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Heeey~ Yeah, something happened to this story, so I decided to rewrite it :p

Serena's POV

It was a beautiful morning, and I couldn't feel more relax.

As always I'm the one who woke up first while Ashy, was dead on asleep. Even how hard I try to wake him up, nothing can get him out of bed without a thunderbolt.

I was at the kitchen singing a song called "Dori dori" and made breakfast like I always do.

After that, I placed the food on the table and went at our backyard. I sent out all of our Pokemon, and once again they were dead set glaring at me, because it was like 9:00 a.m.

"Rise up sleepy heads, or you won't get anything for breakfast" After that they all stretched and ran up to me for food which I happily given them.

Since the accident 4 years officers have been locating Malamar everywhere region to region, but as far as I know they haven't seen the slightest sign of that Pokemon.

I shrugged the thought off and headed back inside and as always I heard Ash scream and a thunderbolt in his bedroom.

I giggled and went up to his bedroom and opened the door revealing Ash on the floor covered in dusk from the attack a.k.a his alarm clock.

Pikachu jumped on my shoulder and snuggled my cheek as a greeting which I happily accepted, I just hope he won't shock me.

"What time is it?" Ash asked finally recovered from the shock "Like on time Ashy" I replied, Ash stood up and embraced me into a hug.

"Morning Sere" He said as sweet as his could "Morning Ashy" I said and kissed him "What do you wanna do today?" He asked "Let's think about it later, or your food would get cold" After that, Ash instantly retrieve his arms and ran down to the kitchen.

"Typical Ash" I chuckled and so did Pikachu, I look at Pikachu and scratched its cheek causing the yellow mouse to coo in delight.

"And you mister gets ketchup" Pikachu jumped in joy, I seriously wonder why does he love ketchup anyway?

I entered the kitchen and saw Ash was already chowing down his food, I sweatdropped from the sight, but it was kinda cute in all honesty.

I sat on my seat and began to eat what was left for me, Ash finished a minute later and waited for me to finish. Once I was finish Ash said "So, what do you wanna do today?"  I replied by saying "Honestly, I don't want to do anything today" Ash pointed at my comment, because when it comes to Ashy here all he wants to do is train, hang out with friends, train, play games with me, train, sleep, train, eat, and well train.

I sighed and pulled out a paper from my pocket that was surprisingly there for some odd reason, and wrote something on it and handed it to Ash. He looked at the note and smiled from ear to ear, he immediately stood up from his seat and ran outside.

What I wrote on that paper was "Do whatever the hell you want" I know that he will immediately do something when he hears me saying that to him.

I placed all the dishes in the sink and washed them all. After that I looked out of the window and saw Ash playing with his Pokemon, I sighed and walked outside of the house and watched him.

Today will be a great day, I'm sure of it!

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