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"Y/N-ah?", Jimin softly whispered into my ear, brushing the hair off my drooping face and placing soft kisses on my cheek, of the which the edge was exposed to a ray of morning sunlight running through a slit in the curtain.

Normally if you sleep on the left side of the bed, the sun would directly hit your eyes first, and it's irritating. So Jimin sleeps on that side. There is a reason that he gets up first.

"Y/N-ah? Wake up! The kids are waiting for you downstairs to have breakfast. Hurry up before their school bus comes. I made pancakes with strawberry syrup!", he said trying to make me get up, which I did, after hearing what was for breakfast. He slid his hand behind my back and helped me sit up and lean on the head rest of the bed and handed me a cup of warm and aromatic coffee.

"Jimin-ah!", I whined, "I have two huge surgeries today. I don't want to go!", I made a stubborn face and cupped his face with one hand and with a pout and leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Can't you go for me?", I joked.

"Do you want people to die", he said sarcastically and leaned in to kiss me back.

I sighed, "You can take care of the kids today right? I'll probably be home late, but I'll try to make it before 9 maybe?"

"Don't worry, our kids are annoying, but they listen to their appa", he said, hugging me and reassuring me that he can handle it.

We've been married for ten years now and we haven't changed one bit. Except for a few light wrinkles! We still put each other's need before our own, but Jimin does it most of the time and that's one of the countless things I love about him.


We have three beautiful children. The girl; twin Park Ha Na and Park Sa Na and their younger brother, Park Jun. Jimin likes single syllable names.

The girls have my looks, soft features, light eyes, dark brown hair, pink lips but their personality os totally from Jimim. Really sporty and active. Ha Na is a really good swimmer and Sa Na is more into football. But both of them are simply obsessed with basketball. Which is good, because Jimin always makes time to play basketball with them.

Jun is a mini version of Jimin. Sharp features, bold eyes, ruffled hair. But he's more like me. A bit nerdy. But I think he will change, because he is just six years old and you can't really have a proper personality at that age. I'm sure that he will become a basketball player later on. I don't have evidence for this, but it's one of those motherly predictions, just like how I feel like the girls will be badass lawyers or businesswomen.


I have a shower and get ready for work. Normally, we are expected to wear really light makeup, but I just can't be bothered. So I just wear my light blue and white large-checked scrubs and tie my hair in a not-too-high-but-not-too-low bun, grab my doctor's coat and run downstairs for breakfast.


Since I am an attending now, I can actually afford to have a time space in my life to at least be able to have one meal with my family.

But me and Jimin have been through more difficult times. We got married during the second year of my residency and I got pregnant with the twins during the last 2 month of that year. yeah, I know that was a stupid decision. But it was never a decision in the first place. Jimin just visited me in the on-call room way too many times after we got married.

But he put me infront of his career, like always and left the basketball team to take care of me and then Ha Na and Sa Na when they were born. After they turned one, the basketball team recruited Jimin as their coach and he was able to be stay at home dad and basketball coach at the same time. And he was able to manage it. Or so he said.

We wouldn't be able to see each other for like 3 or 4 days straight. He had to hire a nanny for the twins sometimes and even not go a few games. But he never ever once complained.

But when Jun was born 5 years ago everything was settled and now we wake up next to each other everyday.


"Omma!", Jun ran towards me and jumped into my arms. I lifted him up and nuzzled at his ear and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hello Jun-ah", I said with a smile, noticing that he looked a bit worried. "What's wrong", I asked, lifting is chin for his eyes to meet mine.

"I have a speech today.", he stammered.

"Jun-ah....", Jimin eyed him while flipping pancakes. "We practiced it enough. You're gonna do great.", he reassured him.

"We have a meet tomorrow Appa. Don't forget.", Ha Na reminded Jimin.

"Yup, I can make tomorrow work!", Jimin responded while pouring the strawberry syrup all over the pancakes.

I admit that I was felling a bit left out from the kids lives. But just when I started to make conversation, I got paged.

"I'm sorry guys. I gotta go now. I'll see you later", I gave them all kisses and dashed out of the room and drove out in my car.

While driving my mind was running through a million thoughts.

"What speech?"

"What meet?"

I suddenly realized how distant I was from my family. I didn't know anything that was going on with them.


It was a really long day at the hospital. And I had more surgeries than I thought. I had told Jimin that I would be home at 9. But I never keep those time promises, and I still keep making them.

I drove home and it was almost passed 12. I arrived home. I figured that everyone would be asleep, so I tip toed over to the fridge and a grabbed a can of beer and walked out side to the garden to get some fresh air. When.....


I was in complete shock when Jimin walked over to me and brought me back to my senses with a tight hug.
"Happy Birthday Y/N-ah", he wished me.

Oh.My.God. I had completely forgotten my OWN birthday when my family stayed up for me to surprise me. I am the worst wife and mother ever.

"Omma, come and sit inside the tent! We made a tent!", the three kids chanted as they dragged me by my sleeves towards this tiny tent made with bed sheets and chairs. It looked sturdy though.

The trees were all lit up with lights and so was the tent. There were pink and red balloons scattered everywhere!

The kids sat inside the tent, but me and Jimin sat outside since it wasn't tall enough for us. But it was perfect for them. The moment they went inside and got all cozy with the pillows and the blankets, they fell asleep almost instantly.

Me and Jimin were sitting outside, looking at the sky and at the view. I was leaning my head on his shoulder and our hands were interlocked and resting  on his knee.

"Jimin-ah....I'm sorry.", I said regretfully.

"For what?"

"Well, for everything. Not being here most of the time. Not being more involved and helping with the kids. I know that I'm not a good mother or wife. But I promise later, it will all change ok? Just give me more time.", I hung my head and said softly.

He lifted our interlocked hands and gave mine a kiss.

"It's ok. Sure, you're not around. But that doesn't mean we love you less! And yeah I'd love to have more help with the kids and I'd love to have you home a bit more too, but I know that now is not the time to ask all of that. But you say that it's gonna change later on, so I will wait and hold down the fort a little while longer ok? So you just focus on your promise you just made. No rush", he looked into my eyes and bent down to kiss me.

I felt tears running down my cheeks.
"How could a man this understanding and perfect be happy with a wife like me?", I thought to myself.

"Don't worry, I am happy and so are the kids", he said softly.

"How will I ever be a good wife and mother?", I thought again.

"We will wait for you", he said again.

"How does he still love me?",   I ran though my mind.

"Because the ultimate husband has an ultimate wife that he loves and that will never change", he said wiping the tears off my face.

"I love you too Jimin-ah!", I hugged him and both of us just spent a little more time outside. With the clear howling breeze, sleep talking kids and loving glares.....

It's done. It's finally done! Hope you liked this one. Sorry if it got a bit boring in the middle! It's just that I didn't write it beforehand like the previous chapters, and I just typed it straight away. Which I am not used to. Anyway...thanks for reading my first ever BTS fanfic!!! Thanks for the votes and the comments! I'll see you in the next book! (Not a sequel. I meant in "Dangerous love") Byeeeee! ❤️❤️❤️

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