Chapter 3, Going back

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There is always a time to go back. A time to remember them. A time to create and build. A time to leave behind the future or present to go to the past. That time is now. You use your powers to travel back to your first year at your school of 10 years.
K-4. You deage yourself and put yourself in your four year old body but you still had the mind of a 14 year old.
You remember this day. They ask you once you get to class why you were late and you say; "I was using the bathroom. I'm sorry for taking so long." Your teacher forgives you and asks you to put your backpack and jacket in the coat room on your hook. You comply and go hang your stuff up and come back to sit on the carpet on a poly spot. Your teacher gets out a lesson board and points to a letter and says; " can anyone tell me what this letter is?"
You were the first to raise your hand and she called on you and said; "ok. Layla. Tell me what this letter is and how it's said if you know it."
You nod your head and say that it's the letter; "A" and say it how it's supposed to be pronounced.
She looks at you surprised that you would know such a thing while the others seemed to lag behind. You just smiled. You knew who you really were.
Then after a while it was time for lunch. You walked down the halls with your classmates and teacher.
You feel yourself beginning to smile and you do.
You feel as if you could stay here, in this happy place where you grew up forever, but you knew you couldn't, you had to leave at some point.
You sighed, clearly saddened by this thought and continued to trudge towards the lunch line punch in.
(Time skip)
I sit at the lunch table unmoving and in a trance-like state not thinking about really anything...I was just really enjoying the pure blissfulness of being back in the past where I felt like I belonged the most. It was then that a teacher came over and tapped my shoulder. I didn't respond to the tap.
It was at this time that the teacher taped me again and asked; "layla? Are you ok? Why are you not eating? You always usually eat without any problem..."
I growled in response. I did not want anybody disturbing me at this moment. I just wanted to be Able to think about thinking about nothing. I just wanted to be able to live in the bliss.
The teacher was shocked by what I did. "Layla? Why did you growl at me? You are not a dog. Answer me."
I then turned around and let all of my killing intent leak out.
The teacher looked surprised and backed up a bit.
I then realized what I had been doing and sighed, calming down.
Once I calmed down enough I turned my eyes up at the teacher, sorrowfully, and uttered a simple; "I'm sorry."
The teacher nodded and accepted my apology and asked me again; "Layla? Are you ok? And also why are you not eating?"
I sighed.
I did not want to answer her, but as much as I didn't want to I had to.
I sighed once more before finnaly saying: "Because I'm not hungry. I ate a lot at breakfast and just don't feel like eating anything. And yes I'm ok. Thanks for worrying."
The teacher was awestruck by my answer but just nodded in the end and said; "Alright, if you ever need anything tell me."
I then smiled and nodded. It was at this moment I said; "actually, there is something I need."
The teacher then smiled at me and said; "Yeah? What is it layla?"
I smiled and said: " I need to talk to 3 teachers that go by the names of Ms.Kellogg, Mrs.sobocinski, and Ms.effertz... Can you please take me to see them?"

The teacher was taken back by how I  knew of any of these teachers. She then sighed and asked;" layla, how do you know of these teachers? Tell me."

I sighed. I should have known it was never going to be easy.
"Let's just say I can see the future."
The teacher just sighed and accepted my answer with a slight smile and shook her head.
"Alright Layla, I'll take you to see them. Go dump your lunch, I'll be waiting at the side door towards the gym."
I smiled and got up to dump my lunch.
I dump my lunch and whispered a polite; "thank-you" to the older kids that helped me dump my lunch faster.
I then made my way towards the side door and met up with the teacher.

"Ready layla?"

I shook my head eagerly. I couldn't wait to talk to them again.
(Slight time skip)
We made our way towards room 1, where Mrs.sobocinski was teaching the 6th graders.
We both walked into the classroom.
Just as the teacher was going to say something I spoke;
"Hello Mrs.sobocinski."
Mrs.sobocinski looked over in my direction to see that I was speaking to her.
"Sorry for interrupting the math lesson Mrs.sobocinski but I have to talk to you."
Mrs.sobocinski looked surprised but then said; "Alright class keep working on the problems that I have assigned you, I will be out in the hall talking to a Student."
The class just heaved a sigh and continued to work on the problems that were assigned.

At this moment I walked out into the hall with Mrs.Sobocinski.

"So who are you?"
"Oh! Me? I'm sorry, my name's layla."
" how do you already know my name layla?"
"Hehe...let's just say I can see the future." I smiled.
Mrs.sobocinski sighed at my actions but then just shrugged it off and smiled.
"So what did you need to talk to me for layla?"

I stopped smiling. I looked down for a moment and allowed all of my seriousness to seep into my eyes. I looked up at her and had much more of a colder, analytical look in my deep brown orbs. An air of seriousness surrounded me, allowing only a small portion of my killing intent to leak out.

Mrs.sobocinski shivered in response.

"I needed to talk to you about the future."
With that I snapped making the world around us disappear.
"Layla? What did you do? Where are we?"
"Where we are and what I did does not matter. What we are going to talk about and what I will do will."
When I said that I allowed a little less than half of my killing intent to seep out into the air. Making the atmosphere heavy and serious.

"Now...let's get down to business." "Ask me the questions that you need the answers to and I will answer them."

Mrs.sobocinski then proceeded to cock her head to the side in thought before asking;

"Layla? Why do you know more than you should for someone your age?"

"Why? Well...I'm not allowed to say... But...another way of putting this is that I can simply tell the future."

Mrs.sobocinski didn't seem to be satisfied with my answer but didn't inquire any further.

"Ok since it seems like you have no more questions to ask me then I shall begin my story."
"Oh...but before I do...I'm going to change my form."
I proceed to Let A white light fill my hands and whisk them around as if they were ribbons.
As I begin to whisk them around I turn with them allowing my body to become tangled within the white light until I was no longer visible.
I then began to sing a ditty and changed back.
I was now 5'8 and 14 years old with mid length dark brown curly hair and dark brown eyes and fairly tan skin.

Mrs.sobocinski was stunned by the display.

"There, better for you to look at me like this rather than as "child" with a 14 year olds' mind."

"Yes? This is how I actually look like."
" I came back to the past to fix the "wrongs" that have been done to everyone else because of me and because I miss this place."

"Well. I guess that you have had me as your sixth grade year then huh?"

"Yup! And even if I hadn't admitted it then, I loved every minute of it!" "Even if sometimes I wanted to give up."

"Well I then, I think it's time that I bring us back to the real world."

With that I snapped my fingers for a second time making the world around us fade in.

"Yeah I know, big switch from one plane to the next."
"Well I'm done talking to you Mrs.sobocinski, goodbye."

"Bye layla see you in seven years."
"Hahaha, right, bye Mrs.sobocinski."

I then walk away and prepare myself to talk to another one of my future teachers.

"Heh...this going to be fun..."
(End chapter)
Hello my fellow readers! I hope you like this chapter! Till next time~ 8)

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