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Nyehehehehehehe-(o_O) I'm becoming Papyrus (T▽T) I've also been watching too many anime lately.

Yeah, you guys should thank anime because I'm starting to become more active in writing again :3

Welp, hope you enjoy and I'm very DETERMINED to make this a good one xD


Also, I need your feedback as a writer :/ I need to know what my readers feel about the chapter and story so I could improve, nowadays I don't really get that much of many comments and it's starting to make me feel a bit sad.

But I'm not forcing you to comment, I would never force anyone to do that. All I need is your feedback so I could improve for you guys ^-^

Welp, enough of me blabbering about something. Enjoy~

Ash's POV (he's evil mind you)

Ah, the world is finally turning back to what it once was. A world where no ideals and goals existed! A world that is no longer a world to feel trapped in and have to deal with burdens and hardships.

I smirked and spreaded both of my arms wide open and laughed.

"Ahahahaha!! Finally, somewhere I can be a true master! A world that I don't need to try to be the best Pokémon master there is!!" I exclaimed as I continued to laugh. I then heard footsteps heading at me, I quickly turned around to see who it was. The person standing infront of me was none other than the God of Darkness himself, Arithn.

"You seem to be quite happy not trying to do your best just to be the very best like no one ever was" He said in the same old raspy monotone voice, I wore the expression of determination, wanting this world to finally end and the real world to be reborn.

I want this world, not the world I THOUGHT was the real one. I want the world where I am the Pokémon Master, or even better!

"Yes! Being Master is what I desire and that's what I want to be in the next world! Someone who doesn't need to do anything to be someone. That's all thanks to you my king" I bowed to show him the respect and gratitude he deserves.

I look up and saw him smirking with an evil expression plastered on his face. Then he turned around and signalled someone or something to come to him, I glance back and saw the evil side or counterpart of Serena wearing a black cloak.

Seeing her made my heart skip a beat, it wasn't because she looked smoking hot in an outfit that looked like she was a demon goddess or anything. It was because of my never ending love for that girl.

'No, this isn't my feelings! This is his! I am not him! I will never be someone like him!!' I thought angrily while clutching my head from the sudden pain, I glanced upwards and saw an image of a honey blonde girl smiling brightly. My heart continued to beat rapidly and I could feel my whole body about to give in, but then I felt a cold hand land on my shoulder, I look up and saw her evil counterpart glaring at me.

The pain suddenly disappeared and I was perfectly normal once more.

'What was that just now?' I asked myself in my mind, I was so caught in my thoughts that I forgot that there was someone infront of me trying to get my attention.

That someone punched me really hard on the face and I ended up on the cold hard ground.

"What the heck!? What was that for you stupid troll!?" I spat out, and man was that a mistake.

"Oh you calling me a troll?! Look at yourself in the mirror first before calling me one, you pathetic twat! Gosh, I should have killed you instead of turning you evil!" Evil Serena groaned in frustration as she continued to beat me into a pulp.

"A mirror? I already know I'm handsome so you don't have to point it out!" I smirked even though I was getting beaten up by surprisingly a very strong girl.

"Hahaha!! Nice one! Since when we're you ever handsome?! Like if you were ever in an anime and it was called I don't know Sun or Moon I bet you look like a stupid middle aged troll who would wiggle their butt just to prove a point! Pathetic!" She exclaimed and finally stopped kicking me where the sun doesn't shine.

We both continued to quarrell until we were stopped by a strong forced made by a black dust surrounding us both and squeezing really hard on our bodies to prevent us from moving.

"You two SHUT UP! I don't need two beings fighting over something immature! I need soldiers that would revolutionize this world! If you aren't then they I will have no problem killing you right here and now!" Arithn exclaimed but with the same cold monotone voice.

I looked at Serena's evil shadow and I saw her smirking.

"Fine then, I'll prove to you how useful I can be. Useful enough to make your plan a success!" She said in a sly tone.

"How are you gonna do that?" I asked her, she merely laughed in a disgusting tone and said..

"That's for me to know and for you to find out Knight and Shining Armor"

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