I am not your pawn

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Hey guys! Here's chapter 8 enjoy~

Calem's POV

This is it. The final showdown between love and lust, I cannot be more terrible can I? I'm a monster who's being captive by jealousy. I don't deserve her, but I will gladly kill Ash Ketchum!

They there are! Approaching the warehouse as we speak, I threw out a Pokeball and Gogoat appeared.

"Use Seed Bomb" Gogoat nodded and used seed bomb on Serena's friends

"Agh! So your Calem!" Misty said with anger in her eyes like she was about to kill me

"Yes! The one and only! Your not getting any closer to this warehouse! As long as I am here you will never get Ash!

"You monster! Why did Ash ever did to you!?" Bonnie yelled "So many things, but that one thing I can't forget is Ash taking Serena away from me!" I growled

"They belong together! And your not gonna ruin our OTP just because your jealous!" Dawn yelled

"Well then let's battle! If you win I'll let you in, but if you loose you will watch me kill Ash Ketchum right infront of your eyes!" They all looked at each other with a worried expression in their faces

Dawn's POV

"What should we do? If we loose he's gonna kill Ash" the group didn't know what to do at that point, but we needed to do this for Ash! "He may have a mega ring, but we are more in number, so we can win this fight!" Misty stated. We all nodded and faced Calem once more "Deal!" Calem smirked "Very good"

"Piplup spotlight!"

"Go Gyarados!"

"Blaziken your next!"

"Dragonite I choose you!"

We all called out our Pokemon and were ready to fight, Calem smirked and laughed maniacally

"You think you can beat me with this weak Pokemon? Hahahaha!" That's it! No more holding back!

"Piplup Whirlpool"

"Gyarados Flamethrower!"

"Blaziken Blaze kick!"

"Dragonite Dragon Pulse!"

All of our Pokemon moves hit his Gogoat, but it wasn't down?! It wasn't even injured!

"See what I told you! Gogoats are very strong as you may see! Now Gogoat giga drain!"

Gogoat nodded and launched the attacked on our Pokemon. Was this it?

"What should we do?" May asked

"I don't know"

"Don't loose hope you guys!" Bonnie said

"That's not easy to say, his Gogoat is too strong" Iris pointed out

"What? You forfeit? I must say I'm very disappointed" Calem frowned

Was this it? Was this the end of Ash Ketchum?

"Not Gonna Happen!" A familiar voice shouted

"Serena?!" We all said

"Sorry it took so long, I just needed time to call someone" Serena said

Serena's POV

"Well, well, well if it isn't my pawn" Calem said, I gritted my teeth and threw out a Pokeball

"Xerneas your up!" Everyone and even Calem was surprised that I have a legendary Pokemon with me "how?!" I smirked "didn't I say I needed time to call someone" They all smiled in relief "Now go inside the warehouse! I'm the one he wants, so go!" They all nodded and ran through the battlefield.

"Oh no you don't! Gogoat Seed Bomb!" Calem commanded

"Xerneas Fairy Wind!"

The group managed to passed Calem and easily went inside the warehouse

"You didn't put much of a fight when they entered the warehouse you know" Calem didn't respond, he just returned his Gogoat and threw out another Pokeball.

"Yveltal show them your power!" My eyes' widened as I see the legendary Pokemon that was said that takes humans and Pokemons life energy. "So one on one?" Calem nodded. This is a battle I couldn't afford to loose!

Hurry up you guys I thought

"Xerneas hyper beam!"

"Yveltal life drain!"

The two moves collided causing a massive explosion

"Dragon Pulse!"

"Xerneas dodge!"

Xerneas wasn't fast enough as it was recharging from the move hyper beam. "Now you see my little pawn! How much the world wants Ash Ketchum to die! How much it wants me to be with you!" I glared at the boy who was out of his mind "The world?! What do you mean by the world?! The only one who wants Ash to die is you! I hate you! And I will never forgive you! And I AM NOT YOUR PAWN!" I snapped.

Enough was enough, I couldn't hold back much longer as the mind control of his Malamar was still in effect, I needed to end this once and for all! I just hope that I will still be the same Serena they know after this.

"Are you sure? You know that Malamar who controlled you permanently used mind control on you, so if you loose this battle you will never be the same, because of the effect and when you win the effect will still be there, so it's a lose lose situation. Why won't you just give up? Your fighting a loosing battle after all" Calem pointed out.

I can feel it again, that voice that is trying to replace me. It wants me to destroy the world, it wants me to kill my friends, but I don't want to loose myself right now!

