chapter 1

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As it turns out...your demon form is gonna be a cat ,because it'll be way easier for me goodbye!!!
Your pov
I woke with bill laying on my back. 'he's so cute when he's a cat! And his purr is so majestic! What am I saying?! Demons,i always hated them so what's so diffrent about this one?' I thought "someone's been having interesting conversations going on today" Bill smirked "y-you heard me?"
I asked Bill "yup!" he smiled "was I talking out loud?" I asked "nope, I can read minds" he continued to purr "so he can read minds? I'm never gonna think around him again' I sighed

"Your going to have to think sooner or later" bill said. I got up "bill I'm going out" I stayed as my cat form cause all I was going to do was,go for a walk and climb a very tall tree "okay bye" bill turned into his human form and turned in the tv

I continued to walk then i heard a female voice say something ,she sounded young "hey dipstick I heard something over there maybe it's a monster" after her was a male voice which I was guessing was Dipper "come on lets go see before it leaves!" Then I heard running

I sat down because I didn't want them to Chase me. after a awhile a young girl and boy popped out of the bushes "aww! Dipper look it's a cat! Can I touch it???" she asked,she looked about 12 or 13 " fine,but it'll most likely run away since it's in the forest" Dipper sighed

The girl jumped out of the bush and ran towards me. I stayed put, cause I don't like being chased. She picked me up and touched me behind the ears "aww your so cute!" I started to purr because her touch was comforting

"Dipper Can we keep her???" Mabel asked "Mabel we can't keep her we don't know if she belongs to someone" Dipper said "can I at least make a poster to show we found her? And in a week if someone doesn't come for her than we can keep her?" Mabel said putting me on the ground. I started rubbing my body against her body "meow" I cutely meowed. Dipper looked at me "fine but make those posters we are gonna have to ask grunkle Stan about this" Dipper said picking me up

I started to purr and rub my head against his chest,showing that I really liked these two and I'm running their sent on them "daww she likes you!" Mabel said putting her hands together Dipper looked at me and said "I guess it'll be fun to have a cat..." he petted my head I purred even louder,i have really taken a liking in this "cute" stuff

Mabel and Dipper took me to this place called "the mystery hack" but I saw the s on the ground so it's "the mystery shack" they both walked in with Dipper holding me the place looked like a tourist trap because tousands of weird expensive stuff .walked to a living room where there was a tv and a chair and I'm the chair was a man in a weird suit "oh hi Dipper and mabel" he continued to watch tv "hi grunkle stan!" Mabel said hugging 'stan'

"What's up with the cat?" stan asked "oh yeah! This is a cat we found and we wanted to ask if we can keep her" Mabel said grabbing me and putting me in stans arms...I stopped purring and didn't do anything "umm sure?I don't see what you see in this cat" Stan looked at me, I don't wanna stay here forever...maybe I can give them a way to summon me? I. Jumped off Stan and jumped on Dipper and touched his head scanning his memories "Aww she's touching your head dipper! How cute!!!" Mabel said

I Jumped off Dipper and ran out side "I'll only let you keep her if you catch her and bring her back here" stan said "Mabel I don't know, she might be gone already..." Dipper sighed

Mabels pov

I ignored Dipper and ran outside. When I ran outside to my surprise the cat was outside sitting down, "meow" it said than walked further than sat down again. "Do you want me to follow you?" I asked "meow" is all it said...I'll take that as a yes. Dipper ran outside "it wants is to follow it" I said walking towards the cat. It ran again then stopped and turned, then continued to run again. Me and Dipper ran for it. Then we ended at a small cottage in the woods "someone lives in the woods?" Dipper asked

Your pov
When we made it to the cottage I stopped time, only Bill and me remain unfrozen. I walked inside My house and left Dipper and mabel alone outside. "Bill!!!" I yelled once I got inside and turned into my human form "yesss?" Bill asked "I need You to be my owner" I said looking at him "you want me to own you?" Bill looked confused

"Yes I do and when Dipper and mabel and mabel come in act as if your my owner" I said "so since I own you...I can do anything I want to you?" Bill asked "your my cat owner end of story" I said walking outside and turned into my demon form. I closed the door and unfroze time. "Lets see who lives here!" mabel knocked on the door

Bill opened the door "hello?" he looked at Dipper and mabel "hi I'm mabel and we followed your cat here" mabel picked me up and I started to purr. "Oh my gosh you found (Y/n)! Thank you so much!" bill smiled

Bill's pov
I grabbed y/n from labels arms "bad cat! I told you not to leave today!" I scolded her "I'm sorry bill" she looked away "wait Y/n can talk?!" Dipper asked "yup and that's why I love her" I kissed her on her tiny wet nose. Y/n started playing with my hair. "Can she come visit sometimes?" mabel asked y/ns eyes turned really big "fine but always tell me I don't want to loose you to government..." I hugged y/n "your squeezing me bill" she wriggled out of my grasp "oops sorry" I said

(good story! Oh and I hope You liked)

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