education video which is good to understand but this can scare the hell out of you," he signed with a smile.

"Please don't tell to our parents," I begged him.

He laughed "you know Papa gave me that CD," he signed with a wink.

I widened my eyes. "Papa told 'at this age all these things are common but parents should guide correctly or else you can take impulsive decisions, so tell me things but don't do anything wrong'." He signed to which I nodded my head.

"And I will not tell to anyone, relax." I heaved a sigh.

"We are friends though I'm a boy but still feel free to share things with me. I may not understand everything about girls and stuff but you can help me and I will help you too. So please don't do anything without telling me. I'm your best friend and always support you. Okay?" He signed.

I smiled by nodding my head positively.

"I will share everything with you from now onwards but Symphony please don't come to my room like this. I'm a girl and..." I'm saying but he gave me the extra room key.

"Don't worry from now onwards I will knock on the door and come. Happy?" He signed with a smile.

I felt happy "CD?" I asked without looking into his eyes.

"Naughty girl," he signed, hit my head softly.

Flashback Off

Like that this CD been with me and I just saw only five times. But loves to peek into public romance which he doesn't like it.

But what happened to him today? Like seriously, does he want to kill me?

He is better than the video! I laughed looking in the mirror where I can see his picture through the mirror.

'Will he bite me?' I thought with a blush.

'Your angry at him and didn't accept him yet but thinking all weird stuff,' my brain mocked me.

'You just go away. Now I just want to think about my cutie pie,' I said with a glare.

'Your wish. Again that insecure sacrificing king can do anything,' it said.

'You are right!' I said with a sad pout.

I threw the CD in the cupboard and slept by thinking about him.

<~~~ CONTINUES ~~~>

So what do you think huh? Mahi is all romantic *wink wink*

How will he gain her love?

Please vote and do share your lovely comments with your dear Melody *wink wink*

Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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