"Never give up till' the end!" I yelled "I don't care! I will never give up for him! And I don't care if I loose control! As long as his alive and well I would gladly kill myself to prevent myself from causing chaos! I never wanted this to happen, but you reached my limit Calem!" I snapped

"Yveltal Dragon Pulse"

"Ice beam!"

Yveltal was directly hit and fell, but it wasn't going down yet while the Dragon Pulse missed.

"Xerneas! Ice Beam once more!"

"Dragon Pulse!"

The two moves collided and the two legendary kept launching their attack one by one.

"Hurry up you guys" I mumbled

Ash's POV

What happened? Did Serena do all of this? I need someone please anyone!

"Help!" I cried out

I heard footsteps which means help and I think I know who it is

"Ash!" May, Dawn, Misty, Iris, Bonnie, Clemont said in unison

"Guys what happened?!" I asked as they looked exhausted

"Serena's fighting Calem and you got captured, because Calem wants you to die to get Serena for himself" Dawn explained

"We need to help her!" I stood up, but fell down instantly, because I was too weak to stand "Ash calm down! Let Serena take charge for once" Bonnie said while the others nodded "Serena must be something for you guys to follow her commands" Misty and the other nodded "She's just like you, but prettier and smarter oh and good at cooking" Dawn joked even at times like this we can still laugh, but we need to help Serena though.

"We still need to get outta here" I looked at my watch and the plane will depart soon "Yeah your right!" Misty agreed. We all got out of the warehouse and we saw Serena looking at the sun holding a fainted Calem in her arms.

"Serena?" I called out, she turned around and her eyes seems lifeless

No one's POV

"Ash go..." Serena said weakly, Ash and the others looked at her in disbelief "Serena please stay with us!" ash pleaded. Serena couldn't hold her consciousness much longer as she is fighting it to talk to her companions one last time. "Ash...please go! I'll be fine! Go back to pallet town and live your life! I promise that I'll be there, I'll come to you when everything is back to normal! I be there once I'm the Serena Yvonne you know!" Serena gritted her teeth as she felt pain "You said that you'll be with me! You promised to be with the Ash Ketchum you knew back then!" Ash yelled as he began to cry.

"Talk about turn of events huh? I'm now the one who is now lost in this world and your back in reality" A tear fell down on Serena's cheeks as she call out her Charizard "Go back to Pallet Town Ash, I'm sorry...I promise to be there" as her last words was painful to hear, she disappeared far in the distance leaving Ash, the others, and a fainted Calem to be there.

Serena's POV


"Xerneas use Hyper beam this time on Calem!" Xerneas launched it's attacked on Calem, but bafore it hit him Yveltal blocked it but the move was too strong Yveltal and Calem felw towards the walls of the warehouse.

"Heh, you sure know how to play dirty" Calem returned Yveltal to it's Pokeball and approached me "So what do you do now? Will you continue your journey with them even if your mind is corrupted?" He asked "No, I'm planning to leave and try to control it for awhile" I said, but deep inside I know I just wanted to hide, because of what I have done Ash almost got killed. "Is that so? When you control it promise me one thing"

"What is it?"

"Protect him and love him with all your heart! You did this for him and now I understand even though jealousy is still here, but I know I've cause enough trouble. Serena don't let the darkness within you take over you like it did to me" Calem said

"I'm not like you Calem, I have a purpose to protect and enjoy. I don't want that to go to waste, because I'm being controlled by that stupid Malamar of yours"

"Actaully it's a move called brainwash, it's make humans and Pokemon awaken their inner darkness inside" Calem explained, I didn't really know what to do at that point as I now know that I may never be the same ever again "Well...I'll try and let it sleep again besides I have a life to enjoy dammit" Calem smiled and I giggle even at times like this I was still able to smile.

"Don't forget your smile Serena" Calem said "Calem go to sleep your badly injured" I pointed out, he got closer to me and layed down on my lap watching the sun rise "I guess people do have a happy ending" he whispered, I smiled at this Calem, because I know that deep down this is the Calem Xavier I know.

"Darkness will not overtake my will! I will fight it! I will never give up!" I said determinedly, Calem closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep while I watch the sun fully rise

End of Flashback

"Don't worry, I'll be back just in time for that league Ashy! I promise" I mumbled and flew towards Vaniville town to find the inner Serena in me

Well I don't know why, but I'm really am proud of this chapter! Now the next chapter will be a doozie for me XD anyway vote if like it and follow me for more! See u in the next chapter

She's just so cute XD

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