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WerefoxSerena is so cute XD (werewolf/fox=werefoxserena xD)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy~

Serena's POV

It's been a day since the whole weird thing happened and we all decided to act as if it never happened, but deep inside me..I know something bad will happen.

Ash's POV

We all decided to hangout at the park and play with our Pokemon for today, I was battling with Gary while the rest watched us.

"Charizard Flamethrower!!" Charizard flew high in the air and fired a mighty flamethrower at Gary's Blastoise. Blastoise got hit, but it wasn't very affective. Gary smirked at me and said "Hydropump full blast!!" Charizard instantly flew towards a cloud to hide him in sight, but Blastoise managed to spot him and shot him directly with Hydropump.

"Charizard!!" I exclaimed "Don't disappoint me Ashy boy!" Gary said arrogantly, I clenched my fist and smirk at him.

"Charizard! Fly as high as you can and use dragon rage!!" Charizard did as I commanded and flew really high up, no one could see where he have gone. But the next second passed and Blastoise got hit by dragon rage.

"Blastoise no!!" Gary cried, Blastoise fell and fainted "That's a win for me!!" I exclaimed, Gary returned Blastoise back to its Pokeball and went up to me.

"Not bad Ashy boy"

"Same to you Gary, and don't call me that" I glared at him "And why should I listen to you?" He teased "Because I can ask Pikachu to use thunderbolt on you" I smirked "Ok! You win!!" He puts his arms up in the air in defeat.

"Nice battle you two!!" Brock exclaimed, Gary and I went back to the group and decided to relax under a big tree.

I went beside Serena who was deep in thought, but her eyes were somewhat different. It was like her eyes were turning red.

I tapped her shoulder and she slightly jumped, I guess she really was deep in thought "Y-Yes?" She asked, weird...

Serena's POV

A flashback of me saying that I'm perfectly fine on giving up on my dream echoes in my mind. Why did I say that? What made me say that?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Ash calling me, he tapped my shoulder and I slightly jumped from shock.

"Y-Yes?" I asked "You've been awfully quiet Serena, I'm beginning to question if you're Serena or not" he said as he hold my hand tightly "What do you mean?" I asked "I mean, Serena would never say such a thing" a tear ran down from my left eye and my whole body trembled.

"I know I wouldn't, I'm scared! I don't know what's gonna happen Ash! If it happens again then it me-" I was cut off by Ash kissing me telling me to shut up and kiss back which I did.

"Didn't you say I'm your light? I would be there for you when you are surrounded by darkness, I'll be there to get you back!" He exclaimed, I can't believe he still remembers it. After all this years he still remembered what I said when he won the title of champion.

"You're my Queen Serena, and a queen needs a king. Let me be your king and I promise you, I will never let anyone harm you ever again" a slight smile curved up on my lips as I got lost in his eyes.

It was filled with burning passion and love for me, I couldn't help but stare at them.

What would I do without him?



We both leaned in closer and our lips were inches apart, I closed my eyes and I could feel he did the same. I closed the distance and time stopped for me. I didn't want to let time move again, I wanted to stay like that forver. Kissing him while his arms wrapped around my body.

I wanted him to hug me and live me forever, but time is cruel and so was our need for air as we pulled apart panting heavily.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'm yours Serena and don't forget that" he said, I placed my hand on his cheek and punched it "That's my line Ashy, because your my true love and my next dream to achieve" I said with a warm smile plastered on my face.

"I know you will achieve your dream"

He then stood up and walked away from me to talk to Gary. I placed my hand on the ribbon he gave me 4 years ago. Then suddenly everything went dull in color and my vision blurred.

"You seriously think that "light" of yours is gonna stop me? Think again princess, no one can stop me now!"

The next thing I knew I was back at that black void I was were.

I'm scared...

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