Chapter 8

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"Thank you." I said. "For trying to help me even though it's useless."

"I don't think it's useless Kazuki. I think I can help you if I really put my mind to it." He said and got up off the bed. "I swear to you, I will help no matter what it takes, because you are my friend, and that's what friends do!" He quoted. "Now, I have to go home before my mom worries about me even though I only live next door. Bye Kazuki!" He finished, and left the house to go to his house. I laughed a little bit. I still don't understand why he would want to help me like this. He seems so persistent.

I heard the front door open and mom call up to me, "dinner!" Great, I'm starving. I went downstairs and saw some fried chicken from KFC. (Don't judge.) I rushed over to the table and grabbed a leg  and started eating. We each ate 3 pieces before we were full.

"Thank you for the food mom!" I said and excused myself from the table. I went back upstairs. I have such a boring life at home, and a horrible life at school. What's wrong with me?

My sister came into my room and said "Hey, brother, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I said and patted my bed next to wear I was sitting. When she sat down, I asked, "So, what's the question."

"Can you and Masaki come on a double date with Shiro and I tomorrow?"

"Whoa, Masaki and I aren't even dating Sammy."

"I know, I know, it doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be a real date. You guys can go as friends. But it would be Shiro and my first actual date, so I wanted to know if you could come too because I don't want to be alone." She said. I nodded because I knew what she meant.

"Alright, fine. I'll go to Masaki's house and ask him since I haven't gotten his phone number yet. Maybe I'll get that too while I'm there." I said. She thanked me and went back into her room. I got up and told mom that I was going to Masaki's and I left. When I knocked on the door, Masaki answered it. He looked surprised to see me, and he invited me in.

"Do you have a reason to come over, or are you here just to hang out?" He asked.

"Well," I started. "My sister is going on her first real date with her boyfriend tomorrow and-"

"Boyfriend? Isn't she a bit young?" He interrupted.

"Let me finish. And she wants us to come with her."

"Like a double date? But we're not dating."

"I know that. She says we can just go as friends. But she doesn't want to be alone with him quite yet, so will you come with us?" I asked.

"Hmm. I guess it wouldn't hurt, so why not?" He replied. I thanked him, and told him that I would see him tomorrow and waved good bye. I went to my sister's room and told her that she would. I could tell by her expression that she was excited. The next day showed up. I told mom that I was taking Sammy out for something like brotherly-sisterly bonding time.

We all met up at a park. We were going to an amusement park near there. That seems fun. There are a lot of things that can be done at an amusement park. And I can keep my mind off of Yuu even though I haven't thought much about him these past couple of days. That's weird because usually I think of him all the time. But not to just stop thinking and have a lot of fun. Off to the amusement park!

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