How can I dream?

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Just an extra chapter.

I, Arinth, was like many. A simple boy with a simple dream. A dream to achieve satisfaction in one's life, be content and happy with what I have.

It was easy yes?

Easy to achieve for someone like me?

I thought so too.

But these people. Hungry people. Destroyed that. Destroyed me.

They were hungry for glory and they did everything they could to achieve it. So hungry they took my life away with a blink of an eye. It was so sudden that all I remembered was fire.

They were laughing at me. Laughing at the simple boy with a simple dream. Calling me names and forcing me to watch their work. Pokemon started crying out loudly, as if they were trying to wake me up from this horrid dream.

But I knew this wasn't a dream. This was reality.

Reality showed me that if you have a dream, it will blind you. It will make you do horrid things to your kins, to your friends, to your pokemon, and to yourself.

That very day, the simple boy died and was reborn into a man with one goal in mind.

That was to seized the world and rebuild it. Remerged it into a perfect world. I don't want people to dream, and I don't want people to crave and desire anything.

I am only doing this for their own good. For their safety. I do not want them to suffer like I had to.

I am merely trying to chase away the outcome of their desires. I want them to be happy and satisfied.

Is that so much to ask for?

But people are stubborn.

They fear change.

And what I require is change. Change for our people. Change for our pokemon.

And once I have accomplished my goals.

I will then vanish into nothing as I serve my purpose. I will cease to exist.

But that's okay.

So long as my future people will be happy.

So gone is the simple boy with a simple dream.

Now you have Arinth.

So I will say this now my people.

You are welcome.

